
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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I think I have a moderate case of BDD and every time I bring it up to my mom she says that I look fine and I don't need to worry. So does everyone else; I feel they pity me because I look the way I feel I do (ugly). I'm afraid to ask my therapist, bc I don't think anyone gets it. What should I do?

not to try to belittle you or doubt you, but every teenager dislikes their appearence at one time or another. i use to call myself ugly and think everyone thought i was ugly and i wore makeup every single day and straightened my hair every single day because i thought i wouldn't have any friends otherwise. but i didn't have bdd. teenage girls especially go through confidence issues, but i really doubt it's more than that. you're definitely not alone.
if you want to ask your therapist, go for it. they'd have an idea.

Does Evan have a band? I saw in your Christmas vlog video I think was a guitar he was holding. Just curious

no, although he wants to be in one haha.
he just plays guitar avidly.

Are you/Evan the only couple in your area who are into ddlg/bdsm or are there others?

i don't know.
i don't just ask people haha.
people aren't really open about that stuff usually.
but i do know there are a lot of meet-ups in the bigger town next to mine.

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Isn't attack attack's video for stick slickly pretty ridiculous with the crab-core?

i dont listen to attack attack because it makes me vomit

When did you start wearing the collar?

i only got this one a few weeks ago.
i had one before, like six month ago, but neil was a fuck and wouldn't let me wear it.

Sorry if the questions about your collar annoy you but do you ever take it off once in a while?

Only if i shower

how can I stop being depressed tried listening to music but meh I go outside it worked a little how didu overcome ur depression /selfharmed xc because alot been goin on and Im tried of life I hate myself tbh xc

I chose to. I worked at it. i tried new things. i got out of my comfort zone. i was determined not to relapse and i was strong. i kept myself busy and did things that made me happy. i kept people around who made me laugh and smile and kicked out negativity.

Is it possible to be a sub or little in bdsm if you still are a free spirit? I'm quite into it however, I still am an independent free spirit and don't like structure. I also don't feel like I would not want to be ordered around but, at the same time I find it sexy. Do you think it's possible?

Absolutely! (:
I am the free-est of spirits and still a sub. i wander and speak my mind and be myself and bend to no norms or rules EXCEPT for the few set for me, which hinders me & my free spiritedness none.
and it is hot. just try it out, set your limits. it doesnt cut out or limit who you are or your personality. sometimes it actually enhances it.
Liked by: Maria

What is the significance of the collar you always wear??

It's a sign of being collared/owned. in a very loyal, commited relationship.
Liked by: Maria

u look like sam from icarly and sound like her to



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