
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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what annoys you the most

Jamila Garrett
when people post about nothing but depression, low self-confidence, hate, etc.
Be happy, and live your life! Don't worry about the bad things and the little things that hurt. Stand tall and be happy! And don't live your life worrying about seeking attention because of your sad posts. Being happy is so much better.

im lol'ing so hard about the ppl who dont like your eyebrows. everything about you is perfect, especially your eyebrows <3 ily bb and fuck all those douche canoes c:

thanks dog.
I know.
Like wtf, no one cares about eyebrows anyway xD
Someone has too much free time i guess.
Liked by: Lexii Oreo

i can't trust teachers, and i lost all my friends, my dad says suicide is stupid, i have no one to talk to, please help, I CANT TAKE IT MUCH LONGER, i have no one to talk to

well, i know a lot of teachers seem like dicks, but honestly, a lot of them do care and would be willing to spend time helping a student. Plus, how about school counselors? And you could talk to any of your other family.
What exactly is bothering you that you need to talk about?
Honestly, keeping a journal helps, or writing lyrics, or singing/playing an instrument, or some video game. All those things release stress.
Liked by: Jamila Garrett

Madeline, i came here cuz i dont know anyone else to talk to. I'm feeling awful. It's been like a week since I felt this way but now I'm really feeling terrible. The voices in my head tell me that i'm fat, ugly, & no one will ever like me. I'm trying not to cut. Please help me. I cant talk to anyone

Well, you're stronger than those voices in your head. A lot of people get self-conscious a lot, but it's totally natural. Is that the only reason you feel awful, or have other things happened? I know for a fact you have family and friends that care about you. I think you're lovely.
And if it would make you feel healthier/better about yourself, exercise, eat right, fix your hair, just little things that'll tell the voice in your head that you're perfectly fine! Having low self-esteem is never a reason to cut. Write down all your feelings. Scribble. Scream into a pillow. Don't be afraid to cry. Exercise. Try as many alternatives as you can before cutting.


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