

Ask @BrightTegu

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Yeah, okay I guess it won't beg and cry even if we do manage to kill it, but still, will be satisfying to purge the plane of it.

That's the spirit.

>implying we'll die anytime soon The quest wouldn't be fun for long if we did. We'll pull through, like an orc ought to. Are Zul'orok Zhar's blessings just abyssal protection, or does he also improve shield/armor/weapon?


>that last scene with the abomination whimpering and curling into itself in pain Thank you for this incredibly satisfied feeling you gave me. God, I can't wait to tear it apart, as it begs and cries.

Good luck.

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That is actually super fucking horrible. We really need succession plans in case we bit the fucking dust. Have Orc Chiefs/ Kings nominated successors in the past? I don't want ten super equally strong subordinates if they're gonna fuck the clan over if we die.

It's a difficult one, because if you want a successor strong enough and with enough support to take over your clan easily, you also run the risk of having a successor strong and popular enough to usurp you. You can nominate successors if you wish, but that's far from an official thing, if your clan doesn't like your successor, they won't follow him.
Guess it's something for you to think about.

Well, I assume cunnilingus isn't the only thing there is to being lesbian, so maybe blondie or Ashuris wasn't as good of a rugmuncher but was much better with her hands and such, thus overall performing better, is what I meant.

I see, well then still Rasha.

Oops, "they" was supposed to be "duty", sorry about that, I mean if she got to rest and not work as bicycle.

She's getting as much time off as the rest of the communal slaves now. Which isn't much since you just introduced a bunch of new orcs to the clan, but they're getting at least a few hours rest a day.

Which of the coven is the best rugmuncher, and which is the best general lesbian? Was Rasha off they last night?

I'm nut sure how one ranks "best general lesbian", but Rasha was best rugmuncher.
I also don't know what "Was Rasha off they last night" means.

Since Y'zagya Zoka is the successor to the old Orcish god of domination, does she have mind control spells, or has her focus shifted too much towards sexuality for that? Did the old god have some?

Old god was more about control spells than Y'zagya Zoka, who prefers controlling others by way of the D.

At the zenith of their power, could the coven dominate a troll's mind? Would be damn cool to have a couple of those fucks plow through enemy lines without a care for their survival.

Depends on how old and strong-willed the troll is, but if you mean the quality of trolls you've met so far then the coven doesn't believe it would be beyond their abilities.

So if Ur had died in the dream, would Yazada have taken over again? She is the next strongest orc, right. I assume your clan would choose the strong orc over the old wise one as leader, even if the goatfoot clan wouldn't.

That's questionable. The end result would have probably been a bloody succession war which would have shattered your clan and divided it into multiple smaller clans. The Stonetusks wouldn't have accepted a chieftain who just joined them a couple of days ago and it's likely that your clanmates would have suspected at least one of the two new clans of being involved in Ur's death.
At the very least Zo'rok (backed by Dru'ak), Ya'zada, Koz'rak and Or'kug would have tried to seize some form of control, possibly a few other of the larger, tougher orcs would have given it a shot too.

Do you actually bother with non-public character sheets for non-potential PCs? Given that the strength of the opposition sets the DC and statsheet boni only matter for the people who roll, I'm not seeing much point to a dragon statsheet.

I have an alternate form of stats for NPCs.

Is Ur a shower or a grower? I assume the latter would be a lot more practical for orcs, being a combat focused race and all.

Grower. Although considering his size, even when he's not "grown" he's still hanging pretty impressive.

So the fungus was not a naturally present organism, but a direct consequence/result/representation of the abyss' presence/influence?

Who knows, the horror and the nightmare realm you entered both seemed to have fungal traits to them.

Ku'zag has been getting more divine juice lately, right? Can he tell that we've been blessed by Y'zagya Zoka? Would he know if one god started supplying him more juice after our dream? Are all blessing received in dreams?

Not in particular, he knows some spells of all the orcish divine lores, so he's getting a bit more juice in all of them.

For her insubordination, taken with good intentions mind you, Ya'zada shall be punished harshly! She will act as a gofer to K'zala best waifu for an evening. Piggyback around the camp? Done. Sneak out crag lion cubs to cuddle? She'd better get the fluffiest ones. Ur'shal hugs? K'zala gets her share

You have an interesting view of orcish society, anon.

Have any of our clanmates, old or new, engaged in incest in the past? Or are currently in an incestuous relationship?

None currently. Your elderly shaman did spend several years in his youth banging his older sister.

Hey Lordy, would it be a good idea to drink the blood of an abyssal fungus infected troll? :3

That's like twenty kinds of cancer.
Dark magic cancer.
and that's terrible.

(>but there would certainly have been consequences) Sexy consequences? Or 'Oh gods, I've got Fungus Cancer and it's Eating my Brain!' consequences?

I'm not sure how you could think that eating a malformed orc-thing in a nightmarish abyssal realm could have sexy consequences.
Just... consequences, that's all I'll say.

If Ur'shal had shared Za'zarag's meal with him, would that mean Ur'shal just went full retard because he basically volunteered for abyssal corruption?

That wasn't quite it, but there would certainly have been consequences.

How stats on character sheets work - are they just modifiers to rolls in quest thread? If so, is there a cap on such modifiers? Also - could you add to sheet stats for some additional characters (like witches and ous shamans, maybe necromancer and dragon)

They are modifiers. There are caps, but you are far away from them right now.
I will add stats for the newer additions to your clan, but not for the necromancer and DEFINITELY not for the dragon.

Do we even have a chance to take on the abyss fucker? >no wargod or irongod blessing I mean, maybe if we had a weapon or something, but we're naked right now, I'm not even sure we CAN bring items into this plane.

Apparently you did have a chance.

Sorry my list wasn't linked to your last post, I had a friend post it for me, sent it before you asked for questions.



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