
neko girl

Ask @MadelineMacabre

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the one in your pic on this..it's the same one that's in your recent brownie vid

I ordered it from Haus of Elle on etsy

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I smoked weed for the first time yesterday and took 2 joints. I never felt anything, and today I tried it again and still didn't get high or anything. Do you have any tips?

You wont really feel it the first few times :b totally normal.
Sometimes you might think youre inhaling, but youre not

I don't even think 7DS is a channel anymore because I can't even find it, honestly it got shitty after your and Taylor left

Yeah when we stopped uploading regularly, things seemed to go downhill
Liked by: Trinity Ayyee

So my dad said to me the other day when I was wearing short sleeves that my scars are "embarrassing" and that I should cover them up. I was just feeling confident enough to wear short sleeves in public. I feel insecure about it again. anyways, just wanted to tell someone in anon..

My dads done the same, he called me retarded too.
It sucks but fuck him man, youre worth more than his bullshit.
Be proud and confident

Are you a person who likes to be very blunt and straight-forward with what they say?

Thats what im known for!

Help! :/ I wanna know how to stop social anxiety. I can never say what i'm thinking or anything. It's hard to make conversation and I hate that I choke up when I wanna say something. I'm always scared to talk to people. I get so anxious to say hi or even bye! I'm a fun person but they don't know..

Yo ive had some anxiety before too, but i promise you can control it little by little over time!
You just have to get past that first hurtle of saying hi a few times, maybe just waving. Baby steps. Go out with some friends, have them introduce you to people. It gets better

Lol at this one chick I heard arguing with her BF in public about how she's given him so many choices and how he doesn't listen to what she has to say. If that's true girl leave why bring private matters to strangers ears?

Like your relationship is suppose to be your own business

when are you gonna get a new phone? and which one is it gonna be? :o

Probs not for a long time, no idea man

Your nails are so gorgeous!! How long did it take to grow them to their current length, and do you have any tips for growing them/avoiding breaks? :)

Months! Haha.
I took biotin for a while but thats about it o:

Madeline, thanks for convincing me to not cut. Even though life can be quite fuckin shitty there are ppl like you to make it better! Even though I have these issues with myself maybe 6 years from now I'll be a happy AF person

Just keep trying! There are always alternatives, and you can always have a positive outlook on things!
You can be happy sooner than you think if you really try hard!

Into any symphonic or black metal at all?

I think i could get into it if i invested some time in it, but i dont have a working computer rn /:

Being an asshole to people who ask you about hiding cuts and telling you they have the urge to cut isn't going to make people want to come to you about "helping" them.

Im not an asshole lol.
If you dont cut, you dont have to worry about hiding it, and thats the plain truth.
Dont be butthurt


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