
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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Can I see your scars?

Please no negative comments...
The first set of pictures is before, the second is after, including the scars on my wrist. The collage kind of makes them hard to see, but...
The first set of pictures was one of the last times I ever self-harmed.
I am today 267 days clean and counting.
Yes, I went from horribly mutilating my body to not even thinking about harming it hardly ever.
Have I considered relapsing? Yes, several times. But I chose not to. I chose to be strong, for my family, for my friends, for you guys, and for myself.
I just want to you to know, no matter how bad your self-harm is, or how long you've done it, recovery is possible. I self-harmed for five years, and look at me now.
It totally controlled my life. I had to struggle to hide my cuts all the time and I let a fucking razor control me. I was just its puppet. I carried it with me everywhere, turned to it for everything. And it was a mistake. I only realized it was a mistake after five years, but I don't want you guys to have to wait that long to realize it.
I've been there, and I've recovered.
If you are there, you can recover.
My scars aren't the worst, and I'm thankful for that, but my self-harm did get bad..
I realized that and I told myself it couldn't continue.
Only a month after this photo, I stopped self-harming. October 31, 2013 is the day I decided to save my life.
I want you guys to have a date too, a date you saved and changed your life for the better.
Stay strong. You can. I promise you can. I did.
And please, don't think I did this for any reason other than because I want to help you guys. I want to show you, you can go from the first set of pictures to the second. I'm shaking as I'm writing this. It makes me cry to see anyone with cuts. I wish everyone could recover.. Please, guys, stay strong. I really promise you can. Come to me any time you need help. I love you guys...

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I do not mean this in a rude way at all, I'm just curious, what's pantheist?

Youre fine!
It's a lot to type out, so here

u kno dat person below me that talked bout person of theirs that self harm..wah would be the benefit to their friend quitting?

-You're happier once you quit.
-The people that care about you are happier.
-You dont have to worry about hiding your cuts.
-You wont have to worry about being seriously hurt by that.
-You dont have a crippling addiction.
-You wont have to worry about more scars.
-It's a step to getting over depression (if you have it).
-Many other things.

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hey mads i just wanted to say that my mom had drinking issues as well, and lemme tell you I felt so alone, unwanted, like it was my fault she was that way. I didn't even know that person when she drank but I do know that it gets better and that everything will be okay and im here 4 you <3 ilysm

i guess you saw my snapchat...
but thanks a lot. I know a lot of other people have to deal with it, and it's honestly fucked up.
I appreciate the support, and I know I won't be here forever.
ilyvm <3

sooooooo I sent you nudes a while back andddddd I never got any in return...

were you a girl.

you don't have to help and maybe you won't know but if you do please tell me.. it'd mean the world if you could atleast try to help me out to know what to do..(btw loving your hair<3 you're beautiful)

(thank you!)
Well, I've had quite a few of my friends self-harm too, and it's definitely a tough thing to go through. What I do is try to offer them alternatives, tell them to come to me when they feel like doing that so I can talk them through whatever is bothering them/offer them guidance. I try to be very supportive and kind whenever I can be. And I make them realize their value, show them how important they are, and tell them the benefits to quitting self-harm.

I need advice on how to help my friend.. he cuts and i don't know him in person but i rly wanna help..and it's hard for him to talk about sometimes but he's showed me and such.. and im not the type to judge but i want to know what i can do to help..(willcontinueinnewthingy)


Do you have social anxiety? Also do you have any tips on how to be confident? Idk ..It has just been taking over my life lately.Thanks for the help in advance Madeline! :) You're are amazing!Stay golden.

I use to.
And I realized, 'illnesses' like that are a matter of will and strength, honestly.
I use to have panic attacks a lot, I couldn't handle asking questions or talking to people, I didn't want to go to things with anyone, I just had this unreasonable fear.
So I changed it. I talked to more people, made myself be more friendly, hung out with more people, and got use to getting looked at by strangers or having to talk to people I didn't know. I got over it. By myself.
Being confident is really so easy. it's a matter of perspective, that YOU control. Either, you can focus on the bad in yourself, or focus on the good. I choose the latter. I love myself now, whereas I use to hate myself. I looked for the good in myself, and then I saw it. I truly saw it. It was a beautiful moment.
Thank you very much.
I use to have stay golden in my bio (;

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Liked by: ciarra

How did you convince your parents to let you get a sidecut?

My parents dont care what i do to my hair haha

Why do the shirt prices vary so much?

Because there are not only band shirts, but also shirts from various brands.
And there are tank tops, graphic tees, and sometimes long-sleeve shirts for sale!

what about onision?

I don't really like or dislike him.
I think he makes some really valid points in his videos about self-harm/depression and stuff, though

How did you grow your hair so long? I've been wanting to grow my hair out forever but it just like.. Doesn't grow d: do you have any tips, or does it just grow fast? c:

I actually dont have any tips cause my hair grows pretty slow D:
Ive just been growing it out for a while.
i dont dye it anymore (besides the blonde streak) & ive only applied heat to it like twice all summer.
im probs gonna buy mane n tail shampoo/conditioner cause i heard it helps.

How much do shirts cost at warped tour? (Btw I saw your warped tour survival guide video)

Thanks for watching :D
uhmm $20-$40 i believe.
Liked by: Eth


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