

Ask @BrightTegu

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What exactly got you banned? Need specifics Boss

Posting in an off-topic thread, making some off-topic posts.
I got caught up in the mass bans when the mod carpet bombed the thread.
Nothing all that exciting honestly.

Will Koz'raks harpy babbies finally hatch?

They really should have hatched already but I completely forgot with all the other things going on.

Little tip: Metamorphosis by Kanbe You can thank me later

Huh, the only version on sadpanda is in spanish. It looks good though, I shall have to track down an english version.
I can't truly enjoy my fap without context and plot after all.

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I would like to preemptively vote to spend more time with animals, as has been discussed here before, or at least put the idea in your mind, remind you of it.

Rest assured that will be a choice.

How was Ur's archery/vultureriding training been going up to the shitstorm incident?

It's coming along. When the current situation is resolved I'm going to skip ahead a bit more again to the end of clearing out the Gaunts and give you all some options on how to increase Ur's stats over the timeskip.

Considering your tastes, I hope you're aware of these two: g/271982/2884af4c9b/ g/596332/6e867d8a0e/

Nice, thanks anon.

Sorry, the previous question should have been. A MILF who is your own mother, or your Christmas Cake Aneki(who may or may not also be your teacher)?

Christmas Cake or MILF?

I can't choose. They're both so good.
If I was forced too, I guess I would say Christmas Cake, unless we're talking about an incest scenario, then MILF. Either way it's a victory by a very narrow margin.

>tall Good taste, Maruta does good stuff, you know. g/807394/7d64530014/ g/763420/1bd133a031/ g/550233/9a0916789b/ g/550644/18bd0d3b0a/ Though short isn't bad either. g/812514/5367421220/ (bonus: RAITA also does real good stuff, not just tall girls only, but for example: s/324762f5f4/488312-13)

Maruta and RAITA are both good, RAITA especially. Thanks anon.

Do we know when on Tuesday GKQ is planned for?

Some time between 1600 and 1700 UTC. Depends on how quickly I get back from watching Fury Road.

(>being the priests of the male gods the only thing females can't do in orc culture?)(>Pretty much, yeah.) No female berserker Priestesses of Kul'zog Zor? Why even live?

Oh whoops. I read the shaman bit without reading the whole question properly, my bad, somewhat sleep deprived right now.
Yeah, there are female priests of the individual gods. There's a lot less female priests of some, like Zul'orok Zhar and Kul'zog Zor. However that's because there are those who view them as male-only positions, and some clans do outright ban their females from joining the priesthoods of male gods, but that's a cultural thing for individual clans rather than orckind as a whole.
Also, berserkers don't necessarily have to be priests of Kul'zog Zor, though all worship the berserker-god.

You're not one of those plebeian lolihaters, are you?

No, though don't expect any loli scenes to be appearing in any of my current quests.

Tall tomboys or short tomboys?

Tall tomboys, all the better to have some hidden awkwardness about their height making them unladylike.

Do you brts have today off as well? It's a Christian holiday today, but I don't know how your heretic church works.

Bank Holiday, it's not for religious reasons, but we do get the day off.

Is being shamans and being the priests of the male gods the only thing females can't do in orc culture?

Pretty much, yeah.

Why must you give in to the allure of shitposting so easily?

The siren call was too much for me. I looked into the thread and saw something which was just too damned easy to reply to.

(>Are all shamans male?) (>Orcish ones are.) Is this an orcish culture thing or do orc females not posses the capability to be shamans?

It's a cultural thing.

Who is worst? Landrenovation lady? Chinese girl? Childhood friend? Megumi?

Megumi for being boring.
I don't really even count childhood friend as one of the options.

That aphrodisiac bee venom thing was in response to what you said about fey. "There's looking for alternatives, and there's poking a bee hive with your d*ck(don't want to be banned or something)". But hey, at least it's not a wasp hive.

I know, it just also sounded like someone's magical realm, erotic bee stings to the dick.
I mean, I'm sure if you searched hard enough you could find someone who's drawn a picture on DA.
If you do find such a picture, don't feel the need to post it here however...

To be fair Erina isn't universally awful to EVERYONE around her anymore, but she still hasn't done enough to make up for her earlier behavior. Besides, even if she did, Alive and Ikumi both have way more attractive personalities, and now Rindou is shaping up to be quite top tier as well.

Maybe she'll grow on me with time, but right now Erina is still second-worst girl for me.

When will you people realize Erina is best grill?

When she stops being universally awful to everyone around her, I would imagine.

>tfw bees whose venom actually causes extreme pleasure and make the testes produce a unique type of aphrodisiac in addition to whatever orcs produce already

I'm sure that's someone's magical realm.

So basically, there's no way to know whats the simplest solution when dealing with fey. Could we just meet an ancient super powerful fey, and start insulting it to its face, piss on its shrines, rape its daughters, and be rewarded greatly for it?

There's looking for alternative solutions and then there's poking a beehive with your dick.
I mean, I'm not saying it's impossible it could work, there is probably some super powerful fey out there who would find the whole thing hilarious, but better odds are it would end badly.


Language: English