
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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But how would I tell him I like him because It's hard to physically face him and say it

just give hints at first them, or flirt more C:

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- so much however he told me I make him nervous and I confuse him and I'm not sure what that means. He's scared to ask me out and I can't handle this anymore I want to be his

Liked by: Anonymous

I smell his scent everywhere and everytime he hugs me it's like a long meaningful hug and when we look into each others eyes it isn't the way I look at my friends at all and I get all dizzy & I can't think about anything other than him and he likes me a lot his friend told me that he talks about me-


okay so this guy started out as my friend & we both like each other& he hugs me and tells me I'm beautiful and all this stuff & my chest literally feels a pain but not a hurtful pain more like a gorgeous gentle painless aching I think I love him I see his eyes everywhere & I smell his scent everyw -


What are the seven charkas // what do they symbolize

The Crown Chakra- spirituality, bliss
The Third Eye Chakra- ability to think, imagination, intuition
The Throat Chakra- Communication, truth
The Heart Chakra- Love, inner peace
The Solar Plexus Chakra- Confidence, control
The Sacral Chakra- New experiences, well being, pleasure, sexuality
The Root Chakra- Independence, being grounded
Liked by: Maddy

What is your twitter cover picture? It looks like it could have something to do with djent..

it's like a higher awareness kinda picture :b

My boyfriend stomach is hurting, because he ate to much. I'm spending the night at his house, since I don't want to be smelling his farts all night I'm making him sleep on the couch while I sleep in his bed. Beside tums how else can I help him feel better.


sorry for answering too late but if someone doesen't believe in God, then what would be the point in praying? you'll pray just in case... but then you do believe in God..

it's a 'i've got nothing to lose' moment. it's just a last means of something. doesn't mean they believe in god.
Liked by: Maddy

I only know you from your warped youtube video but i love you and im sad u didnt follow me back on twitter ;'( also i can't find your kik name oh well

Well i dont follow every random person back on twitter cx my kik is madelinemacabre & ily

that person who was claiming they werent ignorant but then said the didn't know all about it the definition of ignorant is lack of knowledge just why? lol


So I told my friend that im going to be homeschooled soon and she got really upset and a few do what to now because I feel bad but honestly I need to be homeschooled it's the right decision for me but I'm leaving her alone and she's upset and idk what to do. Can u please give me some advice??

if you would be happier and better off homeschooled, then you need to be concerned for yourself.
just assure your friend you can still visit ans stuff.

So I think I might be a little but my lover isn't really into it. I tried explaining everything to him very clearly. He keeps claiming he doesn't understand. I feel that I've explained every corner of ddlg. What do you think I should do? Plz help.

give him a link to a few sites explaining it
Liked by: Ask.fm CEO

Being a little is not ignorant. It's amazing.

^^ it's a wonderful personal choice.
not for all,
but there is not a bad thing about it.
Liked by: Kazumi


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