
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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Sorry to hear about your bad day. I had a bad day on Monday where I just cried my heart out for like an hour, didn't go to school, and just slept. Sometimes that happens and it sucks so I hope it gets better tomorrow. I love you <3

Awh I love you <3 i hope all your days are boppin!
Liked by: Kaitlyn Pepper

(3) to make people think he's a good person. I feel like it gets harder everyday when I tell people it gets easier. It's like I'm missing a part of me, and I don't know what to do. Do you have any advice to help me get over him?

Well, sweetie, for the first few months, probably around four, you won't get over him, at all. It's an attachment kinda thing. that's why people who've been together a while stay together, even if they aren't that happy. and that's why people get back together who shouldn't, necessarily. That attachment kinda feeling lingers a while, because it's what you're use to. You're use to him being there and everything. Honestly, it's best just to cut him off completely all at once, cold turkey. it'll suck, and you'll probably slip up a few times, but i promise that's just what's best. it'll help you get over things easier. and start doing more. hang out with friends more frequently, don't be afraid to flirt around a bit, exercise, do more things, whatever. Just don't worry about him constantly, and i know it's easier said than done. But honestly, it just takes patience & willpower. But you'll get over him, in time. Maybe not 100%, for a long time, but you'll be able to handle it. Just do more, and don't expect to be over him quickly. He doesn't sound worth your time anyway, sweetie.

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(2) and then it all just stopped and I found out he was talking to someone else. I still think about him all the time and I just hope that he comes back, even though I know he won't. Everyone tells me I should move on because he cheated on me and made fun of me trying to overdose.. But I still try

Liked by: Kaitlyn Pepper

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(1) My boyfriend of over a year & I broke up recently. He was my everything and I feel lost without him. He refuses to talk to me, and he's already moved on. Right after we broke up, he told me we'd most likely be back together in a couple months or so, and he'd sti kiss me & tell me heoved me

i'll answer the last one
Liked by: Kaitlyn Pepper

I think im pregnant, but im not sure. Im freaking out, what should I do?

Wait for your period. And if not, ask some girls in your grade if they have a pregnancy test and use it if your period doesn't happen at the usual time.
Keep calm, and try not to stress. Just about every girl has that fear, and most of them are paranoid. If you used a condom, and have been safe, then you're probably, and i do just say probably, all right.
Liked by: Kaitlyn Pepper

(4) others. My trust issues have grown stronger, I always think about things negatively and I'm sort of paranoid. (ex: Maybe he's not texting back because he hates me) I know I can make myself feel better, but when you've done it for 6 years it doesn't feel like it's worth it. Thanks for listening.

When I was in 8th grade, i felt about the same that you do now.
We all grow through that phase of trying to find out who we are, trying to find out who we can trust, trying to find out what's real and what's not. Don't ever feel alone, because believe me, I personally, even, know several people who've gone through what you're going through now. Your best friend is kinda being rude, but when she sees those, they probably just really upset her, and she wants to stop seeing them, yanno? So she reacts harshly, when she probably doesn't mean to come off that way. Posting statuses don't really help anything either, honestly. Facebook won't help you, more often than not. Confide in a few people you trust. Tell them what you're feeling, instead of the internet. I'm just afraid you may get judged for posting those kinda things on there. It happened to me. I had depression from age 11-just a few months ago, when my ex step dad & mother first started having problems, so I can relate. Things only got worse from there, but this isn't about me. So I'll just leave it at that. I started cutting when I was 12 years old, and my most vital piece of advice I can give is stop now, while it's easier. The longer you go, the harder it is to quit, hence my five year addiction. I know it seems like the only answer sometimes, but it's not. It's really not. Excercise, dance, sing, write down your feelings in a journal, read, vent to someone, hell vent to me. I have a kik: madelinemacabre. Or just post it here. More often than not, if you can distract yourself & get over that initial feeling of sadness/anger from whatever may have caused it, you won't feel the urge to cut as strongly. Try using a rubberband instead. Or write on yourself. There are always alternatives. I promise. And it's so good that you try to help people. And even when you feel like no one cares, I do! I promise. Stay strong, keep trying. And look at the bright side. Acknowledge all the things in life you're thankful for & that make you happy. And it's true, that stuff does get to you and can harm your relationships, and health, and mindset, and possibly your life. Just try to stay strong. Please try to use some of my advice. You'll have your sunrise sooner or later. I promise. xoxo

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Liked by: Kaitlyn Pepper

(3) and pretty much anyone, but when I'm the one feeling bad nobody cares. It makes me even more sick of trying. The only reason I do is because if I don't, my bestie said she will call social services. The way I feel is slowly ruining my relationship with other people, my health and how I am to

Liked by: Kaitlyn Pepper

(2) sent me a message, asking me what the hell I'm thinking, saying I'm a hypocrite, (I'm against attentionwhores, she's talking about my statuses) telling me to stop being a child. I understand she wants be to be happy, but she doesn't have to be so fucking rude about it. I'm always there for her


(1) I've had problems with depression since I was 8, and started cutting this summer. Since 2012 I've been a pretty happy person, but recently I've grown tired of trying. Cutting more often, not hanging out with my friends as much, writing sad statuses on fb and so on. Yesterday my so called bestie

I'll answer the last one

awww i'm sorry to hear that! Well i just moved here. Before that I lived in the most boring place on earth omg. So i can totally understand! I mean not totally but I do know what its like to live in a small-ass city where theres not much to do so i feel ya... atleast you got corn ( ha ha, bad joke)

Haha its all right!
Liked by: AÏDA

oulala, indianaa! yes it's pretty nice here I suppose.

this is a boring, corn-filled state. it sucks, man.
I live in a small-ass city. Nothing you're use to living in, im sure
Liked by: Kelseigh Ingram

When did you have your first period I'm 15 and I haven't had one yet. HELLLLLLP

But dude, don't stress about it. Everyone hits puberty at different times. I know a few people who it took that long!


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