
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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howcome you don't live with your mom? sorry if it's too personal..

I like to think Fate led me to move with my father so i could meet Evan, because theres really no other sensible reason that i would move in with neil. he's kinda a prick. i chose to live with him. and i wouldve moved back with my mom a long time ago if it wasnt for Evan.
idk call me crazy, but i believe in Fate.
i dont really want to go into detail about anything else.
Liked by: Leyley Bunny

About how much did you spend on merch at Warped (individually, i mean; i.e. How much did each shirt cost)?

I was going to put this, but i decided it was too long as is D:
But the t shirts are like $20-$30 I believe.
Bracelets are only like $5, and like i said, the CD was like $10-$12.

/: how to move on from loved one passing?

Honestly, there is no 'moving on'. There is just, accepting it and dealing with it.
I really can't say what you should do, I've never had someone super close to me pass, thankfully.
What I would do is just appreciate their life, don't try to necessarily shut the thought of them out exactly, and don't be afraid to cry and grieve.
It will be a long process, but it will get better, even if just a little, and even if it takes a while.
If you start really getting down, like to a dangerous level, go do stuff. Go spend time with friends, go grieve with family, go write in a journal about it.
It's okay to keep their memory alive, but never feel guilty or bad or anything like that.
Know they loved you and you loved them and they are looking down on you smiling.
Liked by: Leyley Bunny

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have u ever thought about doing a bukkake

Have i thought about it? Yes.
would i realisticly do one? No.

Do you like horror movies, what's. The best horror movie you've seen?

I like some, mostly when I watch them when friends.
Mama is good.

Hi Madeline! so for us yesterday was our last day of school for u guys idk but have fun this summer! And Taylor.too! I know you guys besties so u might be together for warped tour? XD well yea have fun! Love ya guys:)

our school ended Mary 27th! o:
And yes, we're going to Warped together July 29th in Nashville c:
Thanks! Ily <3

omg im excited bc you filmed a vlog DDD: THANK YOU OK


y cant u find/get a job? :o

I have to go back and forth from my moms to my dads, i have dance practice twice a week, and neil wont take me to get my license. soooo.
Liked by: Kushi

Why did you have a bad day yesterday? ):

I've been stressing out beyond belief. I owe like like $900 just over the summer for various things. I'm PMS'ing, so I've been super moody and emotional. All my plans went askew yesterday, Neil insulted me. I was sick. It was just a horrible day.
Liked by: Kushi ♡ Daith ♡

We've had a conversation or two. I just felt like I owe you a sincere apology, because I let my envy control me, and I literally defined a book by it's cover. You're gorgeous, and I felt like that meant that you had to be mean, you know? I am so sorry, because you are a truly wonderful person.

thank you very much.
And I would still really, really like to know who you are.
I've irrationally hated people as well, so I can definitely identify.
I won't judge you. I promise. I won't even bring it up again.
Just DM me and just say it was you? Please?

I saw your posts about finding me on both Facebook and Twitter, but if you don't mind my asking, why are you so interested in my identity?

well, i'd really like to talk to you!
I'm assuming I know you personally? If I do, it'd just really interest me to know who you are!
And i'm always about making new friends, man! :b


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