
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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but ive helped her through that before. last night she broke up with me and said that she still really cared for me. she said she is just having mixed emotions about everything and feels like she wants to be single. i told her all of my feelings for her and that made no difference


i need your advice on something ive been with this girl for 5 months, ive went through everything with her, ive saved her and she saved me as well. I fell in love with her, i truly think that she is the one. here lately she has been getting angry and depressed ( she goes through phases like this )

i'll answer on the last part of this ^^^^

Hi Madeline. I need some advice. Today, my friend revealed to me that on valentines day her boyfriend raped her (she's 15, he's 18) and he had been drinking. I want to help her or give her advice but I don't know how :/ she's looking for love in the wrong person who has bad intentions.

well you need to tell her how illegal what he's done is. she is in danger and he is a danger to her and other girls. their relationship is absolutely toxic. you need to try to get her away as much as you can. sexual abuse is very serious. and she could get even more hurt. tell her there's help. suggest help sites/phone lines for her. she needs to know not to be embarrassed.

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So I was running today and I fell on my back in front of my whole school and everyone was laughing there ass off and I almost cried. I don't even wanna go to school it was so embarrassing.. I don't know what to do xc

they won't remember in a week, trust me

I hear u give good advice. I really like a guy & we've known each other since babies and just recently connected over the past 3 months. I know he likes me to but hes never had a girlfriend & is kinda nervous I guess. how do I let him know it's okay for him to make a move without coming off forward?

i'd say you should do some light flirting, just to give him the hint. or honestly, just sit down and talk about it. that usually solves things
Liked by: Bailey

Opinions on country music? Personally- I only like one country song (whiskey lullaby) I can't stand the rest.

depends which kind of country.

What is your definition of "indigo child?" I searched the meaning of it and what they are, their abilities etc and I feel like I am one but I wanna make sure by your definition of it since you're a indigo child (: thank you

Well, explain why you think you are. that would be easier. and do you have any disorder/disability? And is it in your family?
Liked by: Andy

How can I trust people to the point where I can date them? I'm a guy, 18 and I haven't dated yet. I asked out this one chick but she turned me down(we only know each other over Facebook) I have this feel were if I date I'm going to get manipulated and fucked over. How do I trust ppl that much 2 love

you get to know them, i'd say know them personally. talk to them, get them to open up to you, not just you to them. get to know them and who they are. hang out with them. see if they show interest and a potential for commitment.

I just wanna tell you that you helped me when I was really depressed. You also helped me not be scared to be myself. Thanks to you I'm now 3 months clean. Thank you.

Thank you for telling me, baby.
you had it in you all along <3
Stay strong & keep positive, no matter what!
Liked by: alison Alyssa Jordan

im doing research on it (the ddlg stuff) right now and i honestly feel so much better about all of this. thank you so much Mads. I've been following you for 2+ years and i've always gone to you for advice in the past and this just completely reminded me why. thank you so so so much <3

Awh thats so precious & makes me so happy! Ily <333
Liked by: alison

and my bf treats me like a princess and it just makes me feel so warm and tingly. in more places than one oops. haha anyway i just feel like part of me really wants a father figure and is creepily looking at my boyfriend for it??? idk im just so... confused about this (pt7)

i feel you haha cx
it is confusing and you should see him not particularly as a father figure, but a guardian, just titled 'daddy' or what have you.
like i've said, research!!!
Liked by: Andy

im not even 100% sure if I'm a little. i think a lot of littles are, well, littles because their father wasn't there physically and/or emotionally, and im the same way. my dad isn't really an emotional father figure and I've always longed for that (pt 6 god im so sorry this is so long lol)

sometimes, it does stem from dad issues.
i wonder if that's why i'm this way. i'm not sure though, because i was a submissive before a little.
look up more what a little is and see which aspects appeal to you!
Liked by: Andy

relationship. he's willing to try almost anything with me but i don't know if a long term thing like this would work for him since it's mostly one sided (the only thing he gets out of this is sex lol). i just... im so confused about this whole thing lol. (pt5 i think????)

just try it for say a month.
and he could get much more out of it than sex. it's a type of relationship, where you both act different than usual couples and partake in different rules/activities.
it can be confusing. look up more about it before you try anything, i'd say!
Liked by: Andy

and some aspects of sex still make him uncomfortable. mainly just taking off his shirt; he's fine with everything else about sex. we've had conversations about this before and he knows it's not really a joke any more and he respects how i feel but im not sure if he wants a daddy/little girl (pt4)

it's not for everyone, but maybe he'd be willing to test it out?
worth a shot, right?
it's not solely about sex. doesn't have to be at all, actually
Liked by: Andy

and im not 100% sure if those even qualify as bdsm. i guess what i like about the ddlg stuff is the idea that my boyfriend will protect me and keep me safe and also tie me up and fuck me really hard (and those sound like polar opposites lol) but my bf is transgender female to male (pt3)

often, yes, handcuffs and being tied up are associated to bdsm.
ddlg can be really cute and a warming and connecting experience for both people.
do you want to dress and act young? do you want to abide by his rules? i couldn't say if you're about it unless i'm for sure what you're interested in. and oh, that's really interesting of him! o:
Liked by: Andy

i kind of like it??? im not sure what about it i like. im not into really intense bdsm. handcuffs & being tied up is about as far as i am comfortable with because i don't like to feel out of control in sexual situations due to sexual a use i experienced in my past relationship(pt2)

ddlg is appealing to a lot of girls, honestly, don't feel weird. most just aren't vocal about it.
and yes, ddlg also appeals to those slightly or even not at all interested in bdsm. for some, it's a branch of it, for others it is not. and if those are your limits, so be it (:
yeah, that's an understandable personal preference.
Liked by: Andy

im the one who asked about ddlg. so this might be multiple parts and im sorry about that haha. but basically i started calling my boyfriend daddy as a joke a while ago lol and I've sort of grown attached to the idea. like i used to think the whole daddy/little girl thing was weird, but now (pt1)

wowie this is an 8-parter.
i'll just answer stuff on each one so i don't miss anything.
Liked by: Andy

How did you find out you were an indigo child? Or was it something that you just felt naturally? I was really curious because I've been called one but I'm not fully sure that I am one or not. Btw you are very awesome and pretty!

well, i always knew i was one, i just didn't know the proper terminology.
my grandma has always had that 'sixth sense' or whatever you want to call it, and i truly believe i gained it from her. naturally, i've always been more witty, creative, aware, & understanding than most. My mother has always told me how free-spirited, unique, strong-willed, aware, emphatic, confident, & intelligent i am, and i never realized those were signs until i researched it. i feel very spiritual and spiritually connected to the earth and people around me. i use to be called, yanno, freaky and deemed metal by my peers and i was told i had different mental 'disorders' by my therapist, but i think that was part of being an indigo. i often dont talk about it, because people are very judgmental and doubtful. but i've always had prophetic dreams, and just known things, big & small with no explaination. i'm able to read people immediately and predict situations and freaky things (what most would consider them) have just happened. look up the definition and research & see if it's you!
and thank you sweetie <33

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Liked by: mia lenae


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