
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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You're far from perfect babe. You're just so narcissistic you can't tell. THERES A HUGE DIFFERENCE IN LOVING YOURSELF AND BEING OBSESSED. I don't understand why you think you're so perfect tbh lol

Nah i just tell all the people trying to fuck with me that im perfect.
because im sharing that my opinion of myself is more relevant than theirs.
i think im perfect cause i am. im queen. byyyeeeee.

I've noticed you've gained weight in the past year.. Are you and Evan trying for a baby :3 that'd be cute!

Lol look at you trying to insult me.
HAHAHAHA. you arent clever. at all.
ive stayed the same weight for the past year LOL.
piss off. im perfect <3

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Seriously: FUCK OFF if you're gonna harass her about Taylor. It's none if your business, it doesn't concern you, and if you're gonna be a hateful anon about it why even bother trying to make their days worse? If their friends: good, if their not: okay. It's just none of you're business to harass her

thank you, friend (-:
I think those/that is the same people/person that has told me i'm ugly & to kill myself on here also (which those questions got deleted i guess).
people are so petty and nosy.
it's really damn ridiculous. like none of the anons had ANY idea what happened, if anything. jeeeeeeeesus.
Liked by: mia lenae

just curious, my bf wants to try anal and I'm not sure if I should or not but I'm sorry if I crossed the line maybe should have asked it in a better way

It's fine, haha. There are just a lot of creepers out there.
Only do it if you're SURE you want to. It'll hurt. and you may or may not like it. i don't know that part!
make sure you have lube though!
Liked by: Askingacikmalicky

this is kindof a weird question, but im honestly curious and way to embarrassed to ask my mom. like when a girl has sex, and the guy puts his dick in, does it feel a bit like putting a tampon in? or is it enjoyable because it sounds like it would be uncomfterble :s

Well, the first time will obviously be uncomfortable, but after that it is fine!
It's a lot different than putting a tampon in haha
Liked by: Askingacikmalicky


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