

Ask @BrightTegu

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Do we have any more leads concerning tomb locations out in the wastes?

A couple, yes, most of what your scouts and hunters find though is just little burial mounds, or larger tombs that've caved in.

Does Bootknife have a hope in hell of wooing some /ss/ loving orc lady? Does our clan actually have any such lovely ladies? I know that there are orc ladies who are into that kind of thing, but are any of our clanswomen in a position to indulge such a fetish if they have one?

It probably won't happen soon, given how few females you have compared to males, but as your clan grows and your whelps grow up, the numbers will even out more, and then who knows, Bootknife might get lucky.

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Aside from the Abyss, what would Skor'oz ZIk consider to the greatest long term threat to the survival of the orcish race?

Rival gods, whether that be due to military action or due to insidious manipulation of orcish culture into something soft, civilized, and, in Skor'oz Zik's opinion, not actually orcs anymore.

Is it possible for a Goblin or Sluagh halfbreed orc to dedicate himself to Kul'zog Zor, get all the strength boons, max out their strength stat and be the worlds strongest midget?

Sure, as long as the halfbreed is acting in a way Kul'zog Zor approves of, he has no problem handing out the strength limit increasing boons.

Is it safe to assume that there a LOT of organizations and knightly orders out there in the world of OWQ that have dedicated themselves to the the complete annihilation and genocide of the Orcish race, one orc at a time if need be?

There are quite a few, yes.

So let me get this straight forest godzilla has been squating right next to our home and nobody thought to tell us? Man fuck the Empire

It's possible they don't even know, the forest on the eastern border of the Empire is huge, stretches almost the entire length of the Empire north to south, and takes several days to traverse by Golem. It used to be even larger, and it took several generations of logging and military action to cut it back to where the eastern territories are today.

>(run the risk of some of your clan thinking you're meddling in petty matters unworthy of a chieftain.) So only if the situation turns into some kind of messed up Hatfield and McCoy blood feud? Otherwise, a typical chieftain would say "Don't fucking make me come over there and sort it out for you"?

Probably, yeah. Besides, as the clan gets bigger it is going to get harder and harder for Ur to be involved on a micro-level like that.

I feel bad. Ur's old chieftan put a stop to rapid orc expansion but because the way orcs are they would've either died out or did what Ur did and put it back in place.

Ur's old chieftain hardly did it for noble reasons. As K'zala told you, he had all sorts of ambitions when the clan was first exiled of returning to the lands beyond the wall to conquer them, but in the end he just gave up and decided it was easier to live out his old age doing nothing, he kept his chieftain position more because he wanted to live in comfort than out of any real desire to keep leading.

>not a fan of the Deadly Sins It's okay Lordy, just know Diane is top tier giantess waifu

I will take your word for it. Not that there's many other anime giantesses to rank her alongside than I can recall.

It's kinda sad that the orcs in OWQ will never evolve past what they are. I assume orcs in DoEQ don't share a similar genetic position?

DoEQ orcs are more aggressive than humans by nature, but they don't have any of the orc genetics stuff of OWQ, no.

(Generally if a mated pair split up, it ends badly.) Would it be generally quicker and less painless to just let a chieftain break apart a feuding mated pair, with a warning to quit that shit, rather than waiting to see if they can sort it out themselves?

Possibly, although then you run the risk of some of your clan thinking you're meddling in petty matters unworthy of a chieftain.

How broad is the emotional range of an orc? Are they incapable of feeling certain emotions or are certain emotions stunted? If so, is this due to orc culture or orc physiology?

Orcs are capable of feeling a full range of emotions, the fact that some are stunted is purely a result of orcish culture.

Do you find the actions of the orcs in OWQ to be immoral by your standards? If they were real, would you advocate killing them off because of their kudzu like qualities and aggressive nature?

Well yeah, absolutely, it's a race of murderous rapists who would eventually, if left unchecked, breed the human race out of existence.
Fortunately for all of us they're trapped in a setting where their violent, sex-fuelled rampage can serve as fapbait rather than herald the downfall of man.

Are orcs in OWQ capable of evolving past the need for constant warfare, physical aggression and forceful propagation? Does the magic that designed them and the influence of their gods 'lock' them into these behaviors?

Individual orcs have put aside that behavior. However both genetically and culturally it's very deeply ingrained in them and is probably never going to be evolved past.

So how many whelps is Ur'shal the father of now? 6 with K'zala, 5 with Sho'ka, 6 with Ya'zada, 3 with Aleida and two with Inka equals twenty two whelps if my math is correct. (Man, Aleida is a champ for trying to look after them all.)

That's the current count, yes.

Pig-tailed, tsurime eyed waifu Giantess in orange spandex when, Warlord. WHEN?

>Fantasy setting
M-muh suspension of disbelief!
...and yes, I did get the reference, though I'm not really a fan of that show.

Aould orcesses into /ss/ be into halflings/goblins/sluagh/dwarves?

No halflings in OWQ setting, and dwarves tend to be a bit too stocky to hit /ss/ fetishes. The other two though, yeah, sure, probably.

Are all separations in orc culture as acrimonious an Juk'ruk's and Zik'yi's or Or'kaz's and Y'zoa's relationships? Or can a mated pair decide that their relationship just isn't working anymore, break up and still remain friendly towards each other?

Generally if a mated pair split up, it ends badly. You taking Juk'ruk and Or'kaz's mates away from them was actually fairly peaceable as far as orcish break ups go, no-one got punched, bitten, or had their head caved in with a large rock.

Do orc clans sometimes have issues balancing the need to keep their whelps safe while not coddling them?

Orc clans very rarely have problems with coddling their whelps, the main problem is keeping them from causing trouble or wandering off.

Is Y'zagya Zoka more interested in keeping orc whelps alive or just avenging whelps that have been murdered?


In her mortal life, was Y'zagya considered a good mother (at least by orc standards)? Was she known for not just birthing whelps, but for also protecting whelps from danger and making sure that they grew up strong and become proper orc warriors and hunters?

By orcish standards, yes, she was considered a good mother, whole lot of tough love.

How frustrating is it to be an orc female with a fetish for men of other races and making halfbreeds with them? If an orc male wants a slave for breeding purposes, human or elf or whatever, no one would care. But if a orc female wants to breed with a non orc male, she'd be considered a weirdo.

Just got to be stronk enough to get away with it, like most things in orcish society.


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