
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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I obsessed over your cheekbones when you did the kissy face in your best friend tag video with taylor because... *Taylors voice* Suductive?

but thank you, i'm glad my cheekbones please you cx

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Do you like The 1975 or Sublime?

I dont like The 1975. Sublime is okay, but i wouldnt go out of my way to listen to them.

nono basically soz i did not explain that right ah :3 me and my girlfriend have been dating like... 1 month and 2weeks and my mom and dad like dislike the idea of same sex relationships.. (sick i know) their loss.. and i dunno if they will like the idea or not.. i don't knowww... ah sorry thx btw x

I know. But if they don't like that idea, they probably won't support you having a girlfriend, so maybe you just shouldnt tell them.
Liked by: LaResistance1969

what was your parents reaction when you told them that you were panusexual?

my mom is really supportive of everything I do, so she didnt care.
Neil just doubted that I was, even after I'd have girlfriends in front of him.
My grandparents just kinda ignore it.

how do i come out to my parents? i rlly want to and i sorter have a gf... they are so against it all i am in bits..

well, hmm, if your parents are against it, I'm not sure. if they would tell you not to have a girlfriend, I really just wouldn't tell them.

What to do when the person I like on Ask, keeps deactivating then coming back. And deactivating again. It's making me nuts

just ask them for their facebook or something so you can stay in touch with them.

i know you don't want to have kids but if it did happen what gender and what would you call them?

But if I literally had to have them, for a girl, I've always liked the name Evaline Mey.
For a boy, Alexander or something idk

How do I convince my parents to let me go to Warped next year?

Well, just make sure you have a trustworthy ride, say you'll buy your own tickets, and make sure you'll have someone with you at all times while you're there.

Best live band?

Every Time I Die, Volumes, Enter Shikari, Chelsea Grin, August Burns Red, Bring Me the Horizon, Veil of Maya, uhmmm i can't choose D:
Liked by: Miranda Floyd

tysm for being there for me Mads, you literally have changed my life :o without you or you on youtube or no way to contact you i wouldn't be able to cope but thanks to you b. you are like a female god to society :33 (okei i like the word 'you') x3 <3

awh thanks so much! I'm glad I've been able to help you! It's my dream to help people (:
Liked by: .-.

Would you send a topless selfie for $200?

Only if I got it in cash and it was handed to me.
I don't trust you random internet people.

Would you ever do a make up tutorial video?

i've done one! It was really crappy,
but i'll probably do a 'Get Ready With Me' video, if that counts!

yea 'my sexuality' video about any or anything would be fine. if you don't mind then yes please <3

okay c:
just cause you requested it!
Liked by: .-.


Language: English