
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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whats some of your favorite Lana Del Rey songs?

Radio, Video Games, Dark Paradise, Young & Beautiful, Born to Die, Black Beauty, Yayo, Pawn Shop Blues, Brite Lites.
tbh all of them
Liked by: Bailey

do you know how many inches your hair is? its so long and beautiful omg *-*

probably around 26 inches! thank you <333

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is it bad that im a pregnant freshman a lot of peopleare hating on me .

honestly, it depends totally on you as a person, and if you have a plan, and stuff.
i generally have really harsh views on teen pregnancy, but that's because the people are lazy, trashy people who don't attempt to get a job or do anything for their child.
Liked by: Maddy

one of my guy friends asked me out and i told him that he was cute and funny but i wasnt into him like that & he went off n said "whatever NO GUY will ever like u TRULY because u dont put out" i wear i purity ring n im confused on whether i should just do it so someone will want me. advice?

dude, hell no.
never change something about you like that for some guy.
that guy is a piece of trash, sounds like.
not all guys just care about sex, I promise!
but those who do, you should never do something sexual just for them, especially if you don't want to and wear a purity ring!
girl power, yo
Liked by: Maddy ♡ Daith ♡

i really like this guy SO much. hes my best friend and crush. i think he does like me, but i feel evevtually he will get bored with me. dont get me wrong im not ugly but i have a very plain beauty nothing striking. my fear is a beautiful girl with my personality will replace me. what should i do?

you can't live your life in fear of the 'if's, you know?
if he likes you, then be the best crush you can to him! haha. make sure you're good to him, keep it interesting, etc. his opinions on your looks probably aren't the same as your own!

How can you tell if a guy likes you?

he goes out of his way to do nice things for you, even if he's a nice person. he initiates conversation, compliments you, acts different around you than other people, various things. you just have to be attentive.
Liked by: Maddy

How is Chelsea Grin's new stuff "scene-kid" music? I have no idea how people think it is when it's fuckin progressive metal

yo calm your dick,
I just said some people consider it that, because it's true. don't ask me why.
and their new stuff isn't really that progressive metal-y, actually.
I'd say it's still more deathcore than progressive metal, definitely.
Liked by: Maddy

i got called self absorbed and stuck up for having self confidence and liking how i look/act. do people ever do this to you?

fuck em, baby,
they wish they had your confidence.
Liked by: Maddy Javier ash

They listen to the scenie weenie bands cx do you like Chelsea grin?❤️

yeah, although some people consider it scene blah music haha

Ok so, I'm 15 and over the weekend my friend invited me over house, we ended up taking shots and drinking and I got alcohol poisoning. I had to go to the hospital and nearly died, my parents are extremely disappointed and I feel so ashamed :/ my friend is not talking to me and idk what to do

well, i'd say that's taught you to be careful!
moderation is SO important and youre so young.
just be very responsible to try to mend the trust with your parents.
Liked by: Maddy

I feel like a fucking burden. Why must it be a chore for people to do things for me if you get what I mean. I can't drive and I can't do other things. Am I really worth it? Is this life worth continuing? Ever since feb. I've been GETTIN more depressed/slowly more suicidal. Sick of this fuckin shit

we all annoy people sometimes. don't take it so hard. you'll be able to drive and everything in the near future.
why wouldn't you be worth it, yanno

Literally I've been choosing to accept and love myself, and honestly I feel amazing. I now get why you do this. I feel like a new woman <3

it's really that simple (:
that's wonderful! congrats.
it's a beautiful decision!

What's the most brutal shit you listen to?

i guess it just depends on your personal definition.
give me an example of stuff you think is brutal hah

I've been eating candy like crazy bc its easter, and I feel like im gonna gain so much weight. But i literally never eat like this like ever. I wont get fat right?

nope, not if you rarely eat like that :b

just to stop all these band questions, updated music taste?

i'll just list some bands, i guess.
The Contortionist
The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza
Every Time I Die
Lana Del Rey
Trophy Scars
Odd Future
Earl Sweatshirt
Chelsea Grin
Closure In Moscow
The Dear Hunter
the tumbled sea
The XX
Thomas Giles
Maroon 5
The Cure
Port Blue
Midwest Pen Pals
2 Chainz
Miley Cyrus
Ellie Goulding
Billy Idol


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