
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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Are you afraid of falling in love?

No, not at all.
I'm in love right now (:
And it's a rare, beautiful experience that is so absolutely uplifting and amazing. It can truly change you, and make you realize who you want to be. It can make you see everything beautiful in the world, and it can make you learn to love yourself and everyone else!

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I'm trying to recover from anorexia but it seems impossible. My mum is making sure i eat, but I've been secretly skipping a meal everyday. When I look in the mirror all I see is fat. What helped YOU recover from anorexia?

Will power and support.
And realization.
And love of food.
What made me break away from it was when i watched this video of me and my cousin. She's not fat, but she's not as skinny as me, and with muscle and curve. I saw myself next to her, looking too skinny and breakable, and I realized I didn't find myself attractive anymore.
Everything I'd been suffering for didn't mean a thing. I realized no one was ever going to stop me and think I looked better because i had a thigh gap and obvious hip bones. I wanted to be healthy, and I realized I'd gain even more negative attention if I kept not eating.
It's just a trick. People trick themselves into thinking if their bones show more than their muscle, everyone will like them and they'll like themselves.
It doesnt work that way.
You won't love yourself because you're skinnier. You'll just want to keep getting skinnier and skinnier. True self-confidence and self love doesn't appear because of your size, it's something from within, and you love yourself almost all the time.
If you're a healthy body weight, then you're not fat. Do a BMI test, if you must. But people look best when they're healthy, honestly. So don't waste yourself away thinking you'll reach a state of self-perfection, because it'll never come if you weren't happy and were willing to starve yourself in the first place.

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do u have a valentine?

Heidi Geiger
my boyfriend! :b
we're gonna take cute Valentine's day pictures, and I'm going to make him a Valentine's day card, and we're going to go on a date <3 and it's going to be precious
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I have horrible social anxiety. Because of it I'm scared to go anywhere and I only have one friend. And I'm scared to hang out with her because I think she'll think I'm fat and ugly and that she secretly hates me. Any tips on boosting my confidence ?

welllllllll, first of all, stop being afraid.
I know easier said, then done, but taking chances and getting out there is SO worth it. If she's your friend, she won't think that about you, trust me<3
And also, everyone at this age thinks they look bad sometimes, and a lot of people think their ugly, which is really a shame, because no one is.
If you want confidence, simply tell yourself you aren't fat or ugly.
If it'll make you feel better about yourself, exercise, wear makeup, do your hair a certain way, whatever. Little things help. And stop looking for everything bad about yourself, and start looking for the good! People tend to overlook good qualities when they're upset.

Every time I'm about to flush my needles (for cutting) a voice in my head keeps telling me that I'm worthless and that I must cut. Instead of flushing them I just end up cutting even more. I feel like there's a demon in my head and I don't know how to make it shut the hell up. Any suggestions?

It's truly a matter of will.
You ARE better than any needle or razor or anything.
You are worth more than that. You can help that voice in your head be silenced over time.
Just do it. Get them right now. Hold your hand over the toilet. Close your eyes. Drop them. Flush the toilet.
You can do it! I promise you. You can be that strong <3

What are some good songs to listen to when you're upset and want to feel better? (I'm into (excuse the labeling) screamo, metal, post hardcore, hardcore, alternative, indie, stuff like that)

that's still a very wide range.
When I'm upset, I listen to post rock a lot.
bands like Explosions in the Sky, This Will Destroy You, etc.
If those arent what youre looking for, let me know!
Liked by: No one Heidi Geiger

How did you meet your boyfriend? I'm just curious, because you seem like you have such a good relationship. I hope that one day I'll have a relationship like yours <3

I take pride in my perfect relationship <3
thank you!
I met him when I switched schools.
I started the new school, this was August 16, 2012, it was the second day of school (we have block scheduling), and I walked in to my third period with Taylor, not knowing anyone in that class besides her.
He walked in (he was transferred last minute), then I glanced up, out of habit, and our eyes locked and I felt this instant connection. He set his stuff down, and walked out. Someone moved his stuff coincidentally, so he sat a seat up and to the left of me.
And this was a while ago, keep in mind.
So he said, "Hey."
I said, "Hi."
Then he glanced at my Asking Alexandria bracelet, and said, "You like Asking Alexandria?".
I said, "Yeah."
And he said, "They suck." with a cocky grin. Haha, that was our first conversation. He was trying to flirt, but sounded kinda mean in the process, but still won me over anyway.
I felt instantly so happy and attached just that first day of talking to him. So I decided to message him a few days later, and he called me, and we talked for hours. And there's so much more! haha. But the question was just how we met.
It was just at school, but it was love at first sight. Fate. That's why it seems so wonderful <3

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I hate therapists. They don't help me at all. Every time I go to one I walk out of there more upset than when I walked in. And when I try to talk to my parents about it they just send me to more therapy. I only have one frend nd I cant talk to her. Any suggestions on finding someone to talk to?

Well, you could make a private blog to vent on.
And try to make friends! Being nice and friendly goes a long way.
And a lot of people care, even if it doesn't seem like it. Some of your family will care and try to help you, promise.
Liked by: No one Heidi Geiger


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