
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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Ahahahahaha I'm going to kill myself tonight :D fuck yes I'll finally be happy :)))

No, you're not.
Think of your family, friends, pets, hobbies, the beautiful sky, the new experiences, etc.
so many people take life for granted.
if youre actually serious about this, let me call you and talk you out of it. I guarantee I can.

What is your favorite thing in your room?

my posters, my random pictures/tags/cards/etc on my walls, my stuffies, my candles, or my clothes. o;

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I have to write a personal narrative for school but I cant really write about anything because it all has to do with the police and hospitals and cutting and running away and I can't make somethin up cuz my mom is gonna grade it. Wut shud I do?

i was going to say, i had to do the same thing, and i wrote about personal stuff, because i'm better now.
but if your mom is grading it, just put like good memories youve had, even just like a few events that made you really happy and affected you positively.

So I saw on IG (a long time ago lol) that you went to a church. Are you now a Christian? (Btw I'm not gona judge you're my hero even if you're Christian) luv ya :)

I go to a teen group kinda thing every Wednesday, and I just went to a retreat this weekend!
But no, I can't honestly call myself a christian. I choose not to identify by a religion right now.
(Side not, that does not make me an atheist)
Liked by: Kazumi ♡ Daith ♡

I'm sorry but I feel like some of these "questions" are people who are only trying to test your patience or intelligence. Not in a rude way, but that's what I'm getting out of a few of these. You don't have to answer this publicly if you don't want. But some of these people are fucking with you.

I know there's always that possibility.
And I know that some of them are completely just to see my reaction.
But I choose to be kind and try to be helpful, just in case they really need my help.
Liked by: Shane Nuckols

ahhhh I'm so happy! I finally dismantles a razor (for shaving) and have a proper blade! eep I'm so excited to use it! If cutting makes me so happy and excited why does everyone think it's bad? My life is so shitty but cutting and getting blades make me feel amazing. I don't understand wuts so bad...

Sigh. Needless to say its nothing to be excited about.
ive answered this a few times, scroll down!
Liked by: gracie

You are a true inspiration. You give really good advice. Your advice is such a confidence booster. I admire the hell out of you! Thanks for being such a good person :)

thank you very much <3
The people I inspire inspire me to keep doing what i do <3
Liked by: megansws

I cut myself after about a year of being okay. But now nothing is okay and its never going to be okay and im so sad and alone. And i dont know whats more fucked up, the fact that i cut myself of the fact that im ashamed because they arent deep

Believe it or not, I've felt the same shame you are.
I hate saying this, but I saw pictures of cuts on depression blogs, then I'd look at my puny cuts and think, "Wow, i seriously have nothing compared to them. I either just am not as sad as them, or i'm a pussy."
And if you were okay for a year, you can be okay again for a year. I bet before that year, you doubted yourself at some points in time and thought you weren't okay. But you will be.
Just throw your blades away and reach out for help amongst friends and family.

I just got affirmation that no one would notice if I was gone. I didn't use any social media at all for about 2 weeks and when I went to check I had 0 notifications. I just wanted to make sure no one would notice if I was gone. So I guess the next step is to be gone. No one cares anyway

Now stop that.
Social media means very little when it comes to people noticing things.
Fuck facebook, you're real life friends and family would notice.

i'm trying to lose weight because im overweight for my height and ive lost around 11lbs so far, sorry i just had to tell someone x

Good job!
Make sure your weight loss is in a healthy manner.

my friend just committed suicide and i have no idea how to cope with this

Dont be afraid to mourn and grieve, but always know youll have every memory and you loved them amd they loved you.
your friend will always be with you.
im very sorry this happened. dont be afraid to ask for help. and please cope in a healthy manner.

I really don't want to stop cutting. I used to be addicted and I stopped about a year ago, but I started again and this time I don't want to stop. I know that sounds stupid. I don't even know why I'm telling you this. Sorry to bother you /.\

Wouldnt be the first time someone told me that.
it releases endorphins and it is addictive. thats why people done want to quit.
its just not healthy, for your body or mind.

I always feel sad because I never have anyone to talk to :( I have no friends and my family is always busy :( what should I do?

Out of all of the family you have, they cant all be busy all the time! Even short little talks help. try that. they dont even need to be ranting/venting at first. make it a process.
and make friends! Even if online. once you get past the first hello, it's easy!
Liked by: Keshav Gupta

I relapsed last night, and I feel like such a failure. Everything I worked so hard for is gone, down the drain. I am doubting my ability to live much longer.

Relapse is a part of recovery.
use this as motivation to go further next time. make it a goal.
Liked by: Keshav Gupta


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