

Ask @BrightTegu

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Does Aurora not know how long Slaggyr has had a spy in the camp?

Slaagyr's not in the habit of giving his followers information he doesn't think they need to know.

I was thinking we could just ask Bra'kur and Zp'rok to allow themselves to be dominated, as we have to be thorough with the investigation. I hope this isn't offensive/unreasonable, to be honest, shows we aren't playing favorites. I assume not resisting a domination means no DC?

>I hope this isn't offensive/unreasonable
It would be massively offensive.
Word to the wise, if you want to use slaves to control the minds of your lieutenants to force truth out of them, you will want to be very subtle about how you do it if you don't want a full-scale revolt.

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If we were to raise some of our children as our own, like Dra'koz raised the halfgiants, would we have to micromanage?

Most orcish parents tend to be pretty hands-off, Dra'koz's honorguard thing was pretty unusual for an orc. That said, if you want to do something similar, be my guest. It might require a bit of micromanagement on your part, but not much.

Can you start next thread with a vote on what to do while we're still in the tent where we interrogated Aurora, with the coven and Bra'kur&Zo'rok?

Any particular reason?

>tfw if we had recruited the Necromancer, we could just call up the soul of the orc killed by the goat and ask him who the other spy

Don't fret, you'll have more chances to recruit necromancers in the future, perhaps even the chance to find tomes to train some of your own.

Does Ur'shal feature in some of our clans women's sexual fantasies? Not that they'd necessarily seriously consider cheating on their own mates with him, but do they like what they see when they look at him? Do they like to gossip about his sexual prowess?

Well, Ur is a powerful warrior, a good-looking orc, and has a large dick, all traits that orcish women find attractive, so there's no doubt that at least a few of them have wondered what it would be like to get the D from their young chieftain.

>implying size worship is a fetish Niggah there is a reason the average length of a dick is 6 in/15 cm, when in reality it should biologically be 3in/7.6cm.

Thanks for the bigger dicks, nature!

You haven't covered the function of sweat tents and personal grooming while living in a blighted wasteland. You should be ashamed.

I am ashamed of many things I have or have not included in this quest, I assure you.

Calling Adru the cuck wizard makes no sense. So far, the only people still alive that Ur is cucking would be Lokasi's husband and Rasha. Aleida, Inka and Ya'zada's mates were killed by someone other than Ur. And we personally killed Sho'ka and K'zala's mate so that's like half-cucking.

I think he is being referred to as cuck wizard because the domination gave him a massive crush on Ashuris as a side-effect, which she has no interest in reciprocating. Instead Adru just has to follow her around and watch while Ur gropes her and gives her the D.

I'd like to thank you for the quest, Warlord. Not only does it pander to almost all my fetishes(smell, taste, mindbreak, sizeworship, impregnation), but the setting and nonsmut parts of the quest are great too. So, thank you for running.

Glad you're enjoying it, anon.

Have we even titfucked anyone yet? And while we're on the topic, who has the biggest tits in our harem? Both according to size and proportions please, I suspect the former may be Ashuris, while the latter may be Aleida.

>Have we even titfucked anyone yet?
Not yet
and yes, you suspect correctly.

A large amount of semen is a given, but does Ur'shal also produce a lot of precum? Or was Sho'ka's "you know you love the taste" to Ashuris just referring to the sweat found everywhere on one's skin?

>A large amount of semen is a given, but does Ur'shal also produce a lot of precum?
Yeah, a fair bit.

>inb4 cuck wizard is just especially small, and the elven average is like 8 inches

They average around the same as humans, maybe slightly smaller.

So, any Skyhunters beside Za'ria got moist from our speech and arrival into their camp?

Of course, Ur cut a pretty impressive figure out there.

Cool, I was thinking her elven flexibility might have helped her in this regard, but even if it did it's good that it hasn't helped her get used to it completely yet.

It takes some time, even for a girl as flexible as Lokasi, Ur'shal's a hell of a lot bigger than what she's used to.

Lambie joe's twitter suggests he'll run tomorrow or sometime the week after. Another topic, has our resident cuck wizard mentioned anything more about the personality of the jungle dragon? From escaped slaves or captured cultists? Did they every have a problem with eachother breaking into fights?

The elves only know about the fire dragon from what they heard from survivors of the two villages her cultists pillaged. She's aggressive, expansionist, and an egomaniac like only dragons can be. You don't go calling yourself a living goddess of war unless you've got some serious hubris going on.
The only reason she hadn't pushed out further to take the other villages is because she's feuding with the serpent and the skinchangers.

How many combat-capable slaves do we have?

The five ogres (six if you don't kill the Skyhunter one), as well as four of the humans and fourteen of the elves, that is not counting named slaves of course.

Has Lokasi gotten used to Ue's size yet? Hopefully not completely yet, the NTR scene would work that much better if she still can't comfortably take it all right at the beginning.

She's still far from used to it, hell most of your non-orcish women aren't completely used to it.

How long until we fuck Ms. Manx? I'm thinking, a sensual massage, then princess carry to her bedroom, and treat her normally, ask if she wants to top or bottom, etc. Then a quick scene in the shower afterwards, and done.

Soon, hopefully, Joe seems to be hinting that we should with the stuff about our current house feeling too small, and it would be nice to have a big, private location to cut loose with our cult.
As for how that scene will go, guess we'll wait and see.

>coded messages So you're telling me she met Juk'ruk personally every time? Or what? I doubt there's postal service in The Wastes.

She left messages for him to find when he went out hunting, things that his hunting party wouldn't pick up on.

How intelligent are Elder Serpents? Are they reasonable, or are they beast like? Can they be negotiated with? Could Vor'zal do a ritual with the corpse of an Elder Serpent and then be able to turn into an Elder Serpent?

They are intelligent, and in theory could be negotiated with, although you were warned before that they tend to think with their stomachs first.
>Could Vor'zal do a ritual with the corpse of an Elder Serpent and then be able to turn into an Elder Serpent?
Yes, although he wouldn't inherit any of the Elder Serpent's sorcerous abilities, he'd just turn into a really big snake.


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