

Ask @BrightTegu

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Does the Great Serpent count as an animal for the purpose of pleasing Tak'zaya Ska, or is it too intelligent?

Well, I mean, it's not like Tak'zaya Ska is opposed to hunting the deadliest game.

Does Tak'zaya Ska value solo hunts the highest? I thought we might use hunting the Great Serpent as an opportunity to get that hunt with our two bros down as you said they wanted to, but I don't want to miss what is likely our best chance to get on huntgod's good side.

Yes, devoting a solo hunt to Tak'zaya Ska (ending with you eating the heart of your prey) is a very good way to impress her.

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Has Ur hunted in the jungle yet? How are the bandersnatches doing, are they mounts, or hunting dogs, or what?

>Has Ur hunted in the jungle yet?
A little bit, yes, he's been on a few hunts since moving down there.
>How are the bandersnatches doing, are they mounts, or hunting dogs, or what?
Hunting dogs. While bandersnatches are strong enough to support an orc, they are short and squat in build, so aren't really suited for riding unless you want your legs dragging along the ground.

So how early would Y'zagya introduce her sons to the joys of incest? Would she take them as soon as were able to impregnate a woman or would she wait for them to get a bit of experience under their belt first before she'd screw them?

It depended on what mood she was in at the time, really.

Have there been any notable orc archers?

Wurmslayer Or'luk, a large orc who custom built a massive, heavy, longbow which required such great strength to draw that even most orcs couldn't handle it. He sought out and slew countless great and powerful beasts, although he had a particular grudge against Wurms following the destruction of his clan at the "hands" of a group of Necrotic Wurms.
Or'luk was accurate enough to put an arrow through a Wurm's eye at nine hundred paces, not that that was even really necessary, considering that his massive arrows were more than capable of punching straight through scale and bone.

Does Kul'zog Zor have a soft spot for orc sorcerers who specialize in fire magic? Or does he prefer orcs set people on fire the old fashioned way?

Yes, despite not being a sorcerer himself, Kul'zog Zor's domain does include fire magic, and he does have sorcerers amongst his worshipers, all of whom will learn the fire arcana in addition to any other arcanas, generally other arcanas that include massive, flashy, destructive effects.
Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

I can see why Zol'gor Tor would have blades since he was an assassin, I can see Tak'zaya Ska having animals, Zul'orok Zhar having iron, and Y'zagya Zoka having fertility/regeneration. But how did Kul'zog Zor come to reign over the domain of fire, on top of wrath/glorious combat? Was he a fire mage?

Nope, it was more a symbolic thing, Kul'zog Zor's horde being likened to a terrible fire that devoured all in its path by his enemies. Also he really liked burning things.
Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

Does the good Ur has done outweigh his softness in the eyes of the clan?

I mean, Ur still straight up murders people for badmouthing him, so it's not like his clan think he's a fluffy kitten, they just think he's a bit soft on his slaves.

I see you're no stranger to making tragic backstories. When did you figure out Za'ria's story? Did you just make it up on the spot.

I've had Za'ria's backstory in mind since before you even met her.

Would ducking the hive mind queen help alleviate the going insane problem? Are queens too ugly to Fuck?

It is not a problem that can be alleviated, it would require vast magical resources devoted towards researching methods of harnessing the hive mind and reshaping it to your will, and with those sorts of resources you could probably find a far superior way of doing it than using kulakin anyway.

Have there ever been schisms in the Y'zagya Zokan priesthood due to disagreements regarding dogma? Like what responsibilities exactly the strong have for the betterment of orcs? Or if birthing halfbreeds or fullblooded orcs is more pleasing to Y'zagya Zoka?

Of course, no religion in the world that's been around for more than a few decades can claim to have avoided at least one schism in their time.

Would an orc slaying and cooking a Primordial Wurm would be considered a truly legendary feat?

Considering that no mortal has ever slain a Primordial Wurm, yes, it would.
Primordial Wurms are creatures whose length is measured in hundreds of kilometers, entities born in the dawn of time and possessed of an utter loathing for all mortal life stemming from some ancient dispute the details of which are lost to prehistory. When Primordial Wurms awaken whole civilizations fall, and even when they don't, their restless dreams can drive countless mortals to madness and destruction.
Ra'gak trying to actually carve meat from a Primordial Wurm could be seen as either an act of ultimate hubris or utter madness, probably both. Most orcs will shrug and say you've got to respect the balls of him for trying, even if they're glad he didn't succeed.

How does Zul'orok Zhar feel about orcish necromancers raising dead orcs? Is it okay as long as it being done for the betterment of orcs? Or is that crossing a line?

He's a bit leery about it done for the sake of it, he'd be more okay about orcs raised as free-willed undead to aid their living kin than orcs raised as mindless zombie hordes though.
He has no problem at all with orcish necromancers desecrating all the non-orcish corpses they please though!

In the case of Ra'gak The Fat and other eccentric orcs, as long as an orc is badass enough, and is useful to his fellow orc, they can pursue whatever passion they please, correct?

Pretty much. Many orcs find Ur's soft touch with his slaves rather strange, but most just shrug it off since Ur doesn't seem to be any weaker for that particular harmless eccentricity.

We have been getting a lot of background info for milf God, do you have Amy for the other gods like who they were before becoming deities? Also is it safe to assume the worthy islands are in a land far away to the point of if we ever go searching for them that it would be late game shit?

I've mentioned Zol'gor Tor's origin before on ask, namely that Zol'gor was a legendary orcish assassin who wound up backstabbing his way to kingship. Kul'zog Zor was once Kul'zog, a giantish slave who led a revolt that overthrew his masters and proceeded to blaze a trail of destruction through the (now long gone) Giantish Kingdom of the Heavenly Rains at the head of a growing horde of ex-slaves and other orcs flocking to his banner. It only lasted some six years before he was killed by a powerful curse, but it's a six years that has been burned into the memory of a large chunk of the world.
As for Tak'zaya Ska and Skor'oz Zik, they are both far more ancient deities, and there are dozens upon dozens of conflicting stories about their mortal lives.
>Also is it safe to assume the worthy islands are in a land far away to the point of if we ever go searching for them that it would be late game shit?
Well, you could reach them in theory as soon as you seize a port on the eastern coast of your current landmass, if you wanted to take the long trip south-east.

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What's to prevent a god from uplifting all of their followers as divine servants? Does each uplifting take (even temporarily) some power, preventing mass uplifting?

All mortals who don't wind up in the Crone Lands or have their soul eaten by something nasty become divine servants after death. It's very much a divine arms race, but it isn't exponential due to the rate at which divine servants are destroyed in battle with rival deities/the abyss, and the rate at which divine servants fade back into the crucible to rejoin the energies of creation (which generally happens to the weaker ones who lack the will to maintain their divine form for more than a few decades).
Becoming a divine servant is by no means a promise of eternal life, just another step along the way of being mortal in the setting.

Would the old skyhunter chieftain have a 6 in strength due to the half giant blood

He was a 5.
6 is more the realm of full blooded giants (on the shorter end of the giantish size spectrum).


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