

Ask @BrightTegu

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With magical parents leading to magical offspring being only a theory, how much does eugenics actually factor in with producing strong orcs? Given that constant pregnancy would tie down strong females for half of their time, I'd like to at least be certain they'd give birth to above average orcs.

Stonger parents produce stronger children is something orcs have believed for all time.

RIP moot he was a faggot and a cuck but he was ours, and he was the most faggot cuck to ever grace the site

Here's hoping the new management don't change his policy on quests for the worse, or we may be moving over to akun.

Given that it might become relevant at some point when does their pregnancy start to prevent orcs, ogres, humans and elves from doing stuff and how long after that do they give birth? Thinking about it, it'd be rather annoying if we can't get use out of strong casters/warriors for over half a year.

Well, for Orcs the pregnancy period is 5 months, for the last 2 months of it they'll really have trouble doing much. Humans bearing halfbreeds take about 6 months, and can't do much for the last 3, for ogres it's around 7 months with them being fairly inactive for the last three, for elves it's 14-16 months, and they get too large to do much from around the 8 month mark.
Unfortunately that's just part of building up your clan. Now that you have access to the jungle Ku'zag might be able to make contraceptives if you really, really want someone to not get pregnant. In the old kingdom female hunters and warriors would sometimes use such things to limit themselves to one litter every year or two so they could spend most of their time hunting and fighting, but overusing contraceptives to limit your clan's numbers growing by stopping females and slaves getting pregnant all the time would probably make your clanmates rather leery and upset Y'zagya Zoka.

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How about abysmal lords? Are they all fallen gods like Mul'orog Grul, or did they just spawn from the Abyss?

Many are fallen gods, with others it's a lot less clear where they came from.

>the doomsayers got a god What is this referring to? I recall nothing about a specific "doomsayers".

I believe that's in response to me referring to Skor'oz Zik as the god of hobo survivalists.

>The Doomsayers got a god. Oh dear. Is he he oldest? Could we get a list of ages on our gods? Who was the first? Are any of our current gods originals? Or we they all raised up by previous gods? How were the first gods ever created/made divine

Some of them are obviously younger, like the two war gods, and Y'zagya Zoka, but the other two's ages are less concrete, just that Tak'zaya Ska and Skor'oz Zik are a lot older.
You aren't aware that any of the current gods are "original", or if such a thing even exists, and no-one knows where the first gods came from, although one theory is that the first gods sprung forth from the Crucible when existence was created.

Was Skor'oz Zik the orcish god of the sea and seafarers at the time Y'zagya Zoka was mortal? If so, as a ruthless pirate queen, did she spend a lot of time placating him to ensure favorable winds and tides to help her raiding activities?


What is Skor'oz Zik like? I can't imagine him being very sociable with other gods or his servants. I feel like he's just an ornery old man raising other ornery old men up with him and they just sit around and be ornery talking about how the youngsters have it easy.

Pretty much, Skor'oz Zik is the god of crazy hobo survivalist orcs.

How often do Divine Servants get sent to Earth to do some gods buisness? Both in General and for Orcs

Not very often, generally it's only the very powerful ones that get send directly for divine intervention by a deity.
The most common time people will encounter Divine Servants is when divine spellcasters summon them.

I was just wondering if they would get any special boon or favor since there transformation is pretty much on of her spells. Not to mention it fits her so much.

Not really, Tak'zaya Ska didn't make skinchangers, so she doesn't grant them any special favors. Animal shapechanging or not, they have to prove themselves to her just like anyone else.

Why did the Sluagh turn to worship of the Abyss? Were their gods such jackasses that worship of the Abyss seemed preferable?

The Sluagh have non-abyssal gods (who are still a pretty dodgy bunch), the Sluagh in general don't worship the abyss, they just don't have the same issues with their people practicing abyssal magic as other races.

Could a halfbreed orc ascend to godhood like Y'zagya Zoka or Zol'gor Tor? Granted, they would have to be supremely badass and an exmplar of orcish virtues but, hypothetically, could it be done?


Since Elf women aren't very fertile, how less likely is it that an elf woman will get knocked up by a single load of orc spunk? Is the chance of pregnancy so low that our clan will have issues with them bearing whelps?

Orc spunk can do the job well enough, the main issue with elf women is that even with the quicker gestation for orc halfbreeds they're still spending over a year pregnant.

So would a half elf/orc skingchanger look like a darker K'zala until it changed? Would there be any difference in the change? Would it change into an entierly new creature or would it still be a big cat? Also what is Tak'sza skas view on Skinchangers? Both hunting them and in her own ranks?

>So would a half elf/orc skingchanger look like a darker K'zala until it changed?
>Would there be any difference in the change? Would it change into an entierly new creature or would it still be a big cat?
If it was born from your current captive of her family line, yes, a big, black furred cat. The curse is specific to one animal form, and there are dozens upon dozens of different strains out there. Wolves, lions, snakes, sharks, crocodiles, boars, bears, jackals, bulls, goats, ants, rats etc. etc.
>Also what is Tak'sza skas view on Skinchangers? Both hunting them and in her own ranks?
Tak'zaya Ska didn't make skinchangers, and has no strong view on them in her own ranks one way or another. Hunting them though, sure, skinchangers who aren't her faithful are fair game in her opinion, they make for interesting prey.

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Hey, how many of those elven skinchangers did we actually kill? I only see 1 confirmed kill and 1 confirmed capture. The rest were able to regen and escape?

You killed three.

>elves are shorter than humans kek

I did consider making them taller, but eh, I've already got a lot of tall folks.

Will a toungeripper die oc blood loss just like any other orc? What about poison? Do they have an unnatural resistance to poison?

You have no knowledge of tongueripper physiology.

How would we go about improving Zo'rok's alchemy skill, aside from finding him alchemical ingredients and cooking apparatus to play with?

Yeah, finding him more ingredients and apparatus to play with, also telling him to actually do so, because part of the reason his skills haven't developed is because he doesn't ever really bother developing them, they're just leftover from when he was apprenticed to Ku'zag.

When we don't have Aleida serving our booze or riding our dick, what do we have her doing? Cooking, cleaning, repairing our clothes? What about Inka? How well are they adjusting to orcish cuisine? Have either of them tried our toxic liquor, and to what humourous effect?

Yeah, general housekeeping in your tent (tentkeeping?). Inka doesn't really do much, since so far she spends most of her time huddling in a corner trying to avoid everyone.
As for food, the slaves mostly get the less choice bits of meat and such left over, which are generally unspiced and unseasoned, so aren't as harsh on them as a result. Neither of them have tried orcish liquor since the most common effect on humans of their size and constitutions is vomiting, hallucinations and potentially alcohol poisoning, which admittedly some orcs would find very humorous.

Given Aleida's reactions to Ur'shal's lovemaking in the last thread, would it be safe to say, after some initial hesitation, that she's now a true believer in the power of orc cock? Plus, after all the shit that has happened to her, it's nice that she's found some measure of happiness.

She has learned that the only true route to happiness is being pounded by a big green dick.
It's like something out of a fairy tale.

>Lack of things to besiege. I was actually thinking that an eight-foot bolt might put even the most roided up Tongueripper down for the count from a nice, safe distance. We also have the wall to tackle eventually.

Sounds reasonable, now you just need someone who knows how to build that sort of thing, which could be hard since aside from other orcs, the only people you've met so far are backwards mountain humans and jungle elves.

This upcoming encounter with Inka might provide some interesting insight for Ur'shal. Stockholm approach: treat them reasonably (thrown in with some orcish mind-dicking) and they won't want to leave, even if given the choice.


Hmmm, actually, that's just been his harem experience in general, I just realized.

Pretty much, orcish fluids are stockholm syndrome in liquid form.


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