
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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How often do you think about your future?

Every day. Every time I see Evan.
I know it's going to be wonderful.

I'm an atheist should I feel weird about this? Should I keep this a secret?

I'm an athiest :b
No, why hide it? It's the same as having any other religion. You don't need to hide it, or pretend you're not one. Be open. But not too open. Ha. Be proud of who you are!

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How do I know if Im depressed?

Well, I'm just gonna say you're probably not. Most teens assume they are, cause they get sad a lot. What they say about hormones is true. They're crazy. You're not depressed just because you're sad a lot. It happens. Like, don't think you're depressed because of trivial things, like a single argument with your parents. Or a few people made fun of you one day. If you have to ask, you probably aren't. It's just kinda this feeling. It doesn't really go away. It just sticks around, decides to reach its persistent hands around your throat various times, often. Real depression usually has a starting point. Perhaps, something really bad happened in your home life, then things afterward just keep building up, and your feelings of sorrow don't go away. Depression is where you would basically give anything just to numb how you feel a bit. The way I like to describe it is it's you, being dropped into the middle of an ocean, with an anchor tied to your ankle. The more time that passes, the farther from the surface you get. The darker, and more confused you get. Then, you can't see anything. You don't know where you are. You don't know who you are. And then, more often than not, you just want to stop holding your breath, and let the water engulf you, and poor into your lungs, so you can just end it and give up.
I really hope you aren't depressed, sweetie.

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So.. would they have sex like girl, or like guy

Well, it probably depends on if they take a specific gender identity.

Wear did you get that blue sweater you had on in your puc, I'm like in love with it

It's teal ;b
but i got it at plato's closet, holllaaa.

I can't find any names for Julie on here.

joy, jeer, jail, jinxed, jeopardy, jealousy, jackal, jester, joyless, juvenile.

What is pansexual?

Attraction toward people of every gender identity! Guyish guy, girly guy, guyish girl, girly girl, transexual, cross-dresser, hermaphrodite. Basically gender blind. And along with that, comes my gender fluidity.

Have you ever suffered from acne? if so, how did you get rid of it I have really bad acne and my self esteem is already low and the acne makes it worse

I have always had decent skin /:
but i believe neutrogena works fairly well.
But don't let it bother you too much, sweetie. Almost everyone deals with it /:

her dad died she's a boy now and her name is Damien

I knew she changed her identity, or whatever. Didn't know about her dad, though.
I think she deserved the hate, and whatnot, though.
Liked by: Joselyn

How do you find the one? does it just happen or do you actually have to look for someone

It really just happens. And you'll know.

do you feel bad for her or do you think she deserved everything that she got

JESSI SLAUGHTER? YES. SHE DESERVED IT ALL. Good god. A mixture of bad parenting, idiocy, and immaturity.

Awwe I'm sorry you had an abusive boyfriend. I hope I didn't offend you with my question. I was just asking because I've been in 3 relationships so far, and honestly I thought all of them were the one but in the end they all ended up being scumbags. I probably should have stated it differently

Well, I just believe it's fairly obvious. But I suppose you don't know us personally. And thing is, people say their boyfriend/girlfriend is the one, because they have feelings for them, not cause they truly think that :b like, when i said that about my abusive boyfriend, i knew he wasnt. i complained all the time & doubted our relationship, and was very sad. But I've been with Evan just about a year, and I believe that's enough time to be certain that he's the one :b
Liked by: Joselyn Kamryn lynch

How are you sure your current boyfriend is the one? you said you've had 4 boyfriends, I'm pretty sure you thought they were the one too

Well, first of all, I'm pretty sure you know little or nothing about my past relationships, but to clarify. I didn't think any of them were the one except I told myself my last boyfriend, before now, was 'the one' at first, because I'd never had a long relationship. But I had so so many doubts. And for the last six months of our relationship, I really didn't feel much for him. But to summarize, my first boyfriend was in seventh grade. I didn't take it too seriously, and I definitely didn't think he was the one. My second one, in eighth grade, was short, only about a month. And he cheated on me. So I didn't think for a second he was the one. My last one, before now, was abusive, self-centered, controlling, jealous, and crazy. I said he was the one in the beginning, but as I said, I was filled with so much doubt, and I did nothing but complain about him just about every day.
But so, you ask how I'm sure Evan is the one? Well, I've said before, it was love at first sight. We both felt extremely connected from day one. Our spark has not faded a bit since we started dating. I see and hear all these complaints about other people's relationships, and Evan & I just don't go through those. If you know us personally, I think it's pretty obvious we're madly, madly in love with each other. We are so so comfortable with each other, and trust each other so much. So we really haven't got in a fight before. Arguments, sure. But we communicate quite a bit to prevent fights.
We never get bored of each other. Every day I fall more in love with him, and learn a little bit more about him.
I'm sure, because I can see the world reflected in his eyes.
I'm sure, because our care for each other is endless.
I'm sure, because it is beyond any relationship I've ever had, or I've ever seen anyone else have.
I'm sure, because there has never been a single doubt in my mind that we weren't meant to be or that we didn't love each other.
I'm sure, because I see him in every situation I will be in in the future.
I'm sure, because I can see the love in his eyes and hear it in his voice.
I'm sure, because we never stop trying for each other. We do everything possible for each other.
I'm sure, because only he could change my whole perspective on everything.
I'm sure, because only he could make me truly, truly happy.
I'm sure, because I see the beauty in everything now.
I'm sure, because I'm fucking sure.
I love Evan more than anything else in this world.
He is my entirety. He is why I open my eyes every morning. He is why I am confident and happy. He is everything I've looked for my entire life.
I'm going to marry him, and be with him for the rest of my life.
Because he is the one.
And of that, I'm sure.

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What are some good names for hanni ( I love you<3) ??

I've said the answer about three times /: but i love youuu!


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