
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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would you tell me how u and ur bf fell in love? u 2 are so cute :33

Thank you very much! We take pride in our relationship <3 and first, i would like to say, being in love is so much more rare than a majority of people think. True love isnt just this common thing. It's a rare, beautiful thing that happens when star-crossed lovers meet. And I love knowing I'm a part of this fantastic fairytale relationship. But how did we fall in love? Well, I was not a person believing in Fate and whatnot, but this.. this was love at first sight. Last year, Evan was transferred into my third period history class last minute, on the second day of school. I was new at this school, so i didnt know him beforehand. When I heard him walk in, I glanced up. And when our eyes met, we both shared similar thoughts. We both knew we were meant to be. We started talking, little by little, relating emotionally a lot. We both sought to escape former relationships/people as well, so after breaking up, more or less, with the previous people we'd been talking to, we became totally dedicated and enthralled with each other. And the spark never faded. He asked me to be his, Friday, September 7, 2012. Everytime we met, everytime we talked, everytime we'd brush arms, it would fill me with this comforting and longing feeling i had never experienced before. I saw the things in me that he saw, so i wanted to be that better person. We both helped each other and brought out the best in each other. Ive told people i loved them before, but when i told him, there was absolute certainty in my words. There is nothing I'm more certain of, than our love. See, he truly saved me. When we met, I was in a dark place, filled with depression & self-pity. He showed me the beauty in everything, he changed my perspective on life. I could look at him and see the world reflected in his eyes. He taught me how to hope, how to live, and how to love. I tried to guide him to be the best he could be, because i know he can achieve greatness. He's brilliant. And every day, i would see all these beautiful things in him, and I knew, more and more every day, that he was the one. The way we communicate, the way we compromise, the way we trust , the way we care, all led to this beautiful, never-dying relationship. I see all these relationships fail over such small, silly things, because they don't share the compassion & dedication & willingness to take steps to get over those things. Or maybe it's just a lack of love. But our relationship never failed, and it never will. He brought out the best in me, as I did him. Only love can do that. Only love can truly change someone so very much, for the better. We fell in love because we were meant to be. We've loved & will love in every lifetime. When you meet your soulmate, you know with your entire being that it is so. There isnt a single doubt about it. You slowly meld into one person, into one thing. And every day, I fall more & more in love with him. (I could go on much longer, but im sure this is too long as it is :b)

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Do you care about what others think of you?

Everyone cares what others think of them!
I don't let much bad affect me though! Self-confidence is a beautiful thing.
But I do appreciate and care about all the positive people say about me, or criticism.
Liked by: Boob

When you imagine yourself as really, really relaxed and happy, what are you doing?

Sitting in a big t-shirt, on some king-sized bed, having some hot tea to the side, cuddling with Evan, playing xbox or watching a movie. And the bed would have a bunch of soft covers, and stuffed animals. And there'd be a cat laying off to the side :3

What do you think when you look in the mirror?

I use to self-deprecate, and I saw all these flaws in myself. I use to look in the mirror, and say to myself, "How the hell could anyone ever think I was pretty?"
But now, now I believe the good things people say. Now, I see the good in myself.
Now I'm confident, and when I look in the mirror, I think, "Wow, you've grown to be beautiful, Madeline." (:
Liked by: JamminJAMM3r meeeow

what have been the best decisions you've made?

-Being with my lover
-Listening to him & others supporting me
-Changing my attitude & perspective to positive thinking.
-Quitting self harm.
-Trying to be friends with & helping everyone.

latly have been feeling like I have no one and that I am all alone..but I don't know why I feel this way...

Well, then take that step to initiate conversation & attempt to hang out with people/spend more time with family. It really helps. People accidentally push others away, often times.

What is your advice to someone who feels soo alone?

Well, i would say, it depends on your living situation, if you hang out with many people, single or not, and why you feel alone.

What is the last thing you said to someone?

"do all that you can do. you are so gifted, especially compared to the average person. in just about every way, i swear.
but, i suppose i can let you sleep now. :b"


Language: English