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50 posts


Do you make your own ice, and if you do, how do you make it not taste like fridge? 🤢 (I need advice, if you have none, delete this, please!)

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
The best is to boil the water first ... Then let it be normal to room temperature while it is covered and then put it in the freezer 🙂✌🏻 .... Try it and let me know 🙃
Do you make your own ice and if you do how do you make it not taste like fridge

What's one of your favorite things to cook? Feel free to include the recipe and / or a picture if you want! Am looking for some inspiration 🍳🍲

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I love to make fish/potatoe patties
Basically I make more mash potatoes than I need for dinner, cool it in the fridge and blend it with roughly an even amount of fish. I then make patties like potato cakes 😋

Allah I was going outside now and there I saw something dark standing,, aik dam sa mujay itna dar Laga . It looked like that something was standing at the stairs😂😂 I haven't looked back aur jaldi sa room main a gayi .lol I'm so lame Yar

mein jab raat ko gate lock karne jata tha ya fridge say kuch lainay tou aisay mazaydaar scenes/jinns/faces imagine kar k apne aapko khud dara deyta tha k aesa tou Blumhouse/New Line Cinema walay nahi daratay 👻😎

I hate shopping in the middle of the week, why do you prefer make your fridge more empty

Thisjdembowski’s Profile PhotoY'ALL BORING
People use to buy many things and then they forget what they have... and after some time they must throw old things away. 🤔 I prefer to know day or two days before what we will eat and as shopping guru in grocery in my family is my husband, I dont mind 😅 😂
I hate shopping in the middle of the week why do you prefer make your fridge

What does your diet typically consist of? Do you consider yourself healthy?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie Curiosity
I used to eat healthier and was in better shape physically but at some point I stopped caring about my health and am now currently more interested in eating sweets and junk food compared to healthy foods. Even tho I’m not as healthy, I still eat salads whenever I can (meaning when there’s ready to eat pre-washed lettuce in the fridge due to being too lazy to wash them myself), meat, rice every so often, and of course, lots of sweets/sugary beverages. I go through periods of losing some weight and gaining them right back as a result of living a sedentary lifestyle and my love for sugar.

How often do you visit Harrods ? 🛍️

Qatari999243’s Profile Photoآل ثاني
When I was a student nearby I used to get my hair cut there as they had special cheap rates for students that actually made it competitive.
I do still go in sometimes if I happen to be walking past, but that's probably only once or twice a year, just to have a look around. The last thing that I bought there was a Santa Clause fridge magnet.

Should medicine be kept in room temperature or the fridge? I keep some in my room, but I also keep a lot in the fridge

No one in our household takes liquid medicine that should stay in the fridge except for my little sister who sometimes gets prescribed liquid medicine for her allergies (which has to be refrigerated) so that’s the only time there’s either one or two liquid medication bottles in our fridge. The rest of us take prescribed medication(s) that come in the form of pills so those don’t need to be refrigerated.

Should medicine be kept in room temperature or the fridge? I keep some in my room, but I also keep a lot in the fridge

normally if it needs to be at a special temperature, it will state that on the bottle. Some suspensions and liquids need refrigeration. if it doesn't specify then probably keeping it at room temperature in a dry place is fine

There are feet of snow outside and I ran out of water bottles. What am I going to do now? I don't really drive and I can't leave the house. Should I drink pepsi, ginger ale or eat watermelon to satisfy my thirst? Anything but tap water. Not even my cat touches that sh*t.

Tap water is better than nothing. Take tap water and boil for about 10 minutes and then let it cool down and drink. Alternatively, after it cooled down you can store some in the fridge. 🙃

How was your Christmas?

PL: A dziękuję, minęły spokojnie, zjadłyśmy z mamą i babcią barszcz z uszkami, ziemniaczki, kapustę z grzybami, mama i babcia zjadły do tego rybkę, porozdawałyśmy sobie prezenty, porozmawiałyśmy i tak jakoś nam minęła Wigilia. 😌
A w pierwszy i drugi dzień świąt po prostu jadłyśmy to, co zostało w lodówce. XDDD
ENG: And thank you, it passed peacefully, with my mum and grandma we ate borscht with dumplings, potatoes, cabbage with mushrooms, mum and grandma also ate fish, we talked, we gave each other gifts, we talked and that's how Christmas Eve passed. 😌
And on the first and second day of Christmas, we simply ate what was left in the fridge. 🤣🤣🤣

What human food do you give your cats? My cats love fish(boneless), chicken breast and deli meats. But I rarely give them to her, they’re just ocasional treats.

Tuna if they need to take medicine. They love mayo and butter for some reason. Even vegan ones. They get it as a little treat once in a while. Sometimes my vegan butter falls out of the fridge and they go wild.
Liked by: Gilbert Thomas

Why does Neo need to get to the Greek?

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoStrappy Sundress
It really is Get Neo to the Greek Lady
On my hotel arrival, I had a little time to exercise. I wanted an elliptical machine and went to the fitness room. There was one lone woman on an elliptical going fast. I jumped on the machine next to her and started. Her intensity was a good 30% more. After 5 min, I noticed a fridge of water. As I paused, she blurts out “Don’t leave because of me. I was lallygagging before you walked in. I would prefer to race you.”
Well, I grabbed the water, resumed, and said “It’s on!”. After 45 min, I was dead. After stopping, I said “You win.” She was relieved to be done. We chatted a bit. Her name was of Greek heritage. She was hoping to see me the next day in there.
Well, after a dinner with my colleagues, there she was at the elevator. I went up to her and she pulled out her earbud. I said I was going to the bar for a drink. As I was about to invite her, the door opened. She disappeared with a smile and a bye.
Do you know how long it has been since a pretty, younger (maybe 10-15 yrs my junior) woman was excited to be in my presence? Yeah, I don’t know either.
Due to my schedule, I was only able to exercise 2 days later. She was not there.
I guess you could say during my trip I got all hot and sweaty with a pretty Greek woman.

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— That's right, baby! I love musicals too! — She said while was getting the ice cream from the fridge and some snacks. — You know.. I would totally watch "Singin' in the Rain" or "My fair lady"...

- Interesting...
He replied intrigued to discover the movies she mentioned.
Steve sat comfortably on the sofa and started to scroll on the movie options, to find "My fair lady".
The title caught his attention and when he found it, he was drawn to the classic charm of the movie.
- I want to see that movie
His words were filled with enthusiasm, as he knew it would be a wonderful choice.

How would you ideally spend a nice, simple and chill day? Like during the weekend after a busy work week or the day after you've been out the whole evening 😌

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Ooo I love this question. Straight after I come home, I’d go fill a hot water bottle put it in my bed whilst I have a steaming hot bath with bath salts and a lush bubble bar. Dry my hair, put on a face mask, grab an ice cold redbull out the fridge. Snuggle in bed & journal for a bit. Watch some Netflix, till I fall asleep

Что у тебя в холодильнике? Спокойной ночи 😴🌙✨ . Говорят с четверга на пятницу сны сбываются))

id472009105’s Profile Photo_Ãłįñkå_
Тааак-многое, все, что я знаю, это то, что я вижу, пробиотик, сидящий рядом со мной; это пришло из моего холодильника, я буду пить-это!
Aaaaaah !
Sooooo-much , all I know , is what I see , a pro-bio, sitting next to me ; it came from my fridge, I'm gonna drink-it!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raPcE8uvapAigotamatch’s Video 172860837242 raPcE8uvapAigotamatch’s Video 172860837242 raPcE8uvapA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eczgywix8iYigotamatch’s Video 172860837242 eczgywix8iYigotamatch’s Video 172860837242 eczgywix8iY
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lL8_hS-1lXgigotamatch’s Video 172860837242 lL8_hS-1lXgigotamatch’s Video 172860837242 lL8_hS-1lXg

What the pros and cons if was thinking of buying apple products if you are apple user would you suggest the product ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
I have close to zero experience, by choice, of anything apple .
Although, I have have an apple something phone (s/h) in a drawer to my right , unused
I'm rather committed to Chrome o/s ~ this chromebook i'm on now expired re: updates about a year ago ; but bought a new acer celeron chromebook 15.6 , enormous screen , 2 days ago , still in it's box . . . . grabbed it cause £100 off !
Also got braeburns in our fridge , love them , would suggest them . . .
here's a pink lady!
What the pros and cons  if was thinking of buying apple products if you are

When you were a kid, what were some of your favorite home-cooked meals that you always looked forward to your family making? Have any of those turned into comfort foods you regularly eat now, as an adult? Have you ever attempted to make any of the recipes yourself? How did they turn out? 🤤

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I used to really love Sundays when I was a kid because I looked forward to my mom cooking our favorites like sinigang😄 Sinigang is a meat/seafood stew with sour fruits usually tamarind used as souring agent. It turned out to be one of my comfort food and I cook it myself sometimes since it's quick and easy.
Here’s a clip of my first time making it. It tastes okay considering there wasn’t much veggies, I only made do of what’s on my fridge😆
shaireen’s Video 173196769664

Describe the process behind one of your favorite meals to make? 👩‍🍳

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Take ricotta, mozzarella and parmesan cheese, a couple eggs, and a seasoning blend (basil, oregano, black pepper, garlic, parsley, thyme, sage, marjoram, and optional red pepper flakes, if you want spice), and mix them together in a bowl with a spatula. Then put in the fridge.
Then, take pasta shells, and boil them, but not to the point they’re done, undercook them by about 2-3 minutes. Drain them, and let them cool in a strainer or colander.
Once they cool, grab a casserole dish, and put a little marinara sauce at the bottom of it. Then, grab your cheese mixture out of the fridge, and with a spoon, fill each of the noodles one by one with a good dollop. Once all the noodles are filled, place them in the dish on top of the marinara sauce.
Cover the noodles with more sauce, so they don’t dry out and burn in the oven. Should be enough to where you really can’t see them anymore. Then add mozzarella and/or parmesan cheese on top, and put it in the oven for around 40 minutes. And there you have it… Stuffed noodles! 🤤😋
(Not my picture)

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Describe the process behind one of your favorite meals to make

Is it normal to drink directly from the tap where you live? 🤔

AsMaaGaDo97’s Profile PhotoAsmaa
🌷 Yes, I think so. I have filled my glass from the tap and drank it before at a friend's house. But at home we use water jugs that has filter in them. And the fridge got it's own filter to refill the jug inside too.

How's everyone doing? I'll go first I'm doing bad

arsalwaffles’s Profile PhotoArsal
sorry you're doing bad. Time will pass and things will improve, I hope sooner rather than later for you.
I'm in a lot of pain. BUT I worked hard today and got a lot done. I bought groceries for 7+ days and arranged my fridge and pantry. I cooked a nutritious meal (shrimp stir fry with rice) I painted I knitted I did two loads of laundry and hand washed a sweater. I trained my bird and spent time with the furbabies. I bought paint and ordered tape for my major ongoing project. Now I'm trying to relax my back muscles a little before bed.

Whenever you want to eat it, it must always be in your fridge or pantry. What food is it? 😋

Whenever I want to eat it, I need to buy it. So when I can eat it, it's any food that I currently have. 😆
Fridge or pantry doesn't go hand in hand. Pantry requires food that won't spoil, fridge requires food that will spoil.

Let's say you could have a spare/separate room for your "weirdest" hobbies. What would this room look like? What kinds of things would you put on a display, and how would you decorate this room?

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
man cave😁, a tv on every wall. a gaming pc, 2 ps5s, 2 xbox series xs, oculus. sectional w/ lounge & some recliners. a small fridge for bottled water. i’d put my sports teams on display, some gaming posters up too. i think i’d decorate the top of the walls with those color changing lights that stick to the wall. i’d have a surround sound, for games, movies & music of course.
Liked by: Star. i Smile

What was the last thing that made you laugh?

I was serving someone coffee earlier, when all of a sudden, a single espresso cup launched itself off the top of the coffee machine, hit the cake fridge and fell on the floor. The young guy in front of me was in complete shock, especially when I mentioned afterward in a blasé manner, that we have a ghostie that likes to play pranks and to not worry too much! It was quite comical how he looked at me and then the cup in such horror 😆🤣
I swear though, I’m certain that the ghost is a child, they’re so mischievous!! They also seem to play up when it’s just me at the store as well 🙈

What do you do when you wake up in the middle of the night? 🙃

Iihi. Tapos magtitingin ng pagkain sa fridge 😂 or magluluto pancit canton. Hindi biro magising ng gutom no 😅

What colors do you refer to these objects? A) Headphones B) Car C) Dryer D) Fridge E) T-shirt F) Television

All of these are the colours I've picked purely because my own are these colours lol
🌸 Pink headphones
🌸 Blue car
🌸 White dryer
🌸 White fridge
🌸 Any :) I predominantly have black tshirts with designs on lol
🌸 Black TV :)
What colors do you refer to these objects A Headphones B Car C Dryer D Fridge E

ᴅᴀᴍᴏɴ— https://ask.fm/dasalvatorebrothers/answers/170840955888

dasalvatorebrothers’s Profile Photosᴀʟᴠᴀᴛᴏʀᴇ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀs
Cross-legged and sipping on Damon’s bourbon, Katherine found entertainment in their conversation. Ever since Damon started convincing himself that he was in love with Elena, Katherine missed him more. It wasn’t much to do with her jealousy of Elena basically taking her place with a Salvatore on each arm, although that was definitely there, Katherine missed him because he became different, less himself in a way and now seeing him like this, not only with herself but also with Elena, it felt like she was getting a taste of her old Damon back, the same crazy impulsive vampire that spent a century and half obsessed with her.
Katherine couldn’t help but roll her eyes at her doppelganger’s accusations. She was right in one thing though, they did need to find Stefan. Revealing a bit of the truth to Damon didn’t change Katerina’s feelings for the younger Salvatore which she found surprising, considering she hadn’t thought of him once while in Damon’s arms upstairs. She found herself smiling silently as she recalled the moment. Damn Elena and her righteousness.
She could hear elena’s steps down the stairs, she must have relented eventually, Katherine thought. Or many just thought better than to mess with an emotionally unstable Damon, a mistake that Katherine did almost too often that night. “you need to let him be, Elena.” Katherine suggested in between sips, not even bothering to look at Elena, still, she could feel the girl’s gaze burning into her. “You can’t change him and if you loved him you wouldn’t really want to.” Katherine explained, casting a look at a teary-eyed Elena. “He was better, he could be better, it’s just you that ruins him.” The younger Petrova spat between gritted teeth. “I just remind him of who he is and between you and me, Damon doesn’t like playing pretend.” Her scrunched up noes added the natural provocation that came with almost everything Katherine says.
Elena wasn’t going to argue any further. There was no point, plus the longer she argued with her, Elena became almost convinced of her words. She left, letting the door slam behind her.
Katherine thought about heading back upstairs, if she had any luck, Damon wouldn’t have gotten to get dressed yet, but she thought against it. “I’m getting bored, Damon. if you don’t come indulge me, I might raid your fridge.” She called out playfully as she got up.
“Or maybe just leave without you.” She teased some more, anticipating a reaction as she allowed the little chair she'd just taken a seat on to spin her around. It hadn’t been 30 minutes and she had somewhat missed him and she couldn’t help but hate herself a little for it. so instead katherine convinced herself she was simply bored. knowing that this upcoming roadtrip is only gonna make it harder to deny her emotions for much longer but as for now, she wasn't ready nor willing to face any of it just yet.

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ᴅᴀᴍᴏɴ httpsaskfmdasalvatorebrothersanswers170840955888

Where do you prefer to stay on vacation: a tent/caravan, camping, rental, b&b, family, hotel or resort? Why do you prefer to stay there?

LunarHuntress’s Profile PhotoYentl (Only Dutch And English)
If I have the option I'll almost always pick to stay at an apartment hotel, especially during really long trips! It gives you a lot of options when it comes to food. If you have at least a microwave you can be very flexible and not have to eat out every day. When I spent a month in Australia I saved quite a bit of money being able to bring something home during the evening and simply heat it up. And having a proper fridge makes it so you can plan meals ahead of time and take those with you 🥪
Where do you prefer to stay on vacation a tentcaravan camping rental bb family

Language: English