

Ask @BrightTegu

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Do dragons that end up with a Dragoncult early or somehow manage to hatch with one usually get themselves a Lamia form or does their humanoid form necessarily have to be strictly humanoid?

Lamia forms are a possibility, but even among those who get a cult early or are born into one, they are pretty rare.

Also, if lamias are one group of descendants of dragons, what are the others? Dragons are divided by element; are their descendants also so divided? Halfbreeds we know yes, but the distant ones like lamias and whatever else?

Drakes and Zmey are the only ones divided by element. Other descendants of dragons are Wyverns, Hydra, Lamia and various lizard-monsters with elemental traits such as Thunder Lizards.
Sea Serpents, Lindwurms and Leviathans are not descended from dragons, but from wurms.

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Further, would a lamia dragon-cult continue to follow a dragon that had begun to serve another power, like if we made one a harem member, or if one became an Abyssal Dragon? Are there lamia who aren't dragon cultists, or does the progenitor figure thing mean they all cult up to some extent?

>Further, would a lamia dragon-cult continue to follow a dragon that had begun to serve another power, like if we made one a harem member
Who knows, if such a situation has ever happened before, Ku'zag has never heard of it.
>or if one became an Abyssal Dragon?
I suppose that depends on how charismatic and cunning the dragon in question was after being corrupted. When Draumkultir the Prince of Storms turned to abyssal magic to overcome his curse, he dragged his entire cult down with him before any of them even realized they had become abyssal cultists.
On the other hand when the twin dragons Lokasis and Volorosivak were corrupted by the abyssal runestones of the Ghostmarch, their former high priestess uncovered their new abyssal status long before it became obvious and led most of their cult against them.
>Are there lamia who aren't dragon cultists, or does the progenitor figure thing mean they all cult up to some extent?
There are plenty of lamia who just worship a collection of ancient dragon ancestors and don't buy into the whole living dragon cult of personality thing, not to mention some that have turned to the worship of actual gods over their draconic ancestors, and there's a vicious divide between them and the dragon cult.

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I imagine it's not uncommon for dragons to reward favoured lamia cultists by making halfbreeds with them, which would also strengthen the cult just by virtue of half dragons being powerful servants. How do lamias treat the non-half-lamia offspring of their dragon patrons?

Dragons certainly have been known to fuck favored cultists.
>How do lamias treat the non-half-lamia offspring of their dragon patrons?
However the dragon wants them to be treated.

Given that a chieftain at fault for horrific situations hitting the clan is both a shit one and not one for long, is it accurate to assume that most with Skor'oz Zik favour earned it like Or'kug by getting into a pretty shit situation through little/no fault of their own, which can't be aimed for?

Kinda, yeah.

Do dragons usually fuck nondragons, or are they too proud to associate with lowly beig in such a way? Do they use them as slaves/toys when doing so, or can they become romantically attached while in control? Do they fuck humanoids, or things like Great Serpents too? I assume it varies by individual.

>Do dragons usually fuck nondragons, or are they too proud to associate with lowly beig in such a way?
They are certainly known to.
>Do they use them as slaves/toys when doing so, or can they become romantically attached while in control?
Varies by dragon, though most don't get romantically involved since they figure that the mortal will be dead long before them.
>Do they fuck humanoids, or things like Great Serpents too?
Humanoids and other intelligent reptiles, which yes, can include Great Serpents. Not Wurms though, at least never willingly.

So lamia dragon-cults. Do lamia actually believe dragons are divine, or is it more a cult-of-personality kind of thing? Dragons don't actually consider themselves divine, do they?

Lamia believe themselves to be (one of) the descendants of dragons, whom they see as divine beings made flesh, it's kind of like ancestor worship combined with a central "god-king" figure in the form of a living dragon. Though of course some of the smaller cults aren't impressive enough to attract a dragon who deigns to control them.
Whether dragons consider themselves divine is questionable, but there are certainly plenty with big enough egos to appreciate a cult springing up around them.

How do Chieftains usually go about earning favor with Skor'oz Zik? Given their position and responsibilities to their clan, it sounds like it wouldn't really feasible for a chieftain to go and wonder around in the wilderness by themselves for months on end.

He's a hard one to get favor with, admittedly, since chieftains usually are in a more cushy position than lone hobo orcs.
Endure and survive horrific shit in spite of all obstacles, that's what Skor'oz Zik likes.

Does whatever humanoid form a dragon develops have any influence beyond determiing its size and physical strength or does for example an elven form lead to more magical aptitude or whatever?

It's just cosmetic really.

If the Crones have no divine servants and don't concern themselves with the mortal world enough to communicate with it, how do people know what their Lands are like? Does necromancy pull souls temporarily from the crone lands in a condition to speak of what they saw, or does it just animate corpses?

>If the Crones have no divine servants and don't concern themselves with the mortal world enough to communicate with it, how do people know what their Lands are like?
Well for one thing, some mortals have been there, it usually ends badly, but occasionally people do return from a trip to the Cronelands.
> Does necromancy pull souls temporarily from the crone lands in a condition to speak of what they saw, or does it just animate corpses?
It can do either or, depending on what magic is used and the general sanity and completeness of the soul in question.

Of course, that idea probably won't come through, since we're unlikely to come across such a scenario. Do dragons use Arcane magic? Can people who use magic tell the difference between divine and arcane magic when they see it?

Yes, dragons use arcane magic.
The best way to tell apart divine from arcane magic is by actually figuring out what the spellcaster is saying when casting their magic, if it's something relating to a deity, it's probably divine magic. Of course since most magic both arcane and divine is spoken in archaic and near-dead languages, not many people actually understand it.
Spellcasters can also tell by way of sensing the flow of magic, but that again is something that have to specifically learn to do.

We love you Warlord. So are we playing as someone other than Ur'shal next thread?

Once the last bit of the council meeting is done, yes, I will give you all a choice of npcs to play as for the remainder of the thread.

In theory, could it make the clan salty if after a successful raid/attack/maneuvre, we took 3 personal slaves at once? (I kinda sorta got the idea of taking a high ranking/class milfgoblin along with her two daughters, and lettin them choose who gies first for some reason, really just a random idea)

The clan kind of expects a chieftain and his lieutenants to take a larger share of the loot, including slaves.
They would only get salty if you took all the women and gave them nothing.

>Halfbreed eggs would probably take a mere 5-7 years. Fuck. How long between eggs/pregnancies?? How does that even work for Male Dragon + Orc Female?

Female dragons are fertile on a three year cycle, so you're looking at about 7-9 years per half-dragon, it's a long process, but many chieftains would consider it worth it.
As for male dragon + orc female, pregnancy lasts 5-7 years, it kind of sucks for the female in question.

One abyssal shaman has ruined the entire Tongueripper clan; how does Sluagh society not simply collapse under the weight of eldritch horrors, if they condone the use of abyssal magic?

Good question, isn't it.

So, considering her age, what size can we expect dragon form dragon waifu to be? A smaller house? Can dargons take on whatever race humanoid form they decide whenever they want to?

Well, they said a few centuries, so anything from the size of a bus up to house sized.
Dragons develop their humanoid form in their first few decades of life and are stuck with it thereafter, so whatever form a dragon picked is there one and only "natural" humanoid form, though of course being magically adept many learn to assume other forms via magic.

All the abyssal things we know have needed mortal bodies to access our world: Lorsyth in shaman, gaunt-parasites in their victims, tomb-thing making its eggs out of corpses. Can the Abyss manifest itself at all without a pre-existing vessel, or is it only here because mortals keep letting it in?

Gaunts can also grow from corpses by directly possessing them where the barrier to the abyss is weak, which is the main reason that bodies that die in abyssally-saturated locations are generally burned.
Possession of living things is the most common form of abyssal manifestation in the mortal realm, but they can also come through directly as horrors due to abyssal magic, or due to weakened barriers to the abyss from past abyssal invasions.
There are far more horrors beyond the deep wastes than there are living things for them to possess after all.

>no thread today

Nope, work's being a bitch and interfering with my time spent writing about an orcish rapist on 4chan. We'll see about an extra long one on Saturday to make up for it.

Hey, I didn't realize another guy had also asked a whole bunch of dragon questions, and didn't think I'd been excessive. Sorry for being snippy about it.


Waifu ideas that would be really sick: Tactician waifu Scientist waifu musician waifu painter/sculptor waifu actress waifu mercenary waifu troop organizer waifu

I already have character concepts in place for four of those, as for the others, we'll see...

How large would a 10 year old Fire dragon be? Car sized? Bus sized? House sized? What about an Earth Dragon?

Car sized.


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