
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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Do you believe in 'love at first sight'?

Yes, I do! Because from the moment I saw Evan, in 3rd period, on August 17th, i knew we were meant to be!

What are you wearing right now? 

some denim shorts that were made to look like they're torn up.
and a grey, wide-neck shirt that's belly-button length, with fringe at the bottom.

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If you could paint anything what would you paint?

what the fuck kinda question is that? lol. I guess my walls? they're white. it's boring.

R u racist

Not at all. Never, ever, ever. Every person is equal in my eyes, despite race, gender, sexuality, religion, etc. Well, unless they're a major asshole.
Liked by: James Anderson

love the photo yu posted. the dress looks awseome on you. and i really hope nobody fakes you,too!<3

It's only happened twice (that i know of), but it's fucking annoying -.-

What are some small things that make you happy?

The sunset, sunrise, cute birds hopping around, my cats greeting me, sweet tea, hearing your laugh & seeing your smile, beating an xbox game, laying outside on cool nights, and seeing the stars and moon.

If you were famous what would you be famous for?

I dunno. Being well-known on the internet, i guess. Mostly cause of Taylor. If I started posting a lot on youtube and stuff.
Maybe for my singing.

What are some animals that you dislike??

DOGS. Unless they're wolfy dogs ^w^ Um, I think that's about it.
I just don't like dirty animals. ew.

What's your biggest dream??????

Oh shit. I dunno. I have a lot of great things in life as it is. Probably just to have a successful, enjoyable career.

You're really pretty. You and your boyfriend make a really cute couple. Sorry if this creeped you out.

You didn't! Not at all! Ha. Thank you very much.
We both feel very privileged to have each other. c:

On the awesomeness scale one to ten ur a million gazillion billion trillion,Madeline<3

awh thank you, bb

How do you know when you're in love?

Well, see, it goes beyond a simple feeling of wanting someone. Or knowing you'd die for them. And it's honestly not a common thing. It's not just someone being on your mind a lot. It is this constant feeling of warmth, and fulfillment. It's when words you didn't even think of putting together form in your mind when you talk to him/her. Petty arguments don't tear you apart. You can joke with each other, insult each other, and get over it. It's when you absolutely trust each other. You trust each other enough to know that if you hurt them, they won't leave you. And they know you didn't mean any of it. It's when you communicate about everything. Communication is such a key part of any relationship. It's when you talk about anything and everything. It's when you truly cannot imagine them not being in your future in any situation. When you can see the world reflected in their eyes. When you kiss, and you're left breathless. You know you're in love when nothing is boring anymore. When the world starts to look beautiful. When you start to see positive things in yourself and others. When your outlook on life changes over the course of time you've known them. When you'd go to their house in the middle of the night in the rain just to give them a little note in a plastic bag because they were upset<3 When they become top priority. You are in love when you and the other person start to meld together and become one. You are in love when everything looks different. And true love never really fades.

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Liked by: James Anderson

Would u spank ur kids g

what the fuck is with all the spanking questions? xD
yeah, i probably would. I prefer smacking though.

If u did something bad and ur parents said there going to spank u what would u do

Neither of them believe in corporal punishment.
So I don't have to worry about that.


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