

Ask @BrightTegu

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So can rivers be used for fast travel?

That is a pretty popular use of rivers.
Of course your clan will need to figure out how to into boats to make use of it.

Do you speak any languages other than English?

Sadly not, never had the talent for it despite my best efforts.

>tfw it turns out having sex with Vaki is lethal or makes Ur infertile

Fortunately for Ur, if he did encounter a being with such powers, his Y'zagya Zoka boons would help him resist it.

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Trust me on this, Lordy: Alica=Meat>Leonora>young!Dormmother>Ryouko=Yuuki>Hisako>Megumi>Knaifu>blonde loli>Childhood friend>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Erina

Yeah, I read the manga a bit in the past. Meat is best girl, Alice isn't bad either.
Too bad neither of them will win the waifubowl, and we'll most likely get a megumi or erina ending.

Anon is forgetting that Vaki might just turn out to have an unattractive personality.

Poor Vaki.

Hmm, considering the dagger managed to do some pretty fucking decent damage to an orc(having the arm amputated), and I assume orcs have above 37 °C body temperature, I think that dagger could make a failry decent sized ice sphere in the cold water, freeze the zombie's limb or something. Might be fun

Maybe so.

Don't forget about Shiokonbu and Handsome Aniki. Number2 can be good as well, I suppose. And Mochi does great loli>big dick stuff(>tfw Undead Princess). Hmm, Sanagi Torajirou? Also, Clover, I suppose.

I am a Sanagi Torajirou fan, heard of most of those other ones, but I can't recall any examples off the top of my head of their work, will check them out, thanks anon.

will the underground river network be used for fast travel or finding the dwarven kingdom early?

That's up to you to decide. I will say this though. The dwarven kingdoms are a long way away, very big, and have some tough soldiers at their disposal, you might not want to draw too much attention from them quite yet.

Are you watching any Taiwanese Scientifix Photon Experiments this season?

A few, watching the latest jjba series (rip in peace, Avdol, that death really lacked dramatic weight though), shokugeki no souma, unlimited blade works, and the latest series of 8man (glad the latest episode got some of the comedy back, I was starting to get a little frustrated with how serious it was).
Aside from the ongoing jjba, nothing this season has really won me over dramatically, was watching a couple of other series for a few episodes but I dropped them because I got bored.

>Why wouldn't we want to keep her? Well, maybe because she can't leave the river? Maybe she has no concept of loyalty and would betray Ur for some shinies? Maybe she would kill any orc who tries something with her? Maybe she wouldn't fit into the harem? Maybe she doesn't want to stay with Ur?

So many unknowns.

(>Fey-orc deliverance?) Is... Is this a genuine option? I need to know. Because of reasons.

I wasn't entirely serious, but it's not like it would be impossible either.

Any hour estimate for tomorrow's Orc Warlord Quest? I recall you ran GKQ in the early afternoon, same time for OWQ or not?

Most likely around 1300 UTC, maybe a bit later.

(>if you want to keep her) Why wouldn't we want to keep her? Does this mean that there may be reasons that make Vaki a liability instead of an asset? For example, how likely is it that Vaki is extremely mercurial, being playful and horny one day, and then vicious and spiteful the next?

Who knows.

Do you watch chinese puppet shows, or read mongolian wall tapestries?

I have been known to engage in Vietnamese shadow puppet theater and tibetan flipbooks, yes.

Is there something like mana in the setting? Is it something only mages/priests/shamans have?

Magical energy suffuses everything to some degree or another, spellcasters are those who learn how to develop and train their body's ability to tap into those currents. Some things are naturally more attuned to magical currents than others, hence why some find it easier to learn magic than others, though after a certain point natural talent tends to drop off in favor of intense training.

What did it look like, did the Kulaki carve out the stone with tools, then use some technique to put clay or something on them to hide in the wall, or did they have some natural ability that aided that?

Ashuris thinks there was magic involved in the ambush, but she thinks it was originating from some unseen kulakin spellcaster rather than the warriors who attacked you.
As for the tunnel they dug, they did it with their teeth.

I don't suppose the Kulaki would count as prey for Tak'zaya Ska?

Hunting a single Kulakin is hardly a massive challenge for an orc warrior, no, and slaughtering mass numbers of them is more the domain of the war gods.

How could was the water where the Rotten Man is?

About the same as the rest of the water around, which is to say cold but not icy.

Would Vaki know if the Kulaki were fey-related? I think they're just random biologicals atm

She might, she hasn't said anything about them being fey though.

Oh god I don't even want to think about what fey/orc pregnancies would be like. litter size, pregnancy length, etc. is just too variable

That's fey for you. Still, a fey-orc offspring is going to have some nice magical aptitude, and maybe some other interesting powers, so many would consider it worth the risk.
I mean, aside from those orcs who wouldn't even consider risk and just want to dick a hot fey.

I wanted to ask you something but completely forgot what it was. It was kind of important as well. hmmmmm Oh, right! Not important after all, was just thinking it's okay if Aurora doesn't break yet, we can wait until we eat Slaggyr's heart if we must.

Well, the main reason she isn't breaking is because of her fanatical devotion to Slaagyr, so eating his heart would most likely help rattle her belief in his invincibility, yes.

Will we be able to bring Vaki with us when the Stonetusk Clan eventually leaves the waste? (Although... leaving her behind heavily pregnant to start a inbred aquatic hillbilly orc clan of her own with her own whelps does hold a certain appeal. )

Who knows, something to look into, if you want to keep her.
>(Although... leaving her behind heavily pregnant to start a inbred aquatic hillbilly orc clan of her own with her own whelps does hold a certain appeal. )
Fey-orc deliverance? Will the sound of banjos be echoing through the deep?

Does having an non-orc ancestor, like a great grandmother or great grandfather, have an affect on the general appearance or talents of an otherwise full blooded orc?

Depends, if that is the only non-orc ancestor within a few generations, then the orc will have at first a few very minor cosmetic differences. Orc biology naturally moves towards more orcy physiology without an ongoing influx of non-orcs to bang.
I believe that is why some people have been suggesting making some of the slaves breed with their own race so you can have more slaves of that race in the future.

Cowing the Kulakin into servitude, possible or not? Destroy their raiding force, push into their main camp, and just beat them, not kill them?

You don't have enough information on Kulakin to be able to answer that question, you could try though.

What would have happened if Ur'shal failed his 'ask Vaki to mate with him' roll? Something like a "I'll need ALL your shineys if you want to mate with me" kind of thing? She storms off in a huff? She attacks Ur'shal for his insolence?

Who knows, dealing with fey always carries some degree of unpredictability though.


Language: English