
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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Why the hell does everyone on here ask about virginity. It's either "are you a Virgin?" Or "when did you have sex?" Like fucking hell get out of her business she's old enough, she's a woman and she can do what she pleases. Have a great night Madeline.

Thanks friend :* i dont think it really matters. Some nosy people, man :b either way, its not like sex is a bad thing.

Please get your eyebrows done -a concerned friend

I took ten minutes out of my day earlier to tweeze them just for you, anon! Lol. In reality, im too lazy to keep up with it. I dont care about eyebrows lol
Liked by: Rilee

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What is missing in your life that would make you very happy?

That's it, though.
I live a fairly happy life.

what do you think of your group of friends you have like who all do you talk to on a daily basis?

Wait, is the question what do I think of them?
Or who they are?
Well, I consider my group of friends to be much more than just the people I talk to every day. I'll list them, for ya. Evan, Taylor, Jessica Younker, Mariah Kessinger, Amity Lain, Bridget Lafferty, Cristina Mauk, Blake Whitehouse, Sebastian Haynes, Corrie (forgot her last name lol), Noah Fisher, Austin Collins, Jessie Persinger, Jacquelyn Wilson, Cody Elliot, Chelsea Owen, Whitney Winstead, Ally Church, Debra Niswonger, Celina Rittel, Adam Chapman, Adam Hilinski, Zack Dawson, Jacob (don't know his last name lol), & Matt Sabelhaus.(sorry if i forgot anyone!)
Some of those people I rarely talk to, but still consider great friends because of how close we were in the past. Some people I want to become even closer with, & others are the people i talk to every day.
I think they're all really kind & such individuals. And every one of them has made some impact on my life.
I like to think of a lot more people as my friends, but those are the prominent ones, off the top of my head.

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Liked by: Jessie Jolteon

What smell brings you back to a childhood?

Do you mean back to a childhood memory or back to childhood?
Blackberries. -Grandma's old house.
Cloves. - Grandpa
Fresh cookies. -My old house before my family split & it burned down.

What's one thing you hate sharing?

Sharing is caring. xoxoxo.
Unless it's Evan. Obvi.
I'm super protective & possessive. But he's great, so I should be. <3
Any girl would be beyond lucky to have him.

Do you trust people easily?

I'm an open book, more or less.
So I guess so. I do tend to keep a few things to myself until I've known the person for a while, though.

I'm 15 and haven't had sex yet and all my friends have and It makes me feel like a looser and sad because I know no one will ever want to do it with someone as ugly as me. Sorry if this sounds really dumb and clique

It's your own personal decision on whether you do that or not.
And it's potentially better that you're waiting.
Definitely don't do it out of pressure; wait until you've found the right person.
You're not ugly or dumb or a loser (:
Liked by: Rilee

Would i look better in pictures with a good quality camera?

Not neccesarily. The pictures themself just look nicer, making other people like them more.

What’s the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to you?

I can't pick just one thing. Since we met, Evan has said a multitude of endlessly sweet things to me that have motivated and uplifted me so very much. Constantly reminding me of how beautiful, and strong, and smart I was. How he looked up to me, and how I was kind. And I would just re-type a message he's sent me, but there are so many. <3
Liked by: Boob

I like two girls but they're completely different from each other. One i have the most serious conversations with and i can be myself and tell her anything. But the other isn't as serious, we're silly and play around all the time. Both of them live maybe 20-30m away but i feel bad having to choose:(

Then dont choose either. Stay single.


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