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Ask @MadelineMacabre

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Haha I remember when you were all about sex and now I see you answering like these life situations and such. It's pretty cool you take time out of your day to help out people :) just saying haha keep on doing it!

Nathan Quizzy
Ummm, I've always helped people on here, the whole time I've had it, for like a year. If you'd have seen my posts on any other app/site, you'd see all I do is help people! but thanks.
And I'm still all about sex lol. All those answers were jokes..
Liked by: No one Heidi Geiger

My boyfriend has taken me for granted 4 times.... I broke up with him and I think he realized how stupid he has been and he keeps telling everyone how stupid he was and how much I mean to him. I want to take him back, because I love him. But I'm scared I'll get hurt again... What should I do?!

Have you broken up with him four times or once? That part kinda confused me. I'd say, if you've only broken up with him once, I'd say it's worth another try, although there's no guarantee he'll change. People are creatures of habit. But if you really think he's genuine, which it's up to you to decide that, then I'd say give him another chance, but make sure he knows that what he did upset you.
But if you've broken up with him four times, then I'd say it's probably not going to work out, and he probably won't change, so I'd give him a long talk, and think about whether he makes you happy or not /:

Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?

A lot of people make me smile a lot.
Evan, Taylor, Celina, Kaitie, Chelsea, Jessica, Mariah, Bridget, Adam, Amity, my mom, my grandma, my grandpa, my cats (i consider them people), Blake, Devin, Gabrielle, Jake, Garrett, my ex step great grandma, Jessie, my aunts, Matt, other Matt, Noah, Rebecca, Tayler, Trevan, Whitney, & many more I can't think of off the top of my head!

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I've been clean for one day (doesn't sound like much but it's huge for me) and I don't think I can resist the urges any longer. All I can think about is how my 2 best friends turned my whole school against me. They're starting to make me think that maybe I AM worthless. Idk what to do to feel better

Well why let them control your thoughts? Why give in and let them win?
Their thoughts don't have to be YOURS. Their thoughts don't have to define you, unless you let them.
They're obviously not good best friends, and not worth being best friends with. Turn to family. I know at our age we tend to shy away from family help, but if on one else you feel will care, someone in your family will.
Throw away whatever you use, then think about every reason you have to stay clean. (friends, family, animals, things that make you happy, music, artists, hobbies, anything!)
Liked by: No one Heidi Geiger

I just don't get why I'm not getting better. I want to kill myself everyday and I don't even know why. I cut every night for no reason but to kill my pain. I honestly don't know what to do to make myself feel better. Any suggestions ?

Well, are there specific things that upset you every day? or did something happen recently?
I'd just say, you have to believe you can get better, first of all. You have to try to see beauty and positivism, instead of just focusing on what makes you sad.
Do more stuff. Exercise, write, read, draw, sing, play an instrument, join a club, go to church, etc. Doing more and not just laying around at home doing nothing almost every day (i'm kinda guilty of that) will definitely make you happier and give you many more positive things to think about!
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favourite band?

The Contortionist,
Veil of Maya,
The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza,
Animals As Leaders,
Chelsea Grin,
Closure In Moscow,
The Dear Hunter.
Bands probably no one knows (Besides Chelsea Grin), but if you do, be my bff.

personal question: what are your views on gay marriage?

Well, my state just passed a ban on gay marriage, which is horrid.
My personal belief; it's a human and constitutional right. This country was suppose to be based on equality and freedom, but it isn't. Why restrict a person's rights because of how they were born? Later on, people will look back at this issue and laugh at how ridiculous it was. Just how we view the racists back in the day.

What's going with Tesia?

Well, I'm sure you saw Taylor explain.
But I'll explain anyway.
Last year, when we started being friends with her, we learned she was a chronic liar and then ended up stealing from Taylor, so I was quick to break off the friendship with Tesia. Taylor eventually (about a month or two ago) forgave Tesia and decided to give her another chance. I was weary, but eventually decided I'd give her another chance too. I like being friends with whoever I can.
Tesia had been asking for all of us to hang out since her and Taylor and I became friends again. We agreed last week to all hang out at my house yesterday. Every day before yesterday, Taylor & I both reminded her to ask her grandma. She put it off, & kept making excuses as to why she couldn't, until Friday evening. She texted me finally and said that her grandma said she couldn't because her dad was 'in town'. Even though he just lives in Evansville..
Then later, when I saw her status saying she was with her friend Dee, and how they were at the mall, I texted her and tried to figure out what was up. She said her dad had felt bad about ruining our plans and had let her take a friend. Why didn't she just ask us to go? It didn't make any sense. And she doesn't have wifi at her dad's, so how was she texting me (she uses her ipod), and using facebook and everything? She said she was 'feeding off' Dee's wifi. Great. Sure. It all sounded suspicious & like a lie, but Taylor & I let it slide. Tesia said she'd ask her dad if she could come over Saturday anyway.
Then Saturday afternoon THE TRUTH WAS REVEALED.
She had been tagged in pictures and statuses, in which Tesia was with a guy and Dee, and the status said they'd been staying at a hotel all weekend and went places all Saturday and Friday. So 1) she totally wasn't at her dad's. 2) even if she was, she didnt bother asking him if we could all hang out, like she said she would. Lots of lies.
Then, when we commented on the picture she was tagged in, calling her out, she had the guy that she was with and her friend Dee block me and taylor on facebook and instagram. Why would she do that if she wasn't hiding something? Sounded like bull shit to me. She could've just told Taylor & I she had other plans, instead of making a web of lies.
So after texting tesia, and sending her snaps WHICH SHE OPENED, EVEN THOUGH SHE 'DIDNT HAVE WIFI', we got a five page text from her 'dad' on her ipod saying she was grounded from her phone, and her facebook got deleted and she wasnt allowed to go anywhere for a while, because she 'stood there and snuck out to a cafe for wifi'.
1) at her dads she doesn't have wifi, so how did 'he' send that message on her ipod?
2) if he knew she was with friends all day, which he said he did, then why would she have needed to go to a cafe for wifi?
3) convenient how her friends blocked us beforehand
4) her 'dad' typed just like her

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hai. i just wanted to tell you that you are so pretty and amazing and awesome. ugh stop it! ily so much! please just keep being you!

thank you very much! ilyyyyy2
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If you cut, you CAN stop if you want, it is hard but you can do it (to anyone who does it) I have a month clean and I've been going through tough shit this past month and I haven't even wanted to cut, YOU CAN STOP♥

I agree with you.
I cut for five years, and stopped. And now I'm happier than ever.
I went through a really, really tough time for a few years, and stuff still sucks sometimes, but not cutting is so much better and it's definitely worth the effort of trying to stop.
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because she's friend of everyone and everyone loves her. I am afraid because I don't feel secure and I think she could disturb me in a near future, she's very annoying. I'm scared. I've always been a sweetheart with them. Thank you and sorry for my bad english, I'm mexican. and I love you!

Well, it just sounds like they are not worth having around! Don't bother communicating with them. And I know sometimes shit happens and rumours start, but they all die down fairly fast. People are mean sometimes, but that's kind of inevitable. Just don't worry about them, and they'll eventually get bored of pestering you. Keep your good friends and family close and you should be good!
I love you too
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Hi, Madeline. I'm worried about this: My ex boyfriend told her girl best friend private facts about he and I from when we were together (now that we aren't together anymore) and they both hate me, so his best friend is telling to anyone bad things about me and she's a bully, I don't know what to do

i'll answer on the next part of this.
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I've been cutting every night. I honestly don't know how to force myself to stop. Nobody knows about it because I don't want to be forced into counseling. Basically I don't know what to do about it.

It's honestly truly willpower. Throw your blades in the toilet and flush them. Make it impossible for you to cut. throw whatever you use to cut away or in the toiletave to WANT to get better & you have to BELIEVE you can. Do alternative things. Vent to people, (not everyone will judge you or want to send you to counseling), write/draw on yourself, do a hobbie, etc. And I probably dont know you personally, but if i do, i'll sit down and talk with you or something!


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