

Ask @BrightTegu

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I wonder if it's possible to bind the Ogress' to our fertility goddess? Carry orcish children, in exchange for beauty? We have every means to keep them from their normal rituals, and wielding their vanity against them could be the key to breaking them.

You have no idea, you'd have to ask Ku'zag about that, and even he isn't privy to the higher mysteries of Y'zagya Zoka's faith.

When we encountered the witches in the mountains, we interrupted their ritual sacrifice. Was that supposed to be the first sacrifice of the evening or had they sacrificed others before we arrived? And did our interruption take away their power?

You don't know yet how this will affect them, but all of the blood on the altar looked old and dry.
They certainly had their power when you attacked them, as you may remember from Ashuris' attempt to bathe you in molten rock. Whether they still do now, who knows, maybe you could test it out?

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What's the relationship between K'zala, Sho'ka, Ul'kaza, Y'zoa, Zik'yi and A'ska like? Are they fairly close? Is there any bad blood between them?

They're all pretty close. Since none of them much cared for their former mates, and their mates kept them at arms length from the rest of the clan, the only other orcs they could really interact with were each other.
Since A'ska hasn't really gotten any attention it hasn't really come up, but with the two of them being stuck with the chieftain all day, A'ska ended up as something of a surrogate mother figure to K'zala in her youth.

Do orcs just not know how to make metal weapons, or is the problem with resources?

It's a little of both. There were certainly no shortage of orcs who knew how to make metal weapons back when orcs were beyond the wall. Nowadays however they lack the resources, and many of the orcs who had the knowledge of how to use those resources perished in the last war.
If your clan can gain access to a good supply of iron you could start producing metal weapons. Or'kaz was apparently skilled at such things back in the day, and could train others.

Why does Zul'orok Zhar hate demons so much? Sure, demons obviously do nasty, dreadful things to mortals and need to be killed for the good of all, but why has Zul'orok Zhar made it his mission in life?

Zul'orok Zhar hates all things supernatural interfering with the orcish people. Horrors, divine servants of non-orcish deities, undead, enemy sorcerers, Zul'orok Zhar loathes them all and his wards work against all of them.
As for why, the myth goes that back when he was just a god of forging and craftsmanship, Zul'orok Zhar spent many years wandering the planes disguised as a nameless lost soul, seeking out the spirit of a mortal lover stolen from him. He saw the abuses that the spirits of other orcs suffered at the hands of those who would bind or abuse them for arcane power, and even entered the Abyss itself to save his lover when he discovered that she had been stolen away by an abyssal sorcerer hoping to barter her spirit for power.
Zul'orok Zhar's battle with one of the dread Abyssal Lords is said to have shaken the very foundations of the planes, but in the end he was victorious, driving back the Abyssal Lord and carrying the spirit of his lover back to his divine realm. Unfortunately she was already too far gone, and her abused spirit soon passed back into the crucible of creation, lost to Zul'orok Zhar forever.
Since that day, Zul'orok Zhar has made it his mission to aid his people in standing against all things from beyond the mortal realm which would treat them as slaves or playthings.

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are there any stories about slaves who earned the respect of a clan, or were exceptionally loyal?

There have been quite a number of slaves who earned a degree of respect from the clan for their skills or for particularly impressive actions, but given that orcs generally respect battle skills most, and generally do not arm their slaves, it's hard for a slave to truly earn their respect. There have been stories of particularly skilled warriors who were made slaves and treated surprisingly well by their captors because the orcs already respected them from back when they were enemies.
One story of a slave who did earn the respect of the clan however is Eshorial, an Elven slave of the Wolfrunner Clan. Eshorial worked on a farm on the outskirts of Wolfrunner territory with several other human and elven slaves, and was considered to be a hardworking but overall unremarkable slave who had served the clan through twenty years without complaint.
During that time, the Wolfrunner clan were at war with the ogres of the Shattered Spine family. The Wolfrunners had hit the Shattered Spines and made off with several of their slaves, and the ogres were ready to react in kind.
While the Wolfrunners were distracted by a celebration, the ogres snuck into their territory to steal slaves and burn their farms. Eshorial was working the fields when the ogres came, and when he spotted them, he turned and ran with the other slaves, his overseer calling him a coward as he fled, and preparing to face the oncoming ogres alone.
Just as the overseer was about to be overwhelmed however, an ogre was suddenly struck down with an arrow in the eye. More followed, and the overseer spotted Eshorial on the rooftop of the farmhouse with a bow taken from the locked chest in the overseers room.
The overseer retreated to the farmhouse, and between the two of them they held off the entire ogre raiding party until the few survivors fled in panic. The overseer was so impressed with Eshorial's skills and bravery in staying to fight the ogres that he took him before the chieftain and asked for Eshorial's talents to be recognized and used for the clan's benefit.
The chieftain agreed, and Eshorial was granted weapons and the rights to hunt and fight with the clan. The elf even found himself being requested by one of the unmated orcish women, who took the slightly bewildered elf as her mate.
Eshorial served the clan for well over two centuries before age finally took its toll, teaching its children to hunt and shoot. During that time he fathered so many children that the Wolfrunner Clan's orcs still had a slightly elven look to them many generations after his death.

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Do orcs have contraceptives? Sure it's fun to make children, but sometimes it's not convenient to have litters. And although orc women do benefit from not being constantly pregnant, I'd imagine that it's difficult to stop a horny orc woman from fucking and getting pregnant.

Ku'zag knows that contraceptives made of a brew of various herbs and fungi do exist, but stuck in the wastes you currently lack access to all the ingredients to make them, so you're either going to have to have someone skilled in herbalism or alchemy go out looking for alternatives, or wait until you can get back beyond the wall.

Do the rockbrutes know of any other clans?

They know that a couple of other clans went into the mountains to try and find somewhere else to settle beyond them, but they have no idea what happened to those ones as they've had no contact with them in years. They also know that the Stormhowler Clan went further west along the edge of the mountains to settle.

What's life like fo a slave? it doesn't seem that bad for female ones atleast, I mean between sex I'd imagine they have atleast some freedom.

Varies depending on the clan and chieftain. Some treat their slaves very poorly, while some places beyond the wall probably had better lives as slaves than they do now that they've been liberated.
Slaves with valuable skills are treated better, as are females who have produced strong children, and slaves who have proven themselves will be given a reasonable amount of freedom outside of their expected duties.

Not a question, but I would just like to thank you for taking the time write that short piece on the warrior woman Za'ka. Rarely do we see dedication like this from a QM, and such dedication should be encouraged. Very well done.

My pleasure, it's always nice to add a little more background fluff to the setting, and it's good to know that people are enjoying it.

How easy is it to tell the difference between a full blooded orc and a half human-half orc hybrid? I'd imagine that half orcs tend to be smaller than full blooded orcs, but are there any other distinguishing characteristics associated with half orcs besides that?

For half-humans: a bit smaller and more lightly built, smaller tusks, less pointed ears, a more faded olive tone to the skin. It's pretty obvious to orcs when someone isn't a full blooded orc.

Do orcish half breeds face discrimination in orcish society? Or are orcs pretty chill about parentage, reasoning "Hey, if your mother or father is an orc, that means you're an orc, and that's good enough for me."

A half breed may have to work harder to prove that they can live up to their orcish heritage, and some orcs are more prejudiced than others. Most orcs are pretty chill however, and most half breeds can find a place within their clan without too much difficulty.

If Y'zagya Zoka has trysts with mortal orc males, can a female orc expect to get a divine dicking from one of the male gods if they do something epic that pleases them?

Perhaps, though it's unlikely unless the female is either one of the god's priestesses, or has no mate.
All bets are off after the orc woman in question dies however and her spirit finds its way to the halls of one of the orcish gods. If they take a liking to her they'll turn her into a divine servant and dick her senseless without a moment's hesitation.

While most male orcs would gladly have a tumble in the oasis with Y'zagya Zoka, which one of the males of the orc pantheon would female orcs like to fuck the most?

That really depends on the female orc in question. Though there are quite a few myths extolling the passion of Zul'orok Zhar that are popular among orcish women.

Should we be concerned that when we had the dream, there wasn't a choice that seemed to correspond to Zul'orok Zhar? Maybe that crown should be put away for the good of the clan.

Who knows.

Do orcish women face risks to their longterm health if they are bred too regularly without a break between births? Or is orcish fertility such that an orc woman can be impregnated, give birth, be re-impregnated and give birth over and over again with no ill effects?

Orcish women benefit from some downtime between pregnancies or it does start to make them physically weaker from the extended inaction and strain involved. Back when there were many orc women in the orcish kingdom, they would have on average one litter a year, and spend the rest of the year as warriors or hunters.

There are just three other clans left that we know of right?

That you know the locations of. Ku'zag is fairly certain that others fled into the wastes, he doesn't know what became of them though.

Are the witches we captured glamoured? Do they turn fugly if they do not maintain their rituals?

You'll have to ask them. Even Ku'zag doesn't know how ogre magic works.

How long has it been since the defeat of the orcs and their exile to the wastes?

15 years. Ur'shal was still crawling when he was brought to the wastes.

How far south are the brown elves, I mean after we claim the two clans south of us?

You have to go into the jungle to find out for sure, but the jungle isn't too far south of the two clans. All Ku'zag knows is that they're down there somewhere.


The last of the orcish kings once held lands reaching far to the east of the wall. The humans, elves, dwarves and giants had been forced back to their very doorsteps by the power of orckind, and the goblins and sluagh bowed and scraped before the might of their rulers.
But the Orcs had grown lazy, content in their position of strength, going back to petty clan infighting to pass the time. The kingdoms of man turned against them suddenly and unexpectedly. Claiming that one of the orcish generals had broken their non-aggression treaty, raiding a neighboring fief and putting it to the torch, raping and murdering its duchess. Though the proof surrounding this claim was flimsy at best, it was enough to bring humanity together against the orcs who had stolen so much of their ancestral lands and enslaved their people.
The whole war was a joke, many of the King's generals could not put aside the rivalries that they had developed during peacetime to work together, and their forces were smashed time and time again on the field of battle by more organized forces as the dwarves, elves and giants all leapt at the opportunity to carve up a piece of orcish territory for themselves.
When finally the Orc King took the field with all the forces he could muster, it was too late. The Orcslayer slew him at the head of an army of hardened veterans, which tore through the orcish lands and butchering any orcs they found, young or old, male or female. They made a special effort to wipe out the women, knowing full well that orcs breed quickly, and within a generation they could recover all their losses and come seeking revenge.
None of the orcs are quite sure why the other races built the wall. Some say they feared something in the waste, and would not follow, others say that they felt shamed for their butchery of orc women and children and wanted to hide their sins, others say that the wall was put up to keep the Orcslayer from taking her armies into the waste until every last orc was dead by her hand. In the end though, that's all speculation, no-one really knows why the wall was built, or how it sprung into being almost overnight.

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Language: English