

Ask @BrightTegu

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>+4 from plans Oh my gosh, did you like them that much? I'm so happy.

I'll probably make that a standard "good plan" bonus, since I don't want people arguing about how much of a bonus their ideas are worth.

So this golem quest, is the golem like a mecha suit, or a more traditional golem? For some reason my first instinct when I saw "golem knight" was to imagine a mecha but out of rock and stone and earth and more smooth and magic.

It's a mecha, yes, made of stone and metal and powered by magical energy.

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Well, to be fair that one WAS written a month ago, I think it was like your third smut scene chronologically or something? I can't really say whether you have improved significantly without looking up one of the more recent ones, which is too bothersome for me right now, but we'll see on T hopefully

Well, it's all a learning process. I'm trying to build my skills up as I go, but who knows if I'm being successful.

Considering what happened, I suggest you save all the answers/questions on here somewhere, at least once you're back at home.

Will do.

Is Ur'shal the largest orc in the clan?

Yes, although Dru'ak is only marginally smaller, and Koz'rak, Or'kaz, Y'zoa and Ya'zada are close.

Did we only break her tusk because we got a 20, or would it have happened in almost all cases assuming we won?

It was more because you won so decisively, yeah.

Do the bodily fluids of half orcs have the same addictive qualities as full blooded orcs, or does being a half breed dilute the effect?

It's diluted somewhat, but the effect is still there.

Does Ya'zada understand that her standards with potential mates are very exacting and that other women don't look for the same things she does? Would she look down on a woman who chose her mate for something other than skill in combat?

A little, she is a powerful and very straightforward warrior from a clan which is all about strength and combat prowess, so she views such things as the ultimate virtue.
She would openly mock an orc woman she felt was purposefully settling for a particularly pathetic male, but the male in question would have to be a very sorry example of the breed, so she's not going to mock the females of your clan for their choices, since all of them have chosen fairly tough orcs, even if they aren't as tough as Ur.
Non-orc women though, well they're all weaklings anyway in her mind (maybe with one or two exceptions), so she doesn't care who they end up with.

We know that Zo'rok loves muscle girls, but what does Y'zoa see in Zo'rok? Aside from the fact that he probably fucks like a champion, of course. Would part of her attraction to him be because his off beat sense of humor makes her giggle?

The two of them seem to have a pretty similar sense of humor and both enjoy similar pastimes in drinking, gambling and watching orc brawls, generally all three pastimes at once.
You know that the whole Y'zoa and Zo'rok thing has been a long time in the making too, because you had to pull your friend's ass out of the fire a couple of times when he got caught being a little too friendly with Y'zoa back during the old chieftain's reign.

Were there any orcs that came close to defeating and claiming Ya'zada for their own, or did she just steamroller over everyone who tried? Did Ya'zada have any particularly pesistant suitors who challenged her multiple times?

There have been a few, though most give up after a few tries simply because Ya'zada starts to get annoyed if she feels like a challenger is just wasting her time, and starts being a lot rougher with them.

Did Ya'zada's mate also have a harem of his own? I'm assuming that an orc badass enough to have Ya'zada as a mate would probably have had orc women queuing up for the opportunity to have his cock in them. And if he did, did Ya'zada get on well with the other women in his harem?

Yes, as you understand it, three of the other orc women in the Stormhowlers were formerly mates of the chieftain. They've all now moved on to other orcs.
Ya'zada got on with them well enough, although she did like to lord her obvious superiority as a warrior over them a little.

Now that I think about it, that was pretty rude of me to do without you saying it's okay. I asked for some opinions on your smut in /wst/, do you want me to retract that and delete the posts? I feel it should be you to decide what gets looked at if anything and stuff.

Nah, doesn't bother me. If they give any good advice be sure and link me to it.

>inb4 she lost it against her husband in the fight when he won the right to claim her Would be a nice parallel or something, I guess. Could be she want against the Goatfoots for revenge and lost it then too, I guess. Or just being orcy and fighting something for the heck of it.

Guess you'll find out soon enough.

Yeah, I was expecting you'd keep that for a juicy dialogue option, good choice lad.

Gotta earn that characterization!

Which eye is Ya'zada missing? Are you saving the story about losing it for a special occasion? Also, which of her tusks did she lose?

Left eye and left tusk.
Perhaps you should ask her about how she lost that sometime.

How many orc ladies started dripping from our fight/victory, besides the obvious ones being our mates? Did Ya'zada mainly/partially fight with her clanmates every day because she hoped one of them could maybe beat her if they fight enough? Are some males relieved now, that she has a mate? (p sure)

You impressed all of the orc ladies watching, no doubt about it.
As for Ya'zada, yes, she took over after her mate died, waiting for another orc male to step up and claim her. Unfortunately for her and for her clan, none of them were strong enough to win against her, so she remained bitter and lonely, but had too much respect for the legacy of her deceased mate to take weaker males as new mates.
As for the males of her clan. Some are relieved, some are just glad to have an even stronger warrior leading the clan, there's probably a few that are annoyed and jealous too though, since "I was totally going to win against her one of these days, shut up!"

How impressive was our fight with Ya'zada? What did some spectators think?

They loved it, and in many cases were a little intimidated by it, the two of you put on a hell of a show.

>not working on the doc or pastebin For Shame. Which reminds me, any news on that damned password? I assume you've stopped trying, but no sudden insight from the very back of your mind either? Maybe if you could do self-hypnosis you could get it from your memories.

It'll be a week until I'm back with my pc and the documents on it, so I'm just going to wait until then.

So, what are you doing tonight instead of running, Lordy? I mean, after MSQ ends, of course.

Eat cereal, play vidya, maybe have a drink.
I live the high life, what can I say.



predictions: Crown=Greg Feather=Idunno, maybe our crosh. Harp=Jackie Spear=Shane

I wonder, it would be a pretty crazy coincidence if all the other godspawn were people we knew.

So, we absorbed the Stormhowlers with no casualties, if we can do the same with the Goatfoot(unlikely) then we will be hovering around 140 or 150 clan members, not counting slaves, right?

Sounds about right. I'm going to calculate exact numbers soon.


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