
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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What makes someone powerful?

If people trust you, you have power.
If you are manipulative, you have power.
If someone cares about you, you have power.
If you're wealthy, you have power.
If you rule over something, you have power.
There are a lot of things.

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How do you deal/did you deal with loneliness?

I'm not lonely anymore.
I'm quite the opposite of lonely.
I have a great group of friends, a lovely boyfriend, some trustworthy family, & my cats.
In a span of three weeks, I actually hung out with 12 new people! It was awesome.
I'm a lot more social and try a lot harder to make good friendships.
I'm really content with my life situation.
If you're lonely, just change it. Be social. I promise, it's not as hard as it seems. Going out somewhere always made me feel better and less alone, just being surrounded by individuals. i always had cats, they kept me going a lot, actually. I turned to the internet when i was alone, but don't make that mistake. Not worth it.
Basically, just try to be social & make friends :D Go out when you can! Do things. Write in a journal. Just various stuff like that helps a lot :3

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Why do people give you anon hate like wtf. You're great <3

I don't know.
Maybe they're bored, maybe they're sad, maybe they're confused, maybe they're jealous. I don't really know. I mean, if they want to waste their time, i suppose they can.
Thank you <3

im not trying to be rude but why do you still count the 200 days? you said you relapsed a few months ago right?

I only relapsed once in my entire span of days.
It doesn't mean I should stop counting. I'm steal clean and I'm still strong.
Relapse is part of recovery, and we all make mistakes.
I was 238 days when I relapsed, and that's okay.
I still count because I'm still clean and I am not addicted to self-harm, I just take one day off of the count, for the day I made the mistake.

Please I need to know what to do, it's getting to the point where it's getting severe. It's like it's not even me doing it, as if I'm controlled by something, anything would help please.. just any advice that you have, it's killing me wonderful. :(

Well, dont think just because youve done it for four years, recovery is impossible. i self-harmed for five yesrs, & i'm over 200 days clean. recovery is possible for everyone. i understand it's addicting, terrinly addicting, but there are ways to help prevent it.
it's good you get rid of the razors, but if you take them out of what im assuming is a shaving razor, put it somewhere where it would be hard to casually get it. or even lock it up somewhere, which would take more effort to get out. i actually read this great idea once, you can freeze it in a container of water, so by the time it melts, you may not want to do it anymore.
initally, try alternatives. leave your house. go for a walk. do a hobby. anything.
it's a hard road, but you can do it.

myself but I get urges constant until I relieve the urge, it's like a living breathing nightmare and I don't know how to get rid of it, I'm to ashamed to tell anybody, I've hidden it for all these years from everyone except one of my friends who struggles from the same thing as me, ^


I need to know what to do, please help me. I've been a self harmer for going on 4 and a half years now and I've tried multiple times to stop, thrown away my razors and everything.. if things end up getting to bad I end up just breaking another razor and right back to where I was. I try to distract ^


Do you have any tips on growing out hair? Your hairs so long and beautiful like you and ughhhhh

Dont apply heat,
Wash it every other day,
Use special shampoos that are good for growth.

There's really nothing special about you you try way too hard . It least Taylor actually stays true to herself.

taylor is irrelevant.
i try too hard to what?
be nice?
love myself?
help people?
i'm fucking genuine. one of the few.
your jealousy makes me puke.

You're eyes are kinda squinty. It's like the shape of your face too

my eyes are actually exactly almond shaped. They're pretty normal.
I make faces in some of my pictures lol. That's why they've looked that way.
My face isn't really either. so. haha.

do you cut your own hair or get it professionally done? and how long are your bangs?

i haven't cut my hair in forever.
i get my sidecut professionally done.
my bangs are about down to my lips when straight down.

what happened with you and taylor?

i'm only gonna explain it once. that's it.
basically it's clear she doesn't really care about us being close anymore.
and it's whatever. it's fine. we both have other people we're getting close to. and that's all fine and dandy.
it just really sucked for a period of time. i mean i even tried making things somewhat better by talking to her again and asking her to hang out.
but i mean, friendships can't really be strong if neither people are trying their hardest, or at all.
i dunno.
very few things last forever, i guess.
i don't hate her, and i'd still talk to her about stuff if she'd reply sometimes.
I feel like she probably just doesn't want to talk to me anymore or about much. but rather to other people, and sometimes even about me. it's really poopy.
but i don't have hard feelings. and it's fine. We are on dance team together and we have classes together, so we have to stay at an okay level. i'd still help her if she needed it and hang out if she wanted to. neither of us hate each other and i guess we're still friends, just not best friends.
okay. there ya go.

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people are so rude its pretty clear that you love yourself and theres nothing wrong with that

thank you very much.
I'd like to say, it's better to love myself too much than to love myself too little.
I use to hate everything about myself, so they can suck one, honestly.

You're the queen of the narcissists! (: You're not all that you make yourself out to be. Hopefully you realize that soon.

i'm queen.


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