

Ask @BrightTegu

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Man, Ya'zada is hardcore. >Man, I feel like shit, wait, people are trying to take over chiefhood from Ur? >Okay, let me just go and talk some sense into this retard. >Oops, I ended up smashing his balls and ripping off his head with my bare hands. >Well, all's well that ends well!

Ya'zada is not the most complicated woman, but as Zo'rok said: "Can't argue with results".

Do the different kinds of dragons count as separate races? Can dragons o ly breed with the same kind of dragons? Is Xipil older than Slaggyr? So far we have 5 out of the N races on the to-bang checklist. Yay progress!

>Do the different kinds of dragons count as separate races?
They're all dragons, but they are different races of dragons, yes.
>Can dragons o ly breed with the same kind of dragons?
No, they can breed with other types. They inherit the type of their mother, hence why the two dragons who drove off Slaagyr are half-sisters, one an air dragon, one an earth dragon.
>Is Xipil older than Slaggyr?
You don't know.

Man, are dwarf throats+mouths even long enough to go to the base? Would Ur be in/at the entrance of their stomach?

It would be going down a long way, that's for sure.

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>Lokasi, a proud elven warrior, probably OLD >is shorter than a barely adult human girl CUTE!

She is the oldest member of your harem by a significant margin.

>Ur's D is literally one quarter of her full height Holy hell Remind me again, are goblins generally shorter than dwarves?

Goblins and Sluagh are on average slightly shorter than dwarves, but only by an inch or two. They tend to weigh less due to less muscle and lighter builds of course.

>her full height is 53.9325842694% of Ur'shal's Poor girl is going to be terrified who she has to deal with, not like the other orcs wouldn't have already make her scared but Ur is a bit taller than even Dru'ak. Hope the orc magic works, otherwise I don't know how she will survive her first scenes.

Orcs have banged dwarves in the past, the magic works.

Ah shit I just realized I forgot about the dwarfu. Hmm, how much smaller is the dwarfu then the other haremettes? How much smaller is she then Ur?

Dwarfu is just over 4ft tall. Ur is 7'5". The smallest member of the harem besides Dwarfu is Lokasi at 5'6".

Do Dru'ak and Zo'rok still go out hunting?

Sure, when they can spare the time. Ur gets the feeling that both of them would quite like to go hunting with Ur sometime, just the three of them, like old times.

Will Ur be able to just walk into the tents where her harem are held without the harem learning of Ur's return? how would he go about setting up Zo'rok and Dra'kur bringing the harem together in the chief's tent without them finding out about his return? I imagine will have to deal with upstarts 1st

Maybe so, up to you.

Will Inka be the happiest slave in the wastes/on this side of the wall/on the continent/in the world when Ur returns? How about when she finds out she's pregnant, and when she gives birth? Keep the quality of crying a secret. Maybe it'd be better if you kept the happiness a secret too...

Okay, I will keep it a secret.
She will be very happy though, that should be obvious.

>group hug initiates >Lokasi stays still on the ground, looking on with a hard to read face >tell her to not be shy >she runs up and hugs Ur tightly fanfic/10

Just like my tsundere animes.

>Ur's head between ogretits >two musclegirls on the side >Aleida and K'zala in his arms hugging his chest >Inka and Lokasi with their faces buried in his crotch, hugging his leg I think only Aurora is left, but she's bound so no group hug for her I guess.

That's a good welcome.

>appreciates discipline through fear I know what to do with Ur now. How would asking those who tried to be chiefs to step forward work, giving them the chance of a duel, and straight up killing those who didn't step forward? Maybe make it so if Ur wins, he has right to their mates if he wants?

It could work, though that could also potentially cost you Bra'kur and Lo'zol.

Just throwing out ideas, the Ur/6 would indeed be hard to write I guess, keep it in mind if you ever feel like a challenge I guess, or just never write it. Did you lose the character ideas list too? What color is Lokasi's hair? Will it be time for a group hug once Ur's harem sees him again?

Still got the character ideas list.
>What color is Lokasi's hair
Black. Due to the fact that most orcs are dark haired, Cragfolk women are pale skinned dark haired, and the jungle elves are brown-skinned and dark haired, most of your harem has dark hair right now. Going to need to fix that soon.
>Will it be time for a group hug once Ur's harem sees him again?
Well, it will start off as a group hug at least. I'd imagine it will evolve into something more.

How erect was Kul'zog Zor/Zol'gor Tor When Ya'zada beat up and ripped off the head of Ra'kur? Basically, how much did they like it, and who liked it more? Did Ya'zada get a Kul'zog Zor favor for finishing the poomonster?

They both enjoyed it, though for different reasons. Kul'zog Zor appreciates a good bloody fight to the death to show dominance, Zol'gor Tor appreciates discipline through fear.
I do need to give Ya'zada some favor for her recent actions actually, I'll try to have that all done for next thread.

Hmm, how about noncanon scene/first night/celebration/whatever(?) with all the 6 initial female Stonetusk orcsnat once? I guess, if Ur had taken them all for himself, which I admit likely wouldn't have been a smart move for several reasons(initial stamina+politics).

I'll do my best, though that many people at once would make it hard to go into much detail on each.

Noncanon omake of Ur's first night/celebration had he chosen different mates? Just for the initial compatibility and how it'd work after he became familiar with them? Not sure how to do pairings, up to you I guess, can be one on one or not, involve some of his current mates or not, what works best?


>lost the list Ur/Pia, Ur/4slaves(of Dra'koz), Ur/Sho&K'zala after Ur gets his first boon, the rest of the celebration scenes. These were the old ones I remember. Maybe Ur helping break in a particularly strongwilled communal slave?

Thanks, will build a new list.

I kind of feel bad about taking Vaki's treasures and only giving some shitty shinies and matings in return. If she became ours, would all her things be ours by proxy, and we would never have to take anything from her again? Do we still have a chance to deal with the screamer after we get back home?

If Vaki was part of your harem, then yes, everything that belongs to her belongs to you.
Screamer's not going anywhere, and Vaki can bring you back if you ever want to face it.

I just woke up at 1pm, you really know how to keep people awake, though you weren't the only one, in fact I sadly missed the very last update and Q&A. Why is Vaki such a qt?

Fey qtness powers I guess.

How long did it take Vaki to take those 3 matings? Did she have to get Ur hard or was he ready on his own? How did it live up tothe matig when Ur was awake? Does 1 mating count as Ur cumming once? If so, how many times did Vaki climax? Did we miss our chance to deal with the screamer forever?

Ur doesn't take much coaxing to get hard, even while unconscious and sleeping off the aftereffects of a near-death experience.
As for what counts as one mating, however long it took Vaki to feel like she'd gotten her money's worth.
>Did we miss our chance to deal with the screamer forever?
Vaki brought you in once, she could do it again if you want to take a shot at the screamer. Be prepared for a hard fight though.

>cont. I think beyond the general appeal all taboos tend to have, a lot of /ss/ is just about either abusing or subverting power-imbalances, which is why it is almost always combined with teachers, christmas cakes, milfs, older sisters, etc. Some self inserting may apply, but it always does in porn.

You may be on to something there, anon.

Isn't the appeal of /ss/ rather simply that it adds another layer of power-imbalance and taboo to any given scenario? Whether femdom or older women being seduced or dominated, /ss/ tends to amplify the fetishes already in place and with more vanilla storylines provides the taboo in the first place.


Can I make a request for smut where Ur's mates are domming his (reluctant) slaves while he's out hunting or something, with some bondage thrown into the mix please?

I'm sure you can, any slave(s) in particular you'd like to see starring in that one?

What does Ur'shala even look like?

Over seven foot tall, powerful muscles mixed with a full, curvy figure, plenty of battle scars just like Ur. The traditional feminine ideal for orc women.
Basically, she'd look like a younger version of Ur's mom.


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