

Ask @BrightTegu

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Do you roll for the "potential" of Ur's children at birth to decide whether they'll ever become relevant, do you let that emerge from the future events somehow or do you simply decide with GM fiat? Not actually sure which of these I'd prefer myself. Leaning to rolling with modifiers for "advantages"

Haven't really decided yet, since right now the most impressive feat Ur's children will be achieving is walking.

Is the Alchemy skill in OWQ used solely for making magic potions? Or can a skilled alchemist transmute stuff as well?

Yeah, it can be used for transmutation too.

At what age do the various races start to look old, and lose fertility?

With dwarves it's around 150 years, with giants around 100, with sluagh and elves it varies wildly, but at least a couple of hundred years. Orcs age at around the same rate as humans, though regular mating and combat seems to slow the speed at which their age shows and their fertility fades. An orc who is acting properly could be well into their sixties before they start looking old, and could remain fertile until their dying day.

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Who lifted the two War gods up as Divine Servants?

Kul'zog Zor was uplifted by Vor'ak Kal, a provincial orcish god of war in the east who you do not believe exists any longer following some sort of divine dispute.
Zul'gor Tor was uplifted by Zul'orok Zhar, for reasons you are not entirely clear on, since a lot of Zul'gor Tor's life is a mystery.
Liked by: john doe

Do the Bandersnatch have the ability to sense magic, being fey and somewhat magical themselves?

To a very vague degree, but it's unlikely that it would sense magical traps unless it was trained to do so.

Shame Za'ria is not for mate because of how she is, seems like it'd be appropriate to claim and impregnate her if she got fertile again.

One of the main reasons for Za'ria's lifestyle is because she is infertile, since she cannot have a mate she just sleeps around. If she was made fertile again, your clan would probably expect her to become someone's mate.

Do you have character backstories like Za'ria's written down somewhere?

No, I knew what Za'ria's backstory was, but I only ever wrote it down in the actual thread, it's the same for everyone else.

I assume it doesn't count as a solo hunt even if we only take someone along to deal with magical traps?


Would our hestpiece help with said traps? Does using animals in hunts decrease how much it pleases Tak'zaya Ska? Does one need to be a caster to detect magical traps and the sort? Could Zul'orok Zhar theoretically help out, since it's foreign magic?

>Would our chestpiece help with said traps?
The ones which affect your mind or inflict curses, certainly.
>Does using animals in hunts decrease how much it pleases Tak'zaya Ska?
A sacred hunt is one you do completely solo, but she still approves of hunting animals so it's not like using them in regular hunting is going to influence how much she approves of you.
>Does one need to be a caster to detect magical traps and the sort?
No, it is possible with a very high thievery roll.
>Could Zul'orok Zhar theoretically help out, since it's foreign magic?
He could, if you had access to more of his magic, the way he sees it that breastplate is all the help you're getting until you prove yourself some more.

Who has the bigger hate boner for giants: Zul'orok Zhar or Y'zagya Zoka?

Probably Y'zagya Zoka, Zul'orok Zhar has no more hatred for giants than any other non-orcish race who doesn't know their place.

Who were the original orcish gods?

Who knows. You know that Tak'zaya Ska and Skor'oz Zik are both ancient beyond measure, but were they the first? As for the others, there are a few scattered details, but mostly their names have been forgotten, or struck from orcish oral history.

Congratulations on 3000 answered asks!!!! Glory to the Warlord!!!!

My profile shows 2300 answered asks.
I suppose that doesn't count the ones that got lost when people got banned though.

I think Ur is like 16, but can I get a remainder to the ages of the haremettes? Also Za'ria?

K'zala is 14, Sho'ka 16, Ya'zada is 29, Ashuris is 26, Aleida is 36, Inka is 16, Lokasi is 89, Aurora is 18, Bryna is 54, Izannia is either 25 or several hundred years old depending on how you look at it, and Za'ria is 41.

How's that pastebin smut coming along? Which ones have you started, out of curiosity?

I am working on a couple of things at the moment. Among other things I am hoping to get another three scenes done for Bryna, Izannia and Lokasi which took place over the timeskip.
Liked by: Spencer Rutherford

So Za'ria has bumped Ur'shal from top ten to top five. Have any of our mates and slaves also noticed an improvement in his performance?

Considering that with the exception of Za'ria, Ur is the best the rest of them have ever had, they haven't particularly noticed.

Any notable loot we got over the timeskip, or will you work that out in the future only? Will we get some Bryna and Izannia dialogue in the next 3 threads?

There will be a loot list next thread.
>Will we get some Bryna and Izannia dialogue in the next 3 threads?
I would expect so, yes.

Aside from the giants, are there any other races that take orcs as slaves?

Some human and elven societies have, generally in smaller numbers. Giants are the ones who do it the most though, among other reasons because they are the only race that can rely on being able to overpower said slaves.

While hunting and killing the Elder Serpent in the jungle by himself would be pleasing to Tak'zaya Ska, would a solo hunt actually be something Ur'shal could pull off? Ya'zada said something about Elder Serpents being very nasty and not to be underestimated.

They are very dangerous, and Ur is not well suited to dealing with the layers upon layers of magical traps it has likely surrounded itself with.

Since Or'kug is at a Stealth 5, does that mean he's supernaturally stealthy?

No, strength is kind of a special case with its racial cap.

Have you named all the whelps birthed to Ur? Should his whelps be a part of Ur's character sheet?

I am not naming ever whelp Ur has, because let's be honest, that number is probably going to reach the thousands eventually. A few of your whelps who stand out from the group will get added fluffing out as things progress, but not all of them, because that would be crazy.

So much longer will it take for Ashuris and the rest of the ogre coven to give birth to some brand new orc/ogre whelps?

A little while yet, the ogre gestation period seems to be longer than the human and orcish one.

Sho'ka's training with Vor'zal has made her more animalistic. Has K'zala's training with Or'kug made her colder and more ruthless?

Not that Ur has noticed, although Ur never really tested the limits of K'zala's ruthlessness beforehand.

Would solo hunting the Elder Serpent be out of Ur ability?

It would be very difficult, especially since Ur has no way of detecting magical traps while operating solo.

Wouldn't a solo hunt also.please hobo God?

Not particularly, although it might overlap if you were hunting your prey in a particularly harsh and unforgiving environment.


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