

Ask @BrightTegu

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It would probably be easier on that minor QM to quest in the southern seas area. Still has alive and thriving orc tribes and those catgirl/gnolls you wanted to keep Ur'shal away from.

Maybe so. I mean I don't mind if someone wants to use the setting, I'm just not sure I want to be worrying about having to coordinate my quest with another quest.
There's three whole other continents besides the one you're on, and I've only really fluffed out one of them beyond this one, so there's plenty of space to work with.

Would you support a QM starting a Quest in your world? A Quest about Humans hunting Orcs, and the world of your quest fits. They set out after hearing about Orc clans uniting (Thanks to Ur) and any major thing that Ur does they could hear of and Major things they do could reach Ur in due time.

I appreciate the thought, but I'd feel a bit weird about that to be honest. I mean you're welcome to pitch more of an idea to me if you wish, but I'm not sure I'd really like to coordinate with another quest.

Never fade out K'zala. How Can My Little Mate Be This Cute is just too much.I

I've been looking for an opportunity to give you a K'zala thread sooner or later. The thing with your two original mates is that rather than being characters with a set arc, they are characters who started off low level and will develop over time, which means even if they slip into the background temporarily, I'm not planning to make K'zala or Sho'ka ever fade out.

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Envious orc stares as Ur'shal is covered in women, the unbeatable Ya'zada, the eager to prove herself Sho'ka and the divinely beautiful Ashuris. Hail to the chief im the motherfucking Chief!

Ur'shal is, as the humans say, straight pimping.

Just saw that video of Lars Anderson Archery on your twitter page. I take it that the kind of things shown in that video is pretty much the same kind of shit Lokasi is capable of?

You've not actually seen Lokasi use a bow, since she was fighting in melee, but yes, that's the kind of shit skilled elven archers can pull.

Sirens huh?

Merfolk, sometimes confused with harpies since both have a bad habit of using song to lure people to their deaths.
Not that all sirens are like that, they just have a bad reputation because of the ones who are.

>(or at the bottom of the ocean, all kinds of crazy stuff.) Anything interesting down there?

Sirens, Water Dragons, Sea Monsters and all kinds of freaky forgotten creatures of the deep.

Can Priestesses and female devotees of Y'zagya Zoka receive the orc fertility Goddess's equivalent of the 'Divine Beauty' boon?

Sure can.

I'd assume the human pantheon so large and somewhat disparate, because there are so many and widespread humans. Does this mean one human god is weaker pound for pound than those of other races or are there enough humans to make up for the large pantheon? How do humans usually do in divine wars?

It varies, there are some gods which are worshiped in one form or another throughout the world, and the gods standing at the top of the human pantheons can be scary motherfuckers to cross, but yes, smaller more provincial deities have to tread lightly around non-human gods who's worship is more widespread.
Human gods usually do alright in divine wars, no race does particularly badly, if they did, their pantheons would already have been wrecked.

Wha kind of boons does Skor'oz Zik grant? Stuff like resistance to extreme heat and cold, mitigation of dehydration, hunger and sleep deprivation?

Things like that, yes. There are stories of his most favored followers being able to live on mountain peaks, in active volcanoes, or at the bottom of the ocean, all kinds of crazy stuff.

Is Ashuris's new slave dominated by her will alone, or does the spell cause her covenant to share control?

She cast the spell alone, so just her.

>(Skor'oz Zik thinks that too many slaves and large populations make orcs get lazy and weak.) While a part of me wants to decry Skor'oz Zik as being the Orc God of No Fun Allowed, does the destruction of the orc kingdom and the near total genocide of the orc race mean that he kind of has a point?

It's hard to discount his viewpoint entirely.
Also I should point out, the orc race wasn't near genocided throughout the world, just on the continent you live on.
Other places like the Southern Island and the Hunter's Veldt still have very large orcish populations, they just happen to be very far away from you.

So, how has Aleida gone about convincing Inca to go to Ur'shal willingly? Has she made much progress?

Who knows, she's obviously been saying something to Inka for her to get so riled up.

I'm fearing a greater evil will take us. Disney.

I for one look forward to Orc Warlord Quest the disney movie.
Ur and his clan breaking into a big musical number about how much they love to rape.

How are the human gods organized? Do they have one pantheon like the others? If not, why are they different, do their gods still only accept humans and do they cooperate against other races? What would happen to a god only worshipped in a certain region, if one were to mess that region up?

The human pantheon is very large and, like other pantheons, can vary by region. Generally human gods only accept human worshipers, although there are some who have expanded to become gods of multiple races in more cosmopolitan regions.
If a god was only worshiped in a certain region and one wrecked that region, the god would have to very quickly try and find some new means of acquiring worshipers, or they would be unable to replace divine servants lost to destruction or reincarnation, which would make them more likely to get killed by another god, or worse yet consumed by the abyss.

I don't know. Moot the abyssal lord has been banished. So, maybe the orcish gods are heeding our prayers.

Moot may have been banished, but now we're under the control of unknown forces.
I hope you're looking forward to Pepsi presents 4chan.

Pray Zul'orok Zhar! Ask him to purge the abyss influence from 4chan!

It's too late, 4chan is more abyss than not at this stage.


You want me to remove the gayness from 4chan?
Jesus anon, I'm not a god!

How exactly does a god falling to the abyss happen? Is that the fate that awaits everthing that falls to it in battle or just if they get fucked up in a specific way?

Their divine realm being devoured by the abyss and them along with it, the god being killed while in the abyss, or because they got corrupted by abyssal promises and manipulation just like mortals.

What other gods have fallen to the Abyss? Are any pantheons over or under represented?

All pantheons have lost gods to the abyss over the millenia. Ur, and even Ku'zag, would be hard pressed to give any exact numbers because all races, orcs included, tend to view their fallen gods with a great deal of shame, it isn't something to be talked about with outsiders.

Does tension exist between Skor'oz Zik and Y'zagya Zoka, seeing that Skor'oz Zik seems to encourage solitude amongst his followers while Y'zagya Zoka's perview of fertility requires Orcs to seek each other out?

Yes. Skor'oz Zik thinks that too many slaves and large populations make orcs get lazy and weak, less self-reliant. Y'zagya Zoka thinks that Skor'oz Zik's way of thinking would end up with orcs being reduced to a half dozen hermits sulking in mountain caves.


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