
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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I didn't consider an eating disorder an option, so don't worry about me ^^

oh thank goodness /: and love, you're not fat. i promise. okay?

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Because I don't like the way my body looks.. I consider myself fat.

listen. i calculated your bmi, and you're at a healthy, average weight for your height. realize, there are people out there, medically deemed obese. you are a healthy weight & i PROMISE you are not fat. and again, eating disorders are NEVER okay. work out & eat healthy. it takes time, but works. please.

(Part 2) My stomach is extremely sensitive, so sometimes I'm afraid to eat. I'm also not able to eat much. I want to lose weight, but I don't want to do it the healthy way. I'm scared that I'll eventually stop eating because of it...

I believe I know where this is going.. and eating disorders are absolutely NOT an option. I suck at sports too, but just eat healthy & take walks. hard work pays off. it's healthy, you'll look good! no problemmm. please, don't try to lose weight in an unhealthy mannar. it's not worth it

(Part 1) I'm 14, 5"4 and 121 pounds. I can eat whatever I want without gaining or losing weight. But I want to weigh (maximum) 110. I suck at sports, only work out in gym class, get tired quickly (from exercising), extremely picky with food, so I can't really eat healthier food.

sweetheart, you are perfectly proportional. why do you want to lose 11 pounds?

I'm scared to tell my brother, or my grandparents. They will get really mad if they found out I was texting him and that once I went to the movies with him alone. I'm also scared he might do something to me or anyone else.

Sweetheart, this is a serious issue and you DO have to tell someone before it gets worse. I know it's scary, but they'll be happy you told them

The real problem is he always text me asking me to be with him, it gets creepy. Whenever my brother invites him over he always wants to be near me and when we are alone he like touches me. Its awkward but I don't know what to tell him, I tried telling him stop but he does it anyways.

Listen. It is very important you very sternly tell this dude no. And you HAVE to tell your brother. That is so illegal

I'm 13 and my boyfriend is 19. He is my older brothers friend so I've known him for awhile. I really like him and he told me he really, really likes me. I'm not sure what to do since he is so much older then me and my brother would probably get mad if he found out.

No. Do NOT be with him. You are barely old enough to have hit puberty. he's a legal adult. maybe if you were a few years older, but you're very young & immature still. and he's too old for you. period.
Liked by: Angel Rodriguez

I follow you on ask and Instagram and I want you to know you're a huge Inspiration to me. I hate that people are jerks to you :/ keep your head up and stay awesome! <3

Shane Nuckols
thank you so much! i love being able to inspire people. it's a fantastic feeling <3

Plus if you actually act the way we did in the video.. And you watch it and get offended by the way you act, then maybe that should tell you something. Either way we both use to dress like that and act dumb and we realize this. So that's why we made it. Lol. Even though we didn't act that bad. xD

all i know, is i'm not apologizing.

It may be funny to you, but its not funny to some people. But its okay

no offense, but i dont need your approval. i made it for the people who realize it's humourous

We offend people but making fun of ourselves. Yup. Lol.

i mean, i can make it cause i use to be a scene bean. never that bad though, ha. and people find those kinda videos funny. soooo.

People have my name is Michelle could you please give me some good ideas for a good username? Thanks!

look about 2 questions ago

my name is Miranda can you make me a scene name c: thank you and your really pretty

why are they called scene names? but thanks. and Miranda Murder, Monster, Monstrousity, Medicine, Medical, Malicious, Malice, Mirror

Your saying no scene girls should be seen as ok? That's pretty rude.

i said no sluts should be seen as okay..? chill out.

So are now" normal" cuz I will buy all your band tees since you probably don't want or need them

no. i'm not normal. and not all my music taste has changed..? i got rid of my miw t & bvb ts & asking alexandria ts a while ago anyway


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