
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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thanks for the advice and sorry. but that is what people call me. I'm mean I'm happy and I try to be like nice and stuff but people are so cruel. but I try not to respond to the rudeness and stuff. but thanks it helps a lot!

syd the squidgy !
just dont try to conform to one style and like live by it and dont say youre scene because a lot of people will be rude.
however you wanna dress is fine. people will label you if you label you. be open minded about everything. ignore rudeness, be kind to whoever you can. yepppp

Umm hey so imm in eight grade but I'm like to smart in Spanish so I have to do my class with 11th and 12 graders...how should i act or can you give me any advice about Anthony plz

well dont act any different. just be kind and show them you can be as mature as them, and itll be fine.

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okay. so I'm kinda like scene and stuff but not like putting tags on people and stuff. but like I wanna be me and I try and I am pretty good at it but I'm kinda shy do you have any advice to help me come out of my shell and help me be me. more than I already am?

syd the squidgy !
dont call yourself scene lol :b
just be kind to everyone, people will respond better, & talking gets easier. make more of an effort to smile and wave at people, or help someone. it's easy once you try, i promise.

thanks so much be us e everyone says that it is worse and that no one will talk to us and everything. and I was just wondering if you have any advice because you're almost done and yeah thanks so much! and upload soon pleaseeee

syd the squidgy !
just socialize, be friendly, & branch out!
kill em with kindness! (:
& i'm doing a best friend tag soonnn

so I'm going to be starting high school next year (yay at the bottom of the food chain again !) do you have any advice for me?

syd the squidgy !
honestly, it's better than middle school. dont be afraid to socialize! upperclassment arent really that bad either. branch out. keep up with homework; theres a lot more.
its not too different and its better!
Liked by: Pizza

I agree with what that anon below was saying, that's kind of the point I was making before (you know what I'm referring to). But I admire you for staying true regardless. You're a great person.

yeah, i know.
thank you

(c) them feel loved. Which, of course, there is nothing wrong with that. I just see it as somewhat offensive. It is very serious and people throw it around so lightly. I'm not trying to undermine what you do (because believe me, I respect you), I'm just simply voicing something that bothers me.

i get that it upsets you, but do you realize i cant stop it?
i just try to help prevent people from taking their life or getting to the point where they feel it's necessary.
Liked by: Alexandra~

I totally agree with you, and I'm not saying that all suicidal individuals hide their thoughts, but my main point here is that SOME of these anonymous people are using suicide as a cry for help, with no intention of carrying out any plans. So "saving their life" can simply translate to making (c)

i'll answer on the next part
Liked by: Alexandra~

Which is mainly because 99% of the people saying these things are doing it solely to get told how much they are wanted. Very few who actually plan on going through with it. I just don't like crying suicide as a form of asking for help, especially because I've lost so many people to it.

The thing is though, I've saved eight lives. And I've been told anonymously in just a simple sentence more often than not.
And I just wonder if they were someone who said they were going to previously. And also, not ALL suicidal individuals hide their thoughts. These people are anonymous. That kinda says something. I know its always a possibility they aren't serious and just want to be cared for, but I want to give them that care. But i know and understand how it could upset you. I just don't like taking chances.
Liked by: Alexandra~

I understand what you're trying to do here, helping people and all (I think it is very admirable), but what bothers me about this page is all of the "bye i'm killing myself" asks I've seen. These cries for attention can come off as offensive to people who've faced legitimate suicides, you know?

Yes. I know. Believe me.
I just want everyone to know I care either way.

i dont wanna be talked out of it i just wanna say fucking goodbye..no one loves me anymore im ugly as fuck i get bullied every damn day of my life..my parents hate me im just done...my body is all cut up i cant anymore :'( no one fucking cares...no one ever will i wanna say goodbye i wanna end it

I wouldn't be saying all of this if i didn't care. i do. i will take the time out of my busy say to personally tell you exactly why you deserve life.
it deleted this question/answer a second ago. i dont know why.
Liked by: Alexandra~

so um im killing myself tonite...i wanted u too know cause youre a true insperation to me and so is taylor...so bye

if im truly an inspiration to you, then listen to me.
you have SO many reasons to live.
we all have our dark days, but you will have your sunrise, i promise.
live for family, friends, pets, hobbies, all things beautiful, graduating, getting married, & everything youd miss.
it gets better i swear. do you want me to talk you out of it? i'll call you. i'll leave my number.

you can change that number to 8

thank you for letting me help you keep your life <3 you are so precious and unique. never forget it.
i love you.

okay I'm not saying I am going to do that but I'll consider it m nervous cause my parents and I arent that close

and maybe that experience would help you guys get closer

I would do that but it just feels as if they wouldn't believe me cause its my older and younger sister and I'm the middle child with my twin and the oldest and youngest always get treated the best so honestly I think they'd think I'm the one trying to get attention

youd be surprised.
take a chance.
just go up to one of them in private & say, 'hey ive been really sad lately because...
& i feel like you guys dont notice because...'

hi babe! so like my sisters are going through this stage where they cut&do drugs& just cry about everything& my parents are paying attention to them only since they show their pain& I'm hurting just as much as them but I dont show it& i just hate how I get no attention cause I dont show my pain

see your sisters have just reached this level of desperateness. the fact that they have to act out is just a cry for help. OR theyre not really hurting and just want attention.
either way, just take your parents to the side and tell them whats bothering you


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