

Ask @BrightTegu

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I could recommend you some good nonsmut quests, if you'd like. there's OWQ, HMQ, and Banished that you haven't said you read. Out of these Banished is my favorite, Soma is based QM. HMQ's players are prone to arguments. People say Totemist is good, writeins too autistuc for me. HelbonQ aint bad imo.

I did follow Totemist years ago, but I sort of drifted away from it during one of the long breaks. I've been meaning to check out OWQ, and I've read part of Banished, but I need to check it out some more because I'm told that the dice rolling system in it is great and would work better for Golem Knight Quest, so I might catch up on the quest while thieving some of the system.
I don't know anything about HelbonQ or HMQ (whatever that is, I can never remember the different abbreviations), but I'll take a look.

I meant how much of a rapist by "edgelord rapist", is it just rape or bondage-sadism-torture-humiliation rape?

There was the scene with the land spirit in chapter two which crossed too far over into the sadistic for my liking, but aside from that it's mostly been pretty tame with some light bondage and humiliation.

Is Filthy Smut Adventure MC an edgelord rapist?

Not really an edgelord, no, more like an office worker nobody who suddenly discovered he was a wizard.
Definitely a rapist though.

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Ah, I started reading that in a week ago, skipped right to the smut to check quality, then got to the bj/cuddles in bed and decided I would read from the beginning normally instead. Have you read that long thing, with the first pciture being a guy in scifi armor against a dragon(?)? recommend it?

Can't say I've read it, I don't spend a great deal of time on akun.

Leanna in the smut quest on anonkun I linked you. Be warned that it ain't 100% pure smut though, there's action and scifi and bodyhorror and maybe some horror too.

I see. Well, that's fine too, I don't need 100% pure smut to enjoy something.
Besides, when it comes to anonkun I have Filthy Smut "Adventure" for my 100% smut kick, which finally updated today, so lucky me!

Then I can't remember who the sixth femake orc was. There was sneakytits, animaltts, musclesmithtits, milftits, scartits, was there just a small weak one as well? The one who had the fire in her eyes maybe?

There was sneakytits, animaltits, musclesmithtits, milftits, scartits and bigtits (who is the one who's now helping oversee the slaves).

So as far as I can tell, our mates have a tendency/affinity towards Tak'zaya Ska, Kul'zog Zor, and Zol'gor Tor each. I guess muscletits in our clan was also the warrior type, milftits was Y'zagya Zoka, scarredqt was the endurance god, and smith was smithgod affinity, had we taken them as mates?

Pretty much (doesn't necessarily mean all of them a priest material though), but yes, those sound about right, except that muscletits in your clan is Y'zoa, Zo'rok's mate, who is the smithing one.

Ah, that was just my imagination of what Ur would be like at that point, singlehandedly conquering towns and women in a couple minutes. Does an orc get better at sex with experience too?

Of course.

>tfw 100 year old Ur leading a raid on a small village with a casual expression, just walking straight ahead while killing everyone in his way, thinking about how he wants to spend the night >tfw Ur taking the first time of his new 15 year old slave with 85 years of experience, breaking her in 5mins

Going to need a few timeskips for that one, to be sure, since I don't reckon I'll still be running this quest in 85 years!

I'm not even sure we need to switch to a successor, after all, the Goatfoot chief reached 90 and he's still fit and fertile. I think Ur could easily reach that age naturally as well. Add to that, that there may be some magic which can extend lifespans, either by just health, or specific longevity.

Very true, unless Ur dies by unnatural causes this quest can quite happily continue until he's a grizzled old warrior.

Mainly asking because I find myself wondering how this'd be handled if we ever reach Ur'Shal's successor. We may grow fond of a few, but at that point there should be so many a semi-clean slate sounds good. Then again, aside from age and death deciding for us, It'd probably come down tro a vote.

Well, hopefully Ur won't be dying any time soon, so plenty of time to think about it.

I'll just assume that when an orc with mates/slaves dies the chieftain decides where they go, but what does the new chieftain tend to do with the deceased chieftain's harem, when he wasn't a shit-tier tyrant? Is it expected that he keeps them to boost his status or share them to cement his rule?

Up to him, keep the ones he wants, give away the ones he doesn't.
As you said though, concerns of boosting status of winning support might influence his decision.

Where are you in AEQ? I'll be vague: Has MC handled the crystal dragon yet?

Just finished the last part of part 10.

I feel the same, Ashuris has had the most smut scene so far I think, and we need to welcome Ya'zada earnestly, can't afford to spread out our attention tonight. Must live up to 6 years of hype and frustration.

Doing god's work anon.
Well, Y'zagya Zoka's anyway.

LESS THAN 12 HOURS THREAD HYPE. Can we give Ashuris some loving once we sort out how camp will be set up in our rock fortress now that we have tripled in number?

To be honest I wanted to give the other girls some more screentime, Ashuris has had the most scenes so far, she'll get some more sooner or later though.

Damn, I just had the idea of licking Ya'zada's eye-scar and realized how fucking silly, weird, and strange that would be. I mean, licking scars is alright and kinda hot, but her eye-scar? What the fuck is wrong with me?

Well you could always lick the part of the scar that goes down her cheek and jaw, it's a long scar.
...still be a bit weird though. Lucky for you she has other scars.

Also, I decided right now to dedicate my first orgasm of the year to Ya'zada. I may have to pass on doing it during today's thread though, I can kind of want to save up, you know, to give the action some weight.

Oh boy, now I feel kind of under pressure.
(no pun intended)

Oh god don't remind me of that. >female ejaculation is too violent/dangerous so it's illegal I still can't honestly 100% believe that this got put in law.

Cameron has gotten far too used to passing laws without actually telling the public what he's doing until after the laws are in place.
At least it led to a facesitting protest I guess, that was pretty funny.

Yeah, not expecting you to just write it out as is, though I kind of doubt that you'd be able to include no part of it in any actual Ya'zada scene you may write. No need to publish it on ask either, I just had to get it out of my system

Too late, It's already on ask.

con. and probably she wants to be taken hard I guess(???) so doing that, from behind, while standing, us holding her up, one leg raised up, etc. But this is all too silly to work out this way, so I'll trust you instead.

...well I can't say you haven't given the matter a lot of thought, that's for sure.

con. then pulling her into our lap while to let her ride as the way she wants while we hold hands and look into each others' eyes, faces just two inches apart, finishing once again in her, then ask her what she wants con.


con. letting her touch and smell us as well, clinging to each other, then slow insertion in the missionary style, fucking while kissing, then if we can make her come switching to going harder by us sitting up, eventually finishing in her con.



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