
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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Could you be dominant to someone if you friendzone them & they want to be used by you?

Well sure if i thought they were hot and liked them as a person.

are you more dominant or submissive?(i mean in general and with your relationship if ur wondering)

Submissive (-:

How do I get confident?

choose to be.
choose to see every single good thing about yourself.
see what you now think as 'bad' as simply 'different'. we're all different and we're meant to be, but that doesn't make certain things about us 'bad' or 'mistakes'. it's all about your outlook.

Today I looked in the mirror and I seen every thing I hated about myself which is everything about me and I began to cry and I cried and cried for 3 fucking hours and I felt so alone and I still do but not for long. Soon I'll get the courage to end it all, it will be simple and no one will care ily

Honestly, i've done that. too many times. but you can choose to see all those bad things as good. we all have things that make us different, and that's how it's suppose to be. i care about you, immensely. please don't hurt yourself. i love you.
Liked by: Bradley Johnson

Madeline I hate myself and I want to die and I mean that from the bottom of my small shriveled up heart that's been broken so many times it no long wants to work and I'm torn I just want to cut and cry and never speak to anyone ever again

why do you hate yourself?
keep in mind we all go through rough patches and things do get better.
Liked by: Bradley Johnson

(Part 3) other guy can make me feel alive again, but because of my ex I can't. I've gone back to not eating, and the other guy is the only one who can make me eat. What do I do?

you should definitely stay away from that first guy. he sounds like scum. just stay close to the people who matter to you. if he threatens you, he's stupid and you should just report him. go with this guy that makes you happy. it'll be worth it. don't hide
Liked by: Bradley Johnson

(Part 2) will spread false rumours about me to make everybody go against me, and make my rape-case look like a lie to everybody. (I have no evidence) I would block him everywhere, but he knows how to hack accounts. I really have to get out of here, I've felt so miserable for so long but I know the


(Part 1) I really dunno what to do. Me and my ex are on really bad terms, I'm in love with another person but he refuses to let me go just like that. Even though he's the one who's been treating me like shit for the past months, he's forcing me to wait until he's over me, and if I don't obey him he


how do i tell my mom i self harm?

it's so bold of you to want to, and that is truly a step to getting better.
you have to just kind of ease into it.
get her to the side. promise her you're trying to get better and tell her you're trusting her with this because you want help
Liked by: Bradley Johnson

i don't get why people only pray when they need something. I hate it. Is like if someone came to you only to ask money or something else and then stop talking to you until they need something else. I hate it so much!!!! sorry, I'm kind of upset and I needed to let this out, sorry.

i can understand,
but some people just don't pray, for example if they're an atheist, they wouldn't, but if they thought they were going to die or their family was in danger, they might pray JUST in case. i'm guilty of that as well

Discribe Tesia!

please smell describe right.
good as hell at makeup
tattoOS YAY
laughs a lot

When will you broadcast on younow :(

when my laptop gets fixed /: it's been broken for over a year. i've been procrastinating about getting it fixed because i might have to wipe the whole thing x:

i know you're not that tall but in pics you always give that impression and i was wondering what is your secret? do you take photos in a certain angle? how do you do it D:

well i'm 5'5", so that could be tall to you or not.
i just want to be taller.
but no, i don't use specific angles, i just have really long legs & arms :b

That moment when you felt the need to fap for days so bad but you can't because your little sister just won't leave the house.

Lol learn to be sneaky, son
Liked by: Andy


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