
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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How did u get out of ur depression?

Determination, self-discipline, hard work, and support from my friends and family.
I told myself that I could get better. I told myself that I was worth it, that I was beautiful, that I did have things to be happy about. I simply changed my perspective, and my home life changed for the better in a few ways.

What caused you to turn to self harm?

Honestly, in sixth grade, I experimented with it solely because one of my best friends did, and because i was going through that pre-teen phase of trying to find who i was, and people disliking it.
Two years later, it got really serious because my mom & ex step dad got a divorce, and it caused a chain reaction of awful things that completely tore me apart and threw me in a deep depression for four years.
Liked by: a1_allstar

what are your thoughts on me? c:

You're a chill bro. Thanks for being there, and entertaining me. Ya prettyyy tooo

opinion on double dates with evans friends?

Only a few of his friends have gilfriends.. but the ones that do are cool, so i'd be totally down for that.
Liked by: lilyyyy

opinion of selfharm

Well, I think I have about the same opinion of it as everyone else does. I struggled with it for 5 years, and I've been clean for 12 days, and I plan to stay that way. It's ridiculously addictive, more than anything, in my opinion. Because people are kinda naturally addicted to pain, emotionally & physically. And in this generation, with tumblr and stuff, more people are kinda encouraged to try it. It's glamorized, which is fucked up. It's not something you want to start, cause most people get hooked really fast.
It irritates the shit out of me when there are those certain people who do it solely for attention. I will admit, i posted a picture of my cuts once over a year ago, and it was really retarded of me. But there are those people, who do it right on their wrists, don't attempt to cover it, then tell people about it. You people need to grow the fuck up. It's a horrible thing that's being deemed as normal and okay, more recently, and that's fucked up too. Self-harm isn't a joke, it isn't cute, and it shouldn't be for attention. It helps distract you from that initial pain of being upset or mad about something, or it's a way to self-punish, or you're just simply addicted, and you convince yourself you feel better when you do it.
In any case, it's not worth starting. Don't be pressured into it. It doesn't solve anything.
If any of you are self-harming, or consider it, send me a question/statement right now, and I'll help you with whatever you're going through. Stay strong! xoxo

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You said any opinion question could be asked, so do you think you or taylor is prettier. who do you think is nicer. and who do you think can sing better.

awh snap.
awko taco.
Well, honesty is honesty. I think Taylor & I are matched, looks-wise. I think I'm a bit nicer. And I think she has more natural talent when it comes to singing.
Liked by: lilyyyy

opinions on ptv

hate em, hate em, hate em.
Vic can take his pre-pubescent sounding whiny voice elsewhere.
The musicians are average.
Not a fan.
Liked by: lilyyyy


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