

Ask @BrightTegu

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>Scoffing the Eugenics Program Bro do you even CK2?

All I learned from crusader kings is to never marry an Austrian unless you want your children to be mutants.

Wait I don't get it why did they kill Yel? I'm lost

Anger? Disgust? Disappointment? Fear that leaving someone who had proven himself to be so untrustworthy in charge of a horde of fanatically loyal killers might bite us in the ass later? I don't think there's one single reason why everyone voted the way they did.

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But that's not fluff, that's a nonfluff omake. Keep those separate

Well, I would say I can do both, but we all know how good I am at finding time for those sorts of things.

> enact draconian breeding regulations. Literally or figuratively "draconian"

Figuratively, most orcs have never even seen a dragon, let alone dicked one.

>tfw we didn't bring back one of the cool weapons from the mesa I still maintain that we could've use the polearm there like they use poles to carry buckets of water. At least next time we come here with people we might be able to take the warpick without becoming spoopy and shit.

Spoopiness will take time and effort to clear, especially from a place with as nasty a history as the mesa.

No fluff votes for POV everyday life of our lieutenants or our harem?

The fluffpolls were mainly meant for worldbuilding stuff, I guess I could do one for that in the future.

On a scale from 1 to 10 how tough is stone from the wastes?

Runs from about 4 in the south up to 6 or 7 nearer the howling mountains. It's not great quality stone all in all, tends to fragment easily. The stone the coven have made your camp out of has been improved in quality somewhat, since the shaping process tends to smooth out a lot of the cracks and imperfections.

I'll bet that either the scaled queen or the water dragon fluff will win just because waifus. This was submitted on the 9th of October 14:37 UTC. Don't answer this before you close the poll.

When you're right you're right.

To be honest I didn't get a notification of your first tweet talking about the fluff and I thought the "Well guess what: link" was a smut pastebin. Imagine my surprise when it wasn't.

If that ever happened to me, I'll wager I'd spill tea all over my picture of the queen.

>wanting to ruin Ur's image of the perfect pure orc specimen with unnatural things like horns Shame on you, anon. Shame on you.

Pure orcish husbando.

I wouldn't mind if Ur had Horns or actual Stone tusks how do we get either of those?

Boons, or maybe biomancy.

Is it possible for an orc to take the worship and veneration to Y'zagya Zoka too far? You know, to the point other orcs look at him or her and think "wow, what a weirdo?"

It is possible to take the worship and veneration of any god too far to the extent that other orcs think you're crazy. There have been those who got so obsessive about Y'zagya Zoka's faith that they started trying to enact draconian breeding regulations to optimize clan strength, or just those who constantly harass other orcs for not slavetaking/breeding enough by holding them to impossible standards.

So the Reaver Isles are the home to the worlds largest slave market, huh? I thought orcs were not that keen on mercantile pursuits.

That is a point of contention between the Y'zagya Zokans and Skor'oz Zikans, but in general it's bartering of slaves for other slaves or weapons or the like, or wagering them on contests, so it doesn't quite cross the line into a mercantile industry.

So, for hard core Y'zagya Zokan followers, rape, breeding and slave taking isn't just a fun hobby but a holy act?

Yes, although it's a holy act they generally enjoy.

How would one go about accepting Y'zagya Zoka in your heart as our Lady and savior?

If Orc: Go out, acquire many slaves, use them to breed healthy orcish whelps for the glory of orckind.
If not Orc: Do your duty to your orc masters by toiling for their benefit or bearing their whelps. Or alternatively if you are a strong enough non-orcish male to do so, by knocking up orcish females with orcish whelps for the glory of orckind.

Do Y'zagya Zokan religious festivals have much structure and solemnity to them or are they pretty relaxed and casual affairs?

Most are pretty casual affairs, the biggest festivals and ceremonies have more structure to them, though calling them solemn might be a stretch.

When can we expect to find out about Vaki's surprise? After the raid on the Lamias perhaps?

When Vaki is ready to reveal it.

Where do centaur mares rank as breeding slaves? Something tells me that centaur mares have a much easier time of birthing orc whelps than other races, even more so with Sanctify Birth.

They're a bit rare in your part of the world for any of your older orcs to have an answer for that. Though one would assume that they probably do find birthing orc whelps easier.

Can we ask our elven slaves about that elf adventurer that is gunning for the Stonetusk Clan?

You can indeed. Remind me of that in the thread.

I suppose I'll just have to make do with Loren, city management, golem management, and politics.

You are still very early on in the first part of the quest, there'll be plenty more time for best behemoth in the future.

How accurate is it to say that the Reaver Isles are the closest thing that the orcs have to Mecca?

That is somewhat accurate, at least for orcs on your side of the world.

>Hopefully Sunday TL Note : Hopefully means NEVER EVER

>Hopefully Sunday TL Note: Hopefully means NEVER EVER
>NEVER EVER = 9 letters
>9 = 3 x 3
HL3 confirmed as coming out before GKQ 15.

>tgw we'll go back to our home soon >tfw we won't see Kajilapa for a significant amount of time I HATE IT

Kajilapa will always be in your heart no matter how far away she may be.


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