

Ask @BrightTegu

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If you had to attribute voice actors to the main characters, who would ya pick?

I honestly don't know, I don't think most voice actors could quite get a good orcish tone without a lot of technological assistance.

Coould a sufficiently devoted priest of Skor'oz Zik accquire a boon or ritual that would allow him to enter a state of suspended animation?

Sounds like the sort of thing Skor'oz Zik would do, sure.

In the last thread, there seems to be some Anons pushing to have this half giant chieftain sacrificed to Ylugri. Is this advisable? I'd say that having a half breed orc sacrificed to a foreign god, no matter what kind of an asshole he is, would piss off Zhul'orok Zhar something fierce.

Killing him horribly is fine, sacrificing him to a non-orcish god however might upset your gods.

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While Y'zagya Zoka encourages orcs to make halfbreeds, would a chieftain who forces his clan's women to mate with an ogre, and uses ogre rape as a punishment for percieved disloyalty, count as being abusive towards his women in Y'zagya Zoka's eyes?


I noticed that Lokasi's husband is not on the character listing yet. I think it'd be a good idea to add him.

I will when and if he actually appears in the quest.

Im going to need like 20% more Shy stuttering Dragon, gives me all the more motivation to go full Orc Bard mode.

I think you'll have to put a lot of effort in to make a dragon shy and stuttering, such personality traits don't generally go with some of the mortal realm's biggest egotists.

Oh god we're gonna fuck all of our female children aren't we? When dragon daughteru turns 14 we'll impregnate her and then we keep pumping out 1/4 dragons every 1 year. going out on a limb and hoping halfdragon #2 is also female we'll only have 6ish years until she's legal. It'll double production.

Keep reaching for that dream, anon.

What exactly is a Wurm?

Primordial Wurms are considered by many to be the oldest living things in existence, ancient, impossibly large serpentine creatures with incredible magical powers. Fortunately, all Primordial Wurms in existence today are sleeping deep beneath the ground, bound up in their own strange dreams.
Wurms are the far smaller (but still gigantic by most humanoids' reckoning) offspring of Primordial Wurms, alongside Dragons. Wurms lack wings or legs, and tend to be, while not necessarily less intelligent than dragons, more blunt and brutal in their methods. Wurms can also assume a humanoid form, though their ability seems rather simplistic compared to a Dragon's humanoid form, and looks more like some clumsy clay sculpture brought to life than a real humanoid.
Wurms are not elemental in the way that Dragons are, and there seem to be dozens upon dozens of different breeds of wurms, everything from the bloodsucking Withered Wurms to the noxious Swamp Wurms to the sadistic Hexwurms. Most sensible humanoids avoid wurms, because unlike dragons who might deign to use 'lesser races' as agents or slaves, wurms see them only as food or sport.

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so latest thread wasnt archived?

Doesn't look like it.
I'll post a link to the moe archive of that thread in my OP post.

>fire dragons often take on red hair when humanoid That's pretty cute, assuming it's somewhat conscious/voluntary/havetobeoptedoutof. >Wh-what are you talking about? Fire is awesome, and red is awesome! Wh-what do you mean it's dorky!? S-STOP SAYING I'M CUTE! M-my hair s-strikes fear in my enemies!

S-so kawaii.

>details of said diety Is that a "don't know anything" or a "only know a little bt"?

There's a lot of shit Ur doesn't know yet.

Can you repeat/copy what you said in the tread here, so it can be used to kill any possible future arguments over bloodbaths/blooddrinking/hearteating?

>While orcs are a-okay with getting covered in blood in battle, actually bathing in a big pool of it would be considered a little strange.
>Now doing something dramatic on the battlefield like tearing out a dangerous enemy's heart and eating it to make the enemy force collectively shit themselves is something that several of the orc gods could appreciate for various reasons.

Can a vampire orc still father whelps? Or give birth to children if she's female?

Nope, undead.
Of course with enough arcane or divine bullshit anything is possible, but without outside assistance, no.

How do other species descend from dragons? Were they half-breeds that began to breed true, or are they weird degenerates, or is there some kind of magical or divine intervention involved? Does evolution work the same way in a fantasy setting?

Dragons just seem strangely prone to spontaneous mutation.
>Does evolution work the same way in a fantasy setting?
If allowed to, sure, although sorcerers and deities and weird magical effects tend to enjoy fucking with it regularly.

I would like to thank Great Britain for the beautiful game and plonking its convicts down under. Australia has just won the asian cup! Also thread in 8 hours hopefully?

I'll keep my opinion on the beautiful game and its overpriced drama queen players to myself.

>It'll be 21 years before we'll be able to fuck our Dragon Daughteru. Life is suffering.

The best things in life are worth waiting for, anon.

So would a halfbreed with a fire dragon have red hair?

Well it's not 100%, but a lot of fire dragon humanoid forms do have red hair, so yes, it might well get passed on to offspring.

Is your internet still fucked up? Maybe you should contact your ISP if you have a good package and get these problems regularly? I'm not sure how it works in Britain to be honest.

Nah, it's sorted now, as I said on twitter, I'll start up the quest again in 4 and a half hours.

Are lamia forms just not as useful/versatile as one with legs? Do dragons with lamia forms have a weakness like lamias, being coldblodded(assuming that lamias are coldblooded, of course)?

Lamia do not do well in cold climates, no, however draconic lamia forms lack this weakness, so no-one is entirely sure why so few dragons take it as a form.

What's a wyvern? and a lindwurm?

Wyverns are considered to be the slow-witted cousins of dragonkind. While some can speak, most lack any complicated thought processes beyond hunting, killing and gathering shiny things. They are slightly larger than a drake, and are highly poisonous both from their spittle and from a barbed stinger in the tail.
Lindwurms are massive wurms of dragon size with two vestigial forelegs on their serpentine bodies. They are highly poisonous to the degree that they can poison water sources or render farmlands barren just by passing through. They have prodigious appetites for flesh both living and dead, often resulting in them invading farmland or sites of mass death such as battlefields or graveyards. Lindwurms cannot assume the primitive humanoid shape of regular wurms.

What are drakes and zmey?

Drakes are smaller (about the size of an an Indian Elephant) dragon-like creatures which live in family groups. They can learn magic, but lack a dragon's natural aptitude for it, and cannot assume a humanoid form.
Zmey are massive three-headed dragons with foul temperaments (even compared to regular dragons) which are often afflicted with some form of insanity. They lack a dragon's capability for transformation or its magical aptitude, but often have some form of prophetic ability in at least one of their heads.

will there be kobold fucking in this? From your setting it seems like trolls are also a no go. Abyssal shit is obviously out. Are nymphs, naiads, dryads and shit still on the table? What about succubi? Or are succubi abyssal in this setting?

>will there be kobold fucking in this?
>Are nymphs, naiads, dryads and shit still on the table?
Most definitely.
>What about succubi? Or are succubi abyssal in this setting?
Succubi are not abyssal. They are divine servants of a particular deity, not that you know the details of said deity yet.


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