

Ask @BrightTegu

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Merry Christmas big green rapist!

and merry christmas to you, anon. I hope orc santa got you the breeding slave you wanted this year.

What's the age that an orc becomes fertile? Is 14 the hard limit, or could an orc male potentially impregnate a woman or an orc female fall pregnant earlier than that?

Once they hit puberty around 11-12 it would be possible.

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What can Ur'shal expect to happen to himself and his clan if the Stormhowler Chieftain defeats him in the upcoming challenge?

His clan will be absorbed into the Stormhowlers, Ur'shal will either by offered a position serving the Stormhowler chieftain or he'll simply be killed, depending on the temperament of the Stormhowler chieftain.

C-could you let us have some lactation fetish?

Well considering that all of your harem are most likely knocked up by now, they'll probably be lactating before too long.

Speaking of orc dicks, are orc dicks prehensile? If not, is their some magic solution to turning our dick into a fifth limb so we can slap goblins with it without swinging our hips?

No, unfortunately for you in the area of prehensile dicks orcs fall short of that most deadly of rapists, the dolphin.
I don't think I'll be including magical prehensile dick spells either, since that's just getting a little weird for me.

Would it be considered a worthwhile reward to give an orc their clan name back early, or is that kind of thing inviting disaster?

You could do, but until you are suitably large it would cause an awkward schism, even if the chieftain himself was still loyal to you.

Koz'rak is often mentioned as 'former-rockbrute', implying that people we assimilate give up their clan names, but the Orc King had a council of clan chiefs, implying that at a certain point you stop making people take your clan name and start having them just swear fealty. What is that point?

Whenever you decide it is, generally when you're big and powerful enough that you can afford to let other orcs keep their own clan identities without risking a civil war.

How much coffee did you drink on each session ?

Varies. I tend not to drink coffee on sessions when I have work in the morning, which is why I crash out early sometimes.
Today though, just getting my third cup because today was my last work day before my christmas vacation time kicks in.

>(Dru'ak is 15) (A'ska is 34) Are older female/younger male pairings common amongst orcs? Have A'ska and Dru'ak received any gentle teasing about the difference in age between them?

Not all that unusual. Although there are plenty of female warriors, in general male orcs go out fighting more. This means that older female orcs lose their mates more often and need new ones.

Has any orc been such a shitbag asshole that the orc gods noticed and decided to curse him as an example to others?

There have been a few examples. Some orcs are more curse-happy than others. Y'zagya Zoka has cursed orcs who needlessly waste slave women or brutalize large numbers of orcish women for no good reason, generally by rendering their genitals shriveled and useless.
Zul'orok Zhar also once cursed a treacherous orcish shaman who turned to abyssal magic and betrayed his warlord and the horde as a sacrifice for abyssal power.
Generally though, orcish gods prefer letting mortal orcs punish the most shitbag asshole members of their race.

In that case I'm going to assume that a lot of the land was taken by opportunists whose experience with orcs is mostly limited to crushing them under the tide of the counterpush and the human reaction to an orc resugence will vary between 'Another Opportunity', 'Nothing Serious' and 'Vengeance!'

Probably a safe assumption.

I was more interested in what kind of state the dispossessed nobles were when the orcish kingdom was coming to its end. And how many leaders of the human counterpsuh were actually personally affected by the orc's expansion.

There were some nobles who'd fled further east when their lands fell to orcish conquest and were eager to reclaim their lands, but the main forces behind the push were from the human lands on the far eastern edge of the continent, who'd never actually been under orcish control.

How many humans in influential positions who have major personal beef with orcs are actually still around? I'd imagine that those nobles most heavily hit by the orcish expansion (those whose lands and women were taken) weren't really strong enough to return to ruling their old lands in the aftermath

Sadly you have zero information on the state of the world beyond the wall right now.

Clearly we need to harness a form of Orcish martial arts, and also fluffy tails.

Good luck, especially with those fluffy tails.

At what point would the other races notice the reunification of the orcs? If we get to a certain point would they attack us again preemptively? Is it prudent or possible to maintain a low profile, or would that just make us seem weak?

Who knows. Right now you're in the wastes, which given that it's just a few small orcish clans and a whole lot of rocks and hungry predators, would be a hard place for your enemies to gather intel!
Once you start interacting with outside groups however, rumors will start to spread, nothing you can do about that. It would probably be wise to avoid any public announcements that you plan to CONQUER EVERYTHING, but yes, you should also be aware that maintaining too low a profile might look weak to your clan.
It's a balancing act, basically.

Wait, So Ku'zag's story is we were just a survivor found in a trashed camp? Who trashed it? An old Stonetusk Chieftain?

Well, this was the last days of the Orcish Kingdom, so the list of groups who might have trashed the camp is very very long, but they were long gone by the time Ku'zag and the orcs he was with passed through.
As to why Ur'shal was still there, Ku'zag said he found him stashed under some furs, so obviously whoever attacked the camp didn't find him.

Who was Ur'shal's mother? Did she survive the exile?

Ur'shal doesn't know. He was found by Ku'zag in the trashed remnants of an orcish camp.

How tall is Ur'shal? Who was his mentor as a child?

7ft 4in
His mentor was a hunter named Ko'zar, who died on a hunt a year before the quest began.

Well you asked me to be clearer about if they have children would it be safe to assume they were broken, or could they still betray us.

Betrayal is still a possibility.

Does either Ur'shal or the shaman remember anything about what Ur'shal's parents were like?

No, some of the many casualties of the war perhaps.

How old are Ur'shal and his friends Zo'rok and Dru'ak? I'm assuming since Ur'shal was only a baby when the exile occured, he's roundabout 16 years old.

Ur'shal and Z'orok are 16, Dru'ak is 15.

How common is it for women who have raped and impregnated by orc raiders but, for whatever reason are not taken as slaves, to try and raise the resulting whelps as their own family?

That would vary by culture, but in general it's not very likely.

Since priests and devotees of Skoroz'zik tend to travel a lot, do they also have a tendency to leave bastard spawn and single mothers in their wake?

They sure do.


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