
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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Favorite movie? ^-^

oh shit.
Batman Begins, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Wind that Shakes the Barley.. um i'm not sure. I don't watch movies hardly ever Cx

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Do you believe in Karma?

Yes, I do! I know a shitload of people who are gonna experience it soon, too.

But it shouldn't matter on make up and cool hair though your hair and makeup are pretty amazing

Well, that's the image I portray. That's what everyone sees on the internet. They don't see me, laying here, with my bed hair and no makeup, just not giving a fuck. Ha.

Why are you so pretty?

Makeup? Cool hair?
I'm honestly not sure what the general census of people sees in me.

What's your opinion on people who get back with their ex's?

Well, of course it depends why they broke up. I know a lot of people do end up getting back with their ex's within a month of them breaking up, more like a week or two, because they're use to someone being there & they're just use to everything how it is. So it's hard for them, because what they've known for a while has changed. And it confuses them. But, of course, some people break up for a dumb reason, then they realize, "Hey that was dumb. I was just mad. I'm sorry. I love you<3" and that's all fine & dandy. But if you broke up with someone because you fight all the time, or they're mean to you, or control you, or anything major, well, what's the point of getting back together? Because 9 times out of 10, they aren't going to change, even if they say they are. No matter how many times they say they will. And so there's no way that one person of the relationship would be happy /: But if you're talking about ex's, like an ex from a year ago, or a long time ago, who's like, maybe dated other people or something.. well, if you guys didn't end on too bad of terms, and you think maybe that time has changed them to be a better person, then might as well get back with them!

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And by the way, you're beautiful like OMG marry me nao <3 i luhh u bby Cx

pshhh, you're silly.
but thank you c;
I love you toooo<3

What do you plan on doing over the summer?

going to Warped in 3 days, then hanging out with my boyfriend, my best friend, and a few others c:

1. judging from IG. Is peace tea better than Arizona? cause its not. 2. What camera do you use to take your photos? I like it. you're super pretty and should follow me also. :) @james_Blakely wooooo

James Blakely
1. Yes, it is! My favourite tea is Gold Peak though c:
2. a canon powershot elph something something. Thank you!
and i willlll!

This is a pickup line : you could fall off a building, you could fall off a tree, but the best way to fall is in love with me c:

awh, that's cute Cx


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