
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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What do you eat to stay so in shape? And do you workout at all?

I'm not in shape at all, ha.
And nope, although I should

what would you say to someone that wants to dye their hair but is too afraid it's going to look bad?

Honestly its be a matter of color compared to your skin tone. Maybe just edit your hair color on an app to see how it looks.

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(final) i feel so shitty about it even though i know i shouldnt and i don't know what to do. i know i have every right to be mad but it still makes me feel like i did something wrong. i'm sorry this was so long i really just needed to get it out. thank you ❤

Yeah fuck that guy. Sounds like a piece of shit. Definitely good for you to get away from someone that toxic

(part 4) last weekend i confronted him about it after having a full panic attack about how bad the situation had gotten. he didn't even attempt to understand why j was so mad, he instead tried to justify his actions. as of tonight i ended the friendship for good


(part 3) at one point he even lied to his entire family and told them i sent him naked pictures. we had a huge fight about all of that a couple of weeks ago and he begged for a second chance. the "jokes" and touching only got worse


(part 2) it even got to the point of him trying to touch me (grab my thigh, attempt to kiss me, put his arm around me, etc) even when i told him repeatedly i did not like it at all. the jokes also graduated into him asking me for sexual favors even when i told him they weren't funny or okay at all


(part 1) i'm sorry for how long this is going to be in advance. i had someone who was supposedly my friend making sex jokes about me to other people and it got to the point where his other friends that i had never even met were making very vulgar jokes about me


Really considering ending my life today. Long story short I've had enough and I'm scared that my life is getting terrible. I know you're not a counselor/I'm sorry but I have no one else to reach out too

See, the problem with that is that you might be scared but you DONT KNOW how your life is going to go. It could be beautiful. Life is constantly changing and filled with ups and downs. Just cause things are rough doesn't mean you should end your life and the chance for a better tomorrow.
Liked by: Warrreeen Javier

could you make a septum 101 info kind of video? im thinking of getting my septum pierced and I need some tips/info/advice~

I'll probably just make a tattoo/piercing info for soon, I think
Liked by: MyChemicalBoner

My life's going down the drain lately. I'm considering killing myself because I'm convinced it won't get better. I know im 19 but my life and this world are going to shit and I feel like no one would care if I left anyways

If you're only 19, you don't know where your life is going, because it's really just begun. Convince yourself life will get better and it WILL

I know you most likely have answered this before but what do I do if my boyfriend isn't in to pet play but I am? Like he has told me that it's just something he won't do or try

I answered this question on my bdsm/ddlg/kittenplay q&a. Check it out!

are you happy veil of maya is on warped

Yeah, although I don't really like their new stuff. I'm sure they'll be fun to watch though

Do you think that women who wear the hijab are oppressed?

"Women who wear the hijab"
Do you mean the women in countries like Saudi Arabia or Iraq? And because of that reason or in general..?

ROADTRIP! Where are you going and who are you taking with you?

Back to Clearwater with Taylor, or a big city or beach side with Evs

Can you ask Taylor?? She's not answering questions and I really wanna know!!

i actually have it now. i don't think she remembers

Tell the story of meeting a friend of yours for the first time?

Let"a just go with Taylor lol. When I found out I was switching schools I started to add people that went there. I remember seeing Taylor's account and her floppy hair and alternative style and I was like "whoa someone like me". Then I checked her account and she was born the same year as me and I thought THIS COULD BE MY FRIEND. So I added her and it took her a while to accept it cause she thought I was a fake haha! But then after I messaged her and asked her about the school and if there were any emo boys. She actually referred Evan to me. Ironic huh? And then we talked on Facebook until five in the morning about our similar home lives and velveeta and music and stuff. The next day I told my dad "this is going to be my best friend. I can tell". So school started and we first met in homeroom. That was one of the many classes we coincidentally shared. And I was super shy but eventually said hi and it was basically friendship at first sight. We had a lotlotlot in common and just talked in all our classes and clicked really well. WOO.

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