

Ask @BrightTegu

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What exactly are the duties and responsibilities of a priestess of Y'zagya Zoka to a clan? What were the priestesses capable of, magic-wise? And why are do they go unmated?

Fertility rituals both for the clan and the lands the clan resided in, aiding in coming of age ceremonies, ensuring the health and wellbeing of the clan. Their magics were of the non-combatant variety, mostly focused around healing, curing diseases, increasing the fertility of female orcs and slaves and the virility of male orcs, to ensure more regular impregnation of females, and larger litters.
As for why they went unmated, priestesses of Y'zagya Zoka were considered to be mated to the clan. Over their years as priestess carrying out Y'zagya Zoka's rituals, they would most likely end up fucking every member of the clan, male and female.

I take it Eshorial, despite his tragic handicap of not being an orc, managed to step up his sex skills to keep up with his adopted clan's insatiable women? (Though I imagine it wasn't all fun and games for him; he probably had to deal with the fact he'd outlive his mate and their children.)

He did indeed, a particularly skilled member of another race can measure up to the standards of an average orc, though a skilled orc really has no equal.
As for outliving his mates and children, yes, that happened to him several times, and he did take it rather hard.

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Is it wrong for me to want the chieftain to have some non-lewd conversations with the women of the clan? I'd quite like to know more about them. A'ska probably has quite a few stories to tell of the old Orc Kingdom and her exile, and Zik'yi sounds like a woman who takes shit from nobody.

I plan to fit that in sooner or later, it would be a shame if the other women never got any character development after all.

Well, people like Eshorial can presumably fuck orc women. I mean, if you haven't figured out how to at least occasionally take control in the bedroom after 200 years you're clearly a wimp, and Orc women don't like wimps. Would Zoka be okay with a nonorc wearing the pants under those circumstances?

Yes, the important things to Y'zagya Zoka is that the father is strong enough to produce strong children, and that the children will be raised as proper orcs.
If an orc woman fucks a non-orc man who fulfills those criteria, it's all good.

>the orcish desire for dominance and warfare usually resulted in either a dead orc, or dead johns, dead pimps, and a war for control of the local criminal underworld. This pleases me. You don't fuck with orc women. Orc women fuck YOU!

You know it.

If an orc and human mate you get a half orc. What do you get when: A full blood orc mates with a half orc? A human mates with a half orc Two half orcs mate?

Orc with slightly human features, half orc, half orc which is slightly more orcish that human. It operates on a sliding scale with the orcish side taking preference.
Orcish genetics are dominant, so in time, unless a bloodline breed exclusively with non-orcs, they will wind up back at full-blooded orcs again. This is part of the reason orcs like to take a wide array of females of other races, keeps the clan's young varied, and some half-breeds have valuable traits that help the clan stay strong.

How do orcs feel about prostitution? Would an orc woman who choose to forgo a mate (or who had her mate's blessing) be looked upon poorly for selling herself to others for money and favors?

Orc culture doesn't really have prostitution, they just don't look at things in that way. An orc woman could certainly sleep around with her mate's blessings, but actually charging for it in money or favors would just be seen as really bizarre. Generally an unmated female orc will come in two varieties, a priestess of Y'zagya Zoka, or a powerful female who hasn't found a male orc who lives up to her standards yet.
For orcs who have been raised outside of orcish society, as is the case in some far flung lands to the east, there have been orc women who turned to prostitution to support themselves. Generally though such things didn't last, as the orcish desire for dominance and warfare usually resulted in either a dead orc, or dead johns, dead pimps, and a war for control of the local criminal underworld.

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If orc sexual techniques are instinctual, are orcs sometimes puzzled by the other races lack of sexual prowess and possible prudishness regarding sex? I'd imagine that only the most uninhibited and experienced human male could keep up with an orc.

Yes, Orcs generally look on the other races with some degree of pity or contempt when it comes to their sexual prowess. They just figure that the other races weren't blessed by their creators the way Orcs were.

How old is A'ska? I'm assuming she's somewhere around thirty, and she was a young adult when the orc kingdom fell.

She's 34, so yes, a young adult during the fall of the Orcish Kingdom.

So if we really want to break these prideful orge witches we have to give them the bicycle treatment or fuck them constantly huh.

Not necessarily, it's a gradual wearing down process. More powerful orcs tend to have a more pronounced effect too, so the bicycle treatment won't be any more effective at breaking them than a single stronger orc doing so.
All you really need to take away from this is that they can be broken with time, effort, dickings, and a little bit of psychology. Just make sure you don't assume you've succeeded before you have.

Were a lot of slaves left behind on the other side of the wall?

Yes, a lot of slaves were freed when the Orcish Kingdom fell.
A lot of loyal slaved died defending their masters when the Orcish Kingdom fell too mind you.

Can orcish sexual techniques be taught to other races, at least in part? Could an orc female (circumstances permitting and if she were so inclined) have a casual fling with a non orc male, teaching him the orcish ways of sex and making him a better pork swordsman when he returns to his people?

Unlikely, while some orcs are more skilled than others and they can improve their technique with practice, their sexual prowess is at its basic level an instinctual thing which is as much a part of them as breathing, they would have no idea how to actually teach it.

Has there ever been a time that Orc dick failed an Orc? Mind telling a tale of this failure?

Of course, Orc dick is not infallible, and is not actually mind control. There have even been sorcerers and scholars of other races who have researched exactly what it is that makes Orc Dick so dangerous, so that they may better understand this threat to their way of life.
The advantages Orcs do have are:
1. An instinctual understanding of how to use it, and use it well.
2. Sweat and pheromones which act like an aphrodisiac when very close to an orc (generally you have to actually be touching for it to be effective)
3. Sexual fluids which are mildly addictive to non-Orcs.
The question of why Orcs seem so optimized for sex is one which has baffled a certain subset of academics (generally looked down upon as a questionable sort by more respectable schools of research) for centuries, and even now there are questions they can't answer.
This has, however, led to some Orcs becoming complacent, convinced that they can break any woman to their will with a single hard dicking. While this may be true of the particularly weak-willed, it more often takes long and repeated exposure to the sweat and fluids of an orc over days, weeks or even months to wear down the resistance of the most hardy.
The following is a tale occasionally told to hot-blooded young orcs by wise shamans hoping to instill some flicker of common sense into their thick heads: http://pastebin.com/z7rMYP2E

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Have loyal slaves ever infiltrated their own societies for the orcs.

Absolutely. This was a tactic some orc chieftains and warlords were quite fond of against certain enemies. It was particularly effective against the giants, who's overwhelming pride made it hard for them to even fathom that one of their people could be corrupted by orcish masters.
The giants have probably learned there lesson about that now though, they have long memories, and infiltrating slaves lost them a couple of cities back when the Orcish Kingdom was at war with them.

Are there any legends of those female spies, and their orc masters? Or orcs so notorious for doing such deeds that you really wonder why anyone bothered trying anymore.

In the decades leading up to the formation of the Orcish Kingdom, there was a Clan which migrated down to the coastal lands bordering the southern jungle after being driven out of their former territory by a larger rival. During their travels, the chieftain was challenged and defeated by a young hunter named Ar'kul.
Ar'kul and his clan finally found a place to settle along the eastern coastline, in the shadow of a powerful small kingdom with a human king infamous for his ruthlessness. The king offered the chieftain a deal, he would let the clan stay, and provide them with gold and weapons, and in return they would be his iron fist against his rivals. The king even offered Ar'kul a beautiful sorceress-concubine named Yissa, who unbeknownst to Ar'kul had been trained since childhood in the arts of subterfuge, espionage and when the occasion called for it, assassination.
Ar'kul and the king maintained a pleasant working relationship for several years, Ar'kul's clan dealing with foreign raiders or uppity local nobles, taking slaves with the king's blessings. Of course as Orcs are prone to doing, their influx of slaves led to a serious increase in population, which started to make the king worried.
The king tried to have Ar'kul's clan sabotaged, cut down in size and weakened in many ways, through poison, murder, accidents and curses. Throughout it all though, the clan's losses were minimal, the orcs always somehow managing to quickly figure out and address the problem.
Growing impatient and deciding that his former attack dogs were now more trouble than they were worth, the king sent orders to Yissa to kill the chieftain, poison the clan's food, and return with his head. Yissa did so, returning two days later carrying the severed head of Ar'kul, and news that the clan had scattered to the jungle, but that the poison would make short work of them.
The king celebrated his victory, and took Yissa to his bedchambers. That night as he slumbered, the sorceress Yissa took the large, heavy rock which she had glamoured to look like Ar'kul's head, and caved in the king's skull with it. After that it was as simple as unlocking the gates and distracting the guards with her magic, and Ar'kul and his clan, who had been slipped into the city the night before, seized the royal palace and butchered most of the soldiers stationed there.
With the king dead, and the army in chaos, it took little effort for Ar'kul and his clan to seize the city, and eventually the whole kingdom, for themselves. A few months later, Yissa, elite agent and assassin of the now deceased king, bore Ar'kul strong and healthy triplets.

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Were any of those interesting failures from female infiltrators?

Of course, sometimes duty to ones people is no match for the power of big green dicks.

Have there been any accounts of a clan that was undone by taking in slaves who were, in actuality, enemy agents tasked with infiltrating and sabotaging the clan from within?

Such things have certainly been known. Goblins, Sluagh and Humans have all used such tactics on occasion, with some rather painful successes, and some rather... interesting failures.
Elves, Dwarves and Giants have never been recorded doing so, and Ku'zag speculates that their low birth rates (not to mention overbearing pride) make them unwilling to risk their people in such a way.

How are Orcish methods of spying and espionage approached? One one hand, the war god Zol'gor Tor appreciates cunning, so some orcs must see the value of espionage. One the other, a typical orc is a seven foot tall slab of green skinned muscle. I'd imagine that to be to be a handicap for covert ops.

Their size is definitely a disadvantage, though not all orcs are gigantic seven foot slabs of muscle. Your friend Zo'rok for example is quite stealthy, being a mere six foot six orc with a lighter build... which still makes him pretty terrifying by human standards admittedly.
What orcs do have working to their advantage is that pretty much every orc has been taught to hunt from a very young age and keeps those skills sharp throughout their lives. As many enemies of orckind have learned to their horror, this means that orcs are experienced at moving quietly and keeping to cover on the occasions when they don't want their enemies to see them coming.
Also among the priesthoods of Zol'gor Tor and Tak'zaya Ska there are magics which can aid in stealth and infiltration, and both priesthoods were very active as scouts and spies for the orcish kingdom.

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What are the names of the children of A'ska and the victim of the Boneripper demon? And which one was the shaman interested to train as an apprentice?

Zur'kaz, one of A'ska's sons, is the one the shaman would like to train. Her other two sons are Loz'rok and Or'kul. They are all still very young, just barely old enough to start considering apprenticeship to an adult.
The two children of Zo'ruz's deceased mate are a son named Zo'url and a daughter named Ar'zya, both of them will be adults within a couple of years.

One of the regular, non magical ogre slaves we captured was female, wasn't she?. Has any orc tried to knock her up? How drunk or desperate would an orc have to be to try? And would that be pleasing to Y'zagya Zoka, if only because it shows a certain bloody minded determination to procreate?

No orc has resorted to that yet, though if you hadn't given any of the women to the clan someone probably would have given it a shot by now while under the influence of a lot of alcohol. As for whether Y'zagya Zoka would approve, sure, she's always happy to see other races get knocked up by orcs, whatever they may look like.

So are you planning on running mostly on Tuesdays and Thursdays or is that just how things have happened.

Yes, as well as Saturdays when I can.

Do orcas have alcohol

No, as living under the sea makes the brewing process difficult for them.
Orcs on the other hand do. You don't have a great many resources to work with in the wastes, but enterprising orcs have found a somewhat poisonous weed that can be turned into a clear alcoholic beverage if prepared properly.
It's not recommended for anything with a constitution less sturdy than an orc's though.

Could you share with us a epic tale of an orcish mother overcome with both lust for her son and and the desire to make strong children with him?

Hoboy, you're not even trying to disguise your smut request there are you, anon!
I'll put that story on my list of backdated smut for later.


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