
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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I know it's not a band or a person but opinion on adventure time?

It doesn't interest me, in all honesty.
Use to, but not anymore.
Marceline's the only cool one on there.

Opinion on Bring me the horizon?

I dig them.
I've loved them since 7th grade, and have every album.
I don't enjoy Count Your Blessings very much though.
But their music saved my life, truly, and I plan to get a tattoo of their lyrics or something sometime.

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what do you think of of mice & men

They're okay.
Definitely a lot better than half of that other post-hardcore crap.
I use to really like them. Now I'm just kinda eh.

TIME FOR OPINIONS. Send me a band, and I'll give you my opinion of it Send me a person, I'll tell you 100% honest what I think of them.

neko girl

I'm sorry it's just a really bad day for me..and I shouldn't take that out on others. I didn't intend to upset you in any way. You're one of my biggest inspirations. I'm probably getting annoying so I'll leave you alone like I said. again I'm sorry and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day ma'am.

Shane Nuckols
You didnt upset me.

Thank you for your opinion ^.^ I gave a lot of thought to it and..I realized I could never go anywhere with vocals. A few people helped me realize that. So I'm going to delete my video account and stick to something I'm decent at. Like breathing. Thanks anyways c: I'll leave you alone now. (:

Shane Nuckols
Well, if you want to live your live based on others' opinions, and just give up, i guess thats your choice. Cant expect to be good at something without a lot of practice. and even after tons of peope on instagram complimented it, you're just going to live with and believe your own self-deprecation, all right. You do that

Hey Madeline! I wanted your opinion on something. I want to make a group with a few of my friends or I guess a "band" and well my vocals suck now but I'm trying to get better and I know you're great with names. Could you give me some suggestions for good band names? I thought maybe "Crimson Canvas".

Shane Nuckols
Nonono. It makes you sound like youre trying to be brutal. Lol. And it's kinda unoriginal /: Just pick something you love (i.e. skies, like i did), and add on to there. Or choose something mythological. Or a play on words.

whose the hottest girl at your school? And don't say Taylor lol

Besides Taylor? And I'd rather say pretty than hot. Buuuut. Hm. Cristina or Debra. Or Isabella. They're gorgeousss.
And, i mean, im pretty okay :b

So for some reason every time I get into a relationship after a month or so I just want out and I don't know why, it's like I suddenly lose interest in it completely. Like, I seriously think I'm just afraid of getting attached and opening up to people, do you have any advice like, at all??? -C.

Well, you're probably exactly right! Either that, or you just simply get bored. If you don't really have strong feelings for that person, then after the kinda initial 'spark' fades away, you get bored, and see other people you want, or just don't feel like tying yourself down to someone you dont really want to be in a relationship with, that much. Just wait a while before you date someone, to make sure you really want to pursue the relationship!
Liked by: Jay

You're my inspiration Madeline. I know how you felt before you met Evan. I'm trying to listen to what people tell me and see the beauty in myself. Thank you for boosting my self-esteem up. It really means a lot.<3

Thank you so much <3 i'm so glad i could help & inspire you! Who are you? And continue having that attitude!
Liked by: Jay amanda.


Language: English