

Ask @BrightTegu

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>It's an addiction to orcish fluids in general, so any sort of sexual contact would do, hell, even a lot of very physical non-sexual contact will do for a while. Professional orc hunter now in gay homo lust for the beings he hunts.

Doesn't work on the same gender, although it's a risk that those who fight orcs of opposite gender do face.

How crazy can we get with fantasy bullshit in OWQ? Like, is ascending as a God, becoming a conqueror of the known-world, or fucking every species of women and coming up with a new race of women to fuck too far-fetched for you to allow?

I mean, to temper peoples' expectations somewhat, I'll probably pick out a good stopping point to end the quest at before those scenarios, although that's probably several years-worth of threads from now. If Ur reaches that stopping point and doesn't screw up, his ascension to godhood is probably going to be epilogue stuff.

If Kul'zog Zor has boons to increase an orc's strength to supernatural levels, do the other orc gods have boons to increase other stats in the same way? Like, would Zol'gor Tor haves boons to increase Agility or Zul'orok Zhar have boons to increase Willpower?

Skor'oz Zik increases Endurance beyond its natural limit. There isn't an orcish god that you know of who increases agility beyond it, that's not really Zol'gor Tor's thing. As for Willpower, that doesn't have a natural limit the way Agility, Endurance and Strength do, so while there are plenty of boons for aiding willpower, there's no need for one to raise it past a limit.

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Would it be advisable for a full-blooded orc to think twice about starting shit with a goblin half-breed? Sure, a full blooded orc would easily beat a goblin half-breed 1 on 1, but the goblin half-breed will likely have both a lot more brothers and sisters and a disinterest in fighting fairly.

Sure, goblin half-breeds have ways of making up for their small size.

Cedargrove isn't a hentai artist, to be fair. Also, what about calmdraws? He does some top tier stuff and dicks. Incase is of course also good for some things. Greengriffin? JJFrenchie? Need some variety here and there, aye.

I'd never actually heard of calmdraws before, but having now googled them I'm very impressed. Incase is a good artist, but I don't feel like his style would work with the setting. Greengriffin I have no idea who that is and google just kept giving me law firms, and JJFrenchie is pretty cool but maybe not exactly the right style for it.

What would orcs think if porn? What about Japanese porn? Would they critique like judges and shit? How would orcs react to the internet? Would you say orcs and goblins would benefit the most out of the internet existing? Side story where orc tribes/clans/hordes get transported to modern day Japan?

>What would orcs think if porn? What about Japanese porn? Would they critique like judges and shit?
Orcs would probably not be all that interested in it, why would they want to sit around watching people bone when they could be out getting women of their own. Now recording their raping and pillaging to release, that they might enjoy, since it would allow them to show off their prowess to people all across the world.
>How would orcs react to the internet?
They're a race of short-tempered sexual deviants, they'd certainly find their place, though they tend to be a little too active for it to become a highly popular thing. There'd probably be a lot more real world bloody rampages due to orcs being trolled.
>Would you say orcs and goblins would benefit the most out of the internet existing?
Goblins certainly, orcs probably no more than most races.
>Side story where orc tribes/clans/hordes get transported to modern day Japan?
That's certainly one way to combat those declining birth rates.

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Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

Bunny girls when? How could you ignore such a species that was the precursor to monster girls? Also yes I know they came out around the same time as cat girls.

I am also following Spook Quest.
As for when, well, let's just say that it's not entirely impossible.

If you had to pick a hentai artist to illustrate the story of OWQ, who would you pick?

Cedargrove, without a doubt. I'd probably ask for the noses to be changed a bit, but that's all.

Valia smut was good, though 2cute2fap unfortunately. The smut with Valia was like petting a really sweet kitten.

Ah well, there'll be more fappable scenes in the future.

Huh, didn't expect your thread to still be up. Are you awake now? Reading through it again, what do you think about the Valia smut you wrote in the end on the verge of sleep?

I'm reasonably okay with it, though I think I could've done a bit better. Oh well, there'll be more Valia scenes in the future to improve upon.

Yo /g/865629/7838708c09/

Awesome. Shame they're going a bit more anteater-face than Kei usually does, but it's not to a ridiculous level, so I can live with it.

I'm thinking to start reading DoEG archives, but I cant find the first thread. Is there any way I can find it?

http://pastebin.com/TrD5P340 I accidentally spelt Elshhu as Elsshu in the tags for the first one. Anyway, all the thread links are in this paste.

Glad to hear you're feeling better mate. Was it the leek?

Dunno, might've been, or one of the other vegetables...

Do you think we will see the release of the Liru project before we become impotent from old age?

I have no idea what that is.

Have you tried sticking a leek up your arse?

All the time.
...Oh wait, you mean for medical reasons, right? No, can't say I have.

>got caught up near the wall Bad Ya'zada, bad! On a raid you have to focus on the objective, you can't just spend the whole time having fun fighting some unimportant chumps!

She wasn't really doing it just for fun, there were a whole lot of cultists and she got caught up in a heavy bit of the fighting. By the time you were fighting Isyil Ya'zada was with the orcs preparing to scale the balcony.

Are there Orcs who adventure without a clan? How are they treated outside of the wastes? Are they immediately shanked to prevent the Orc-D contagion?

There are, but they do have to be careful about where they go. There's not really any places except orcish lands where an orc is welcome (and a clanless orc is always going to be viewed with a bit of suspicion even there), everywhere else it ranged from grudging acceptance and being dogged by the local authorities through to being killed on sight.

What do Sluagh half-breeds generally look like?

small, lightly built, extra flexible, and with a furry tail, which is usually black.

Was Ku'zag around to cast Sanctify Birth on Zo'roks mother? Or is there only so much that the spell could do?

Ku'zag's magic was weaker then than it is now, since the orcs of the kingdom were very out of favor with the gods at the time. He did what he could, but it wasn't enough.

Isn't Ashuris's mind controlled elf sorcerer some kind of plant magician? Could he maybe cultivate more of Zo'rok's paralytic poison in a small herb garden? Nothing major, just enough for the clan's use?

He probably could, yes.

>(passed away a year after he was born from the strain of birthing her whelps) So Zo'rok had had some brothers or sisters? I take it they were claimed by the dangers of the wastes?

Two of them didn't survive the birth, Zo'rok's one remaining sibling was killed by a craglion when she strayed outside the camp a couple of years later.

>(his father died in a goblin ambush) Jesus, that's fucking embarrassing. Were they really bad ass goblins or something? Or is this an object lesson in never underestimating a foe, no matter how physically unintimidating they might be?

Goblins are dangerous. Sure your average orc could tear through multiple regular goblins without slowing down in a straight fight, but they have advantages to make up for the lack of size. Not only are they sneaky little bastards who just love poisons and such, but they have, as I've mentioned before, a sort of genetic mob mentality where in larger numbers they will grow increasingly fearless, throwing themselves screaming at an enemy to overwhelm them through sheer numbers once battle is joined.

I take it Bra'kur, who is even shorter than Zo'rok, has had to school a lot of fools dumb enough to dismiss him because of his height?

Sure has, although being able to throw lightning from your hands goes a long way towards convincing people not to mess with you just because you're short.


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