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views on self harm and suicide?

Oh god.
Self-harm has become too trendy and romanticized. It's not okay by any means. It's just an easy way to grt rid of the pain, instead of actually dealing with it. It causes no good. The problems a self-harmer looks to avoid by cutting themselves don't go away, they're just pushed back. I think self-harm is one of the most addictive things out there and people definitely get lost in it. But you cannot be truly happy until you let it go. And I think anyone can quit who has the will to.
Suicide.. well, it's a touchy subject. I'm just gonna repeat the phrase "It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem." I think most people take their lives for granted. They choose ti ignore everything good in their lives. So they end their life cause of the pain. Just try to see the good. Open your eyes to it. Things always get better. Three-fourths of the people who survived jumping off the golden gate bridge in a suicide attempt regretting jumping by the time they were half-way down. Life gets better.

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Liked by: Melanie Varela

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what would you say to someone if you knew that you would never see them again? (taylor,evan etc.)

Oh my god... i dont know. i dont like thinking about that.
id probably just say, "I love you. Stay strong. You will always be in my heart and on my mind." <3

I really like someone but they're dating someone else and have absolutely no interest in me. I want to get over them but it feels like I'm withdrawing on drugs or something. It feels like my heart is slowly being ripped out. It hurts so bad. But I'm just a love sick child I guess.

At least they dont like you, because imagine how much harder thatd be for you and them. just do other things, talk to other people, try to get them off your mind.
Liked by: Leyley Bunny

A month ago.I told you I thought I was going to fail math but I passed.I'm so happy but I barely passed with the passing grade.But mostly because I couldn't understand my teacher.She couldn't teach.Last year I got a 87 but I hope I can just get at least an 80 next year so I can get on the honor roll

Well good job on passing! I didnt pass math this year x:

Fav band?

Closure In Moscow, The Dear Hunter, Northlane, Structures, Vildhjarta, Volumes, The Contortionist, Nexilva, Glass Cloud, Chelsea Grin, Every Time I Die, Odd Future, Mogwai, Port Blue,

Do you listen to Architects, the band? If not you should, I think you'd like them!

Ive listemed to them before! They are decent.

hey. ok first off please put a blanket over yourself or something. your smile radiates sooo much positivity i can feel it here in wisconsin. but wow you are so pretty .deal with it gorgeous

Well thank you very much! I am confident :3

My dad is letting me buy clothes online, and i have $20 to buy a shirt, but i wanted your advice on what $20 shirt i could buy. (can be 0-$26)

A lot of Etsy shops have cute cheap clothes
Liked by: ♡ Daith ♡

Do you think its possible that we were created by aliens or something of that sort? I watched this movie last night, it was really good and idk man it just made me think

i've definitely seen it as a possibility.
I mean, it makes sense that there are other creatures out there, yanno, that would be so advanced, they could make life. And maybe test it. Maybe Earth is a test, yanno?
Liked by: Amy Bywater

You help me so much. Please never stop making videos, and never stop being you because you're the best person ever and it helps me and im sure alot of other people c':

I love you <3 Thank you so much. I'm very glad I could help.

you saved my life last night, i was going to commit but did because something told me to talk to you or watch some videos of you and taylor and it helped me so much thank YOU. ilyvm

Thank you, oh my god.
i love you so much.
you deserve life and all the grest things it has to offer.
Liked by: Miranda Floyd

hai there i just wanted to tell you thanks, your videos are awesome and honestly you saved me. At least your vid can make me happy. -stay beautiful- :)

Awh, thanks so much.
I'm glad I could help you <3
You stay beautiful too!


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