
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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pap of when you first cut your side cut? did you do it yourself ir get it prodfessionally done , and what motivated you to do it?

it was professionally done, and i was just very bored with my hair at the time.

Like when she shouts at me because I'm socially awkward, she hits me really hard as a joke but it hurts All my other friends are telling me to back away from her.. Why can't I?

we like our friends and we find comfort in them. that is natural. decide if she's worth being friends with, don't let your other friends decide for you.
Liked by: mia lenae

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With feeling so ashamed and scared, she had weed and I told the school( as I was worrying) now she's been excluded for a week and I'm scared as fuck of when she comes back as she don't know who told. She's cheating on her boyfriend who is like my best friend and I can't tell him.. She just scares me

yeah, you really shouldn't have told the school your friend had weed. I doubt that's going to benefit her any. I would never do that to my friend tbh.
cheating's fucked though, you should tell him before it gets worse.
Liked by: mia lenae

I have one main friend and I'm scared of her... I shouldn't be.. She does weed and bosses me about a lot, she also had ADHD and shouts at me which makes me scared sometimes ( I know it can be uncontrollable) I really don't know what to do anymore, I obviously want to be her friend but I can't deal

adhd doesnt make you shout at people, and her doing weed doesnt affect you.
if you don't like her being bossy, tell her or stand up for yourself

#LoveWins so now gay marriage is legal in all 50 states? if so that's AWESOME i'm not gay but, glad that we are progressing as a nation

Technically, there just arent allowed to be any bans on it, but it is indeed a wonderful thing.

if someone is 18-24 and their family is completely not understanding of who they are, what they're capable of and their choices in life. should that person cut them out or not talk to them as much? i'm 18 and i have that with my family a lot. wondering which path i should take in college

I mean theres no need to cut your family out, just do what you want in life, because youre legally able

my friends won't respond to my social media messages. like, in real life we all cool and shit and talk about how we gotta get other but, i send them messages and they never respond to em like, days after. i know they busy and stuff but, it aggravates me how they almost ignore me but if i lost either

Social media is a shitty way of communicating anyway.
Just call them.

you're almost like a fucking prophet you seem so wise :) the way you are i can just FEEL that you are so smart, wonderful and kind and i hate the fact that i don't know you in real life

You are such a sweet soul!

I really really love the moon shirt in your selfie where did you get it? Btw you are such a beautiful person inside and out!!

Goodwill! It's actually a bodysuit :3

i love you Madeline :D people like you, me and Taylor and any other persons outcasted by mainstream society are forever united! fuck the system! if ppl ever criticize your life or decisions tell em to go fuck emselves!

i dont really consider me or taylor outcasts...
but thanks anyway!

how do i deal with life? all i want to do anymore is run/hide) i know i'm destined for greatness(please don't think i'm an egotistical fuck) but, idk. i don't want to be a generic recipe from the cookbook like all the rest of society i WANT TO BE FUCKING DIFFERENT i want to have a solid impact(prt3)

i think i answered these in the wrong order, but go be different man! believe in yourself like i do~

how do i deal with life? all i want to do anymore is run/hide) basically, that's what's bothering me is just wondering about the future and the fear and worry that it may no work how i want to, how i wish my past/present were different as well. sorry for it being long but, wanted to give u good info

yo man, we all have those fears. i have similar aspirations, but since i live in such a small area, i know being a successful vocalist wouldn't work out that well around here, so i'm majoring in rtv as a main/starting career. fearing for the future is okay and natural, dont feel bad about it. but if you really want to get into music, put your mind to it and get to it! as long as you are truly determined, you can go far! good luck with all xoxo

how do i deal with life? all i want to do anymore is run/hide) and hurting cuz i've been there and almost killed myself a few times and i wanna' help people and i can do that with my music and what-not but yet, i feel like life is goin' nowhere and like it all may fail. (part 6)



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