
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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Would you like to see my mask? I use it in my experiments. Probably not very frightening to a guy like you, but these crazies, they can't stand it. They scream, and they cry. Much as you're doing now.

Liked by: Blake Whitehouse

Your advice helped thank you :-) I'm the girl who wanted to know how do I ask out my friend who's a girl thank you!:-)

well i'm glad to help anyone in need :D
Hope things work out <3 xoxo

Hey I brought up the topic of gays and he says he hates them. Should i just let him find out on his own?:/

Well, I guess so /: It's really hard for some people to adjust if you tell them straight up. And it's more than possible that after he realized you aren't straight, his opinion of gays & such will change. Just give it time. Tell other people before you tell him.

Do you have posters on your wall?

yes i dooo.
and one of my walls is completely filled with drawings/stickers/cards/etc

Hey! Thanks for liking a couple of my videos today. It always means a lot for you to notice me (: I went on a date last night c: Omg it was really nice. We went to the movies and saw the new hunger games. I don't know why I'm telling you this cx sorry sorry I'll go. Have a great night!

Shane Nuckols
awh, good luck to you & her! And anytime, man. Keep it up!

Wtf was that period blood smell question about?? That's just nasty man. who eva tf that was....yo nasty brah.....who would even want to smell?

tell me bout it ayeee

What's it like to lose your virginity? ;-; I'm really scared.

It is what it is, man.
Definitely don't give it away to someone you don't love. And don't do it under pressure. Make sure both of you are ready & definitely in love! It'll be a good experience if both of those apply <3

How does every female masturbate? There are multiple ways.

Well true, but there's only so many options, really.
But I mean, I don't see why the details matter. lol


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