

Ask @BrightTegu

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What's your opinion on home use of VR? Seems like it's a waste of money that'd quickly lose it's luster to the common man imo

I don't know about the common man but I'm pretty excited for it.

I'm happy gkq has had no smut so far and even if it does in the future it win't go full degeneracy, it doesn't attract a particular type of shit players as much this way

GKQ will most likely have some smut in the future, but it'll be far less regular and more vanilla than the other two quests.

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>The only other problem is that it seems to have... well, imprinted on you, and has picked up some of your personality traits in a bizarre sort of way.// so we can expect Raka to get bigger because of Fey dickery or is that limited to personality traits?

So far it seems to be personality only, but who knows, fey are blobs of intelligent magic given form, so they can do some weird things.

At some point in time I'd like to toss a little Ur'shal cameo into The Tribe. "I heard from a sailor that a massive, tusked warlord pillages an entire continent to the west, turning every woman he meets into an obedient thrall!" Or other such lip service. May I? - Lost

I'm flattered, go for it.

Would best DC have been for shocking handshake+start chocking her? Make her incapable of speaking for spells, plus make the brain lack oxygen.

Who knows, guess you'll have to decide on that one if you ever go through with the shock handshake.

What stat would've given a modifier to the attempted capture, had we went with the shockhandshake+etc. plan? Melee/Strength? Agi?

It would've been strength. She wasn't trying to avoid the handshake so it would've been a roll to hold onto her until she was unconscious.

Am I understanding it right that Yself's business offer includes participating in combat on our side for a price?

Sure, she'd fight for you if you paid her.

How was the spider attached to the stick?

You skewer it. Wasteland spiders are big, mean things which can survive in that state for a while, and are in an even more foul mood than usual during that time, making them perfect weapons.

Who of the coven will give birth first?

Hard to say, since they all got knocked up fairly close to each other.

C-could we still hold a battle royale though? Would the other orcs mind?

No, they'd probably find it entertaining.

Maybe you could practice with writing one of the previous scenes from Kosal's perspective, if you want. Not sure how effective that'd be.

Dunno, might give it a try sometime.

Rank our mates by how much they breastfeed.

The rest haven't had whelps yet, so their milk's not really what your growing brood need at this stage.

But really, how hard would it have been to capture Yselt during the handshake? DC 50?

Can't answer that, since you might still try it someday.

What's Y'zagya Zoka's stance on... animal husbandry?

Since it can't make whelps, she's not a big fan, but Y'zagya Zoka was also a total pervert, so she's not going to get angry at an orc for their perversions as long as they're still doing their duty and breeding the proper way.

What are the symptoms of orc meat withdrawal? How long does it take for the symptoms to appear? Would someone know if they were addicted but haven't experienced withdrawal yet, or is it not something that people naturally realize while having plenty of supply of it?

Withdrawl symptoms involve mood swings and sexual frustration, growing more pronounced over time. Those suffering withdrawl will do their best to seek out orcs, preferably the orc they're most familiar with, though after a while such distinctions start to become less important, eventually they will settle for just trying to jump anything with a dick, hoping to recapture that feeling they get from orc meat.
Of course, most manage to fight through the withdrawl before it reaches that stage, but the particularly addicted or weak-willed can be stuck in that state forever, desperately trying to find anything to fill the void (no pun intended).
Of course even if someone makes a full recovery, it is still very easy to relapse should they be around orcs. Especially if it's an orc whose D they are familiar with.

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Orc whelp battle royale for the right of being the chieftan's heir when?

Unless there's some truly hardcore whelps out there, they probably won't be seizing any rights to succeed Ur.

Seems to me like 4chan is kill

Seems that way. If it's not back fairly soon I'm going to call the thread there.

Do orcs have whelps fighting matches? I have a feeling they would since they also have animal fighting pens. It would be a fun story plus it sounds orcish enough to have since it would encourage the whelps to be strong since they would also he rewarded by what ever orc whelps would want.

>Do orcs have whelps fighting matches?
Not in any sort of widespread capacity, no, but orcs like watching fights, so if whelps start brawling, they're probably going to stop to watch.

Whew, good thing the Iquani don't live in the snowy mountains or the freezing poles. Just think, otherwise we might have had to cuddle with Quala while completely naked to preserve our bodyheat! Good thing we managed to avoid that!

You'd have to head north of the empire and the expanse for that level of cold. Maybe someday, eh.

So, how is today looking for an Iquani celebration?

Not great, unfortunately, it's probably going to be tuesday now.

So, let's keepcount now. 2 humans, 1 shadefolk, 2 greenskins, 1 nymph. And those are just the confirmed ones there's also the rebellious tomboy and the twins.

Always room for more.


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